Här kan du hitta böcker inom mediehistoria som publicerats av universitetet, men som inte hör till någon av serierna.
Order in Ruins
Allan Burnett | Order in Ruins. British Society and the Media Assemblage of The World at War c. 1970-1975 | Övriga – mediehistoria | 2024
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Effects of online advertising on children's visual attention and task performance during free and goal-directed internet use
Nils Holmberg | Effects of online advertising on children's visual attention and task performance during free and goal-directed internet use. A media psychology approach to children's website interaction and advert distraction | Övriga – mediehistoria | 2016
Eye-tracking gives us a rare opportunity to look at the world through someone else’s eyes. In this dissertation we are looking at online advertising through the eyes of children aged 9 and 12 years. These children are surfing the world wide web to gather information, to play games, or ...
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Webbens vägar
Jan Hinderson | Webbens vägar. Om webbjournalistikens etablering och utveckling vid tre svenska regionala och lokala dagstidningar 1995-2013 | Övriga – mediehistoria | 2013
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Radical Online Video
Tina Askanius | Radical Online Video. YouTube, video activism and social movement media practices | Övriga – mediehistoria | 2012
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