Ludwig Bengtsson Sonesson,
Alexandra Nikoleris,
Johannes Stripple,
Paul Tenngart (red.)
AnthropoScenes. A climate fiction competition
| 44 s.
ISBN: 978-91-7895-426-1, 978-91-7895-427-8
Climaginaries is a three-year research project initiated in September 2018, financed through the Swedish research council FORMAS. The overarching aim of Climaginaries is to advance the understanding of imaginaries as means through which to catalyse the forms of political, economic, and social responses required for transitioning to a post-fossil society. We want to understand better what climate imaginaries are, how they come into being, how they are being used and in what ways they might help the transformation towards a more sustainable future. We therefore also aim to enable new ways of telling stories of how climate change is experienced, lived with and how we might reach a post-fossil world. More information can be found at: