
Här kan du hitta böcker inom filosofi och religion som publicerats av universitetet, men som inte hör till någon av serierna. Båda avhandlingar och andra böcker finns här. Listan är fullständig från år 2010 och framåt.

Äldre böcker finns med framför allt när vi har exemplar till försäljning. Förutom universitetsutgivna titlar finns här också böcker som tidigare getts ut av förlag, men som nu försäljs av oss.

The neurocognitive basis of confabulatory introspection

The neurocognitive basis of confabulatory introspection

Gabriel Vogel | The neurocognitive basis of confabulatory introspection. Choice blindness and the brain | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2024

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Constructing Saint Birgitta

Erik Bergman | Constructing Saint Birgitta. Birgittine Preaching and the Cult of Saint Birgitta in Vadstena Abbey, 1397–c. 1510 | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2024

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Minimal Optimism

Minimal Optimism

Anton Emilsson | Minimal Optimism. Reading P. F. Strawson on Responsibility | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2024

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A Beautiful Failure

Joel Kuhlin | A Beautiful Failure. The Event of Death and Rhetorical Disorder in the Gospel according to Mark | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2024

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On Responsibility and Punishment

Shervin MirzaeiGhazi | On Responsibility and Punishment | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2024

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Living in the Borderland

Jonathan Morgan | Living in the Borderland. Young Migrant Converts in the Church of Sweden | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2024

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The Potential of Linguistic Theories in the Study of Aspect and Tense in Ancient Greek, With Particular Attention to New Testament Greek

The Potential of Linguistic Theories in the Study of Aspect and Tense in Ancient Greek, With Particular Attention to New Testament Greek

Jan H. Nylund | The Potential of Linguistic Theories in the Study of Aspect and Tense in Ancient Greek, With Particular Attention to New Testament Greek | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2024

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Teologisering i predikan

Teologisering i predikan

Clara Nystrand | Teologisering i predikan. Vad det är och hur det skedde i Svenska kyrkan år 2020 | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2024

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Cognitive epistemology

Cognitive epistemology

Andreas Stephens | Cognitive epistemology. Knowledge as a natural phenomenon | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2024

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Arts and Crafts Divine

Arts and Crafts Divine

Olivia Cejvan | Arts and Crafts Divine. Teaching and Learning Ritual Magic in Sodalitas Rosae Crucis | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2023

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The Memory of Meanings

The Memory of Meanings

Magdalena Dziaczkowska | The Memory of Meanings. The Images of Jewish-Catholic Relations in Interwar Lublin in Oral Histories | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2023

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Global politisk islam?

Global politisk islam?

Sameh Egyptson | Global politisk islam? Muslimska brödraskapet & Islamiska förbundet i Sverige | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2023

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"We Are In-Between".

"We Are In-Between".

Lotta Gammelin | "We Are In-Between". Health-seeking, Gender and Authority in a Charismatic Church in Mbeya, Tanzania. | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2023

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Aspects of Blame

Aspects of Blame

Marta Johansson Werkmäster | Aspects of Blame. In which the nature of blame, blameworthiness, standing to blame and proportional blame are discussed | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2023

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Affirming Catholicism

Helene T. Steed | Affirming Catholicism. The formative years of a liberal Anglo-Catholic organisation in the Church of England, circa 1985 to 2000 | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2023

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Responsibility and Ambivalence

Responsibility and Ambivalence

Alexander Velichkov | Responsibility and Ambivalence | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2023

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Keeping Religion in the Closet

Keeping Religion in the Closet

Ryszard Bobrowicz | Keeping Religion in the Closet. How Legible Religion Shapes Multi-Faith Spaces | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2022

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Vindicating Vengeance and Violence?

Vindicating Vengeance and Violence?

Elisabet Nord | Vindicating Vengeance and Violence? Exegetical Approaches to Imprecatory Psalms and their Relevance for Liturgy | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2022

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A Rhythm that Connects my Heart with God

A Rhythm that Connects my Heart with God

Martina Prosén | A Rhythm that Connects my Heart with God. Worship, Ritual and Pentecostal Spirituality as Theology | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2021

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Wild Enchantments in the Anthropocene

Wild Enchantments in the Anthropocene

Ive Brissman | Wild Enchantments in the Anthropocene. Exploring the Wild in Narratives, Practices and Place in Dark Green Spirituality | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2021

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Reasons, Blame, and Collective Harms

Reasons, Blame, and Collective Harms

Mattias Gunnemyr | Reasons, Blame, and Collective Harms | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2021

Do you have a climate-change-related reason to refrain from going for a leisure drive in a gas-guzzling car? And do you have a reason not to take a shortcut across a beautiful lawn in case the lawn will be ruined if enough people cross it? Questions like these are not easy to answer. ...

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Reading Romans, Constructing Paul(s)

Reading Romans, Constructing Paul(s)

Jennifer Nyström | Reading Romans, Constructing Paul(s). A Conversation between Messianic Jews in Jerusalem and Paul within Judaism Scholars | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2021

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Critique of Exaggeration

Critique of Exaggeration

Ervik Cejvan | Critique of Exaggeration. Thinking Beyond | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2020

Exaggeration is thinking. Thinking beyond takes us nowhere. There, beyond, however, is the point of dissolution. Nowhere to go. Still, I am here. From the nothingness of the void, we return to the emptiness of possibility – the potentiality of freedom – to reconsider that I am here. ...

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The Collective Archives of Mind

The Collective Archives of Mind

Gloria Mähringer | The Collective Archives of Mind. An Exploration of Reasons from Metaethics to Social Ontology | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2020

The central aim of this book is to explore what it is to be a reason – a consideration of normative weight for a reflective creature. When we understand the reasons supporting our decisions, we become more self-determined in our choices. When we become more self-determined, we usually ...

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As a Fire Beneath the Ashes

As a Fire Beneath the Ashes

Johan Nilsson | As a Fire Beneath the Ashes. The Quest for Chinese Wisdom within Occultism, 1850-1949. | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2020

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Det konstruktiva beroendet

Det konstruktiva beroendet

Lovisa Nyman | Det konstruktiva beroendet. Feministisk teologi i ett individualistiskt samhälle | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2020

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Beyond Belief

Beyond Belief

Carl-Johan Palmqvist | Beyond Belief. On the Nature and Rationality of Agnostic Religion | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2020

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Reasons and Normativity

Reasons and Normativity

Jakob Green Werkmäster | Reasons and Normativity | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2019

Normative reasons concern us all. We constantly make decisions, believe in various propositions, and feel certain emotions. Hopefully, we do, feel and believe what we ought to do, feel, and believe – but how does it all come together? Reasons and Normativity is a thesis that consists ...

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Negotiating Heresy

Negotiating Heresy

Katarina Pålsson | Negotiating Heresy. The Reception of Origen in Jerome's Eschatological Thought | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2019

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En annan Abraham

En annan Abraham

Anna Sjöberg | En annan Abraham. Tre undersökningar av den kristna historiens kris | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2019

Men en annan Abraham, [...] en som verkligen vill offra, men som inte kan tro att det är han som avses. [...] Han fruktar att han förvisso kommer att rida ut med sonen, men på vägen förvandlas till Don Quixote. En Abraham som kommer okallad! – Franz Kafka till Robert Klopstock, 1921 ...

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Do Satyrs Wear Sneakers?

Do Satyrs Wear Sneakers?

Tao Thykier Makeeff | Do Satyrs Wear Sneakers? Hellenic Polytheism and the Reception of Antiquity in Contemporary Greece – a study in serious play | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2019

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Between Values and the World

Between Values and the World

Andres Gabriel Garcia | Between Values and the World. Studies in second-order value theory | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2018

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The Church of Yimrhane Kristos

The Church of Yimrhane Kristos

Mengistu Gobezie Worku | The Church of Yimrhane Kristos. An Archaeological Investigation | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2018

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Perfection and Fiction

Perfection and Fiction

Frits Gåvertsson | Perfection and Fiction. A study in Iris Murdoch's Moral Philosophy | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2018

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Jesus the True Leader

Jesus the True Leader

Daniel Hjort | Jesus the True Leader. The Biographical Portrait of Jesus as Leader in the Gospel of Matthew | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2018

The purpose of the present study is to understand and clarify how Jesus is presented as a leader in the Gospel of Matthew. The usage of common leadership terms in reference to Jesus early in the story, the biographical genre of Matthew, and the consistently negative portrayal of other ...

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Early Christian Determinism

Early Christian Determinism

Paul Linjamaa | Early Christian Determinism. A Study of The Ethics of The Tripartite Tractate | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2018

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Attention and Learning through the Eyes of the Emotional Brain

Attention and Learning through the Eyes of the Emotional Brain

Manuel Oliva | Attention and Learning through the Eyes of the Emotional Brain | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2018

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Logical Dynamics and Dynamical Systems

Logical Dynamics and Dynamical Systems

Rasmus Kraemmer Rendsvig | Logical Dynamics and Dynamical Systems | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2018

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Cognitive and neural mechanisms of inflectional morphology processing

Cognitive and neural mechanisms of inflectional morphology processing

Andrea Schremm | Cognitive and neural mechanisms of inflectional morphology processing. Studies of native speakers and second language learners of Swedish | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2018

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How It All Relates

How It All Relates

Henrik Andersson | How It All Relates. Exploring the Space of Value Comparisons | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2017

This thesis explores whether the three standard value relations, “better than”, “worse than” and “equally as good”, exhaust the possibilities in which things can relate with respect to their value. Or more precisely, whether there are examples in which one of these relations is not ...

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"Jag kunde åtminstone berätta hur jag dödade henne..."

"Jag kunde åtminstone berätta hur jag dödade henne..."

Ulrica Fritzson | "Jag kunde åtminstone berätta hur jag dödade henne..." Om transformerande, rehumaniserande och försonande möjligheter för en skyldig människa, med utgångspunkt i Martin Bubers diskussioner kring existentiell skuld | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2017

Hur kan det vara så att ett antal förövare, dömda för bland annat mord, berättar om befriande och mänskliggörande erfarenheter då de mött sina brottsoffer och erkänt sin skuld inför dem? Kan det verkligen vara befriande att konfrontera sina egna destruktiva och omänskliga handlingar? ...

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Empirical data in the philosophy of mind: free will, higher-order thought, and misrepresentation

Empirical data in the philosophy of mind: free will, higher-order thought, and misrepresentation

Asger Kirkeby-Hinrup | Empirical data in the philosophy of mind: free will, higher-order thought, and misrepresentation | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2017

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Parthood, Identity, and Composition

Parthood, Identity, and Composition

Jeroen Smid | Parthood, Identity, and Composition. Studies of Mereology | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2017

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Transformed Readings

Transformed Readings

Martin Wessbrandt | Transformed Readings. Negotiations of Cult in Paul, Hebrews, and First Clement | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2017

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Walking on the Pages of the Word of God

Walking on the Pages of the Word of God

Aron Engberg | Walking on the Pages of the Word of God. Self, Land, and Text Among Evangelical Volunteers in Jerusalem | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2016

What does it mean to be “literally walking on the pages of the Word of God”? In what sort of religious imaginary does it even make sense to say that one is? Considering that this claim comes from an Evangelical Christian currently working as a volunteer in Jerusalem, it raises ...

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Divine Suspense

Divine Suspense

Andreas Engh Seland | Divine Suspense. On Kierkegaard's Frygt og Bæven and the Aesthetics of Suspense | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2016

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Prospects for Theology in Peacebuilding

Prospects for Theology in Peacebuilding

Sara Gehlin | Prospects for Theology in Peacebuilding. A Theological Analysis of the Just Peace Concept in the Textual Process towards an International Ecumenical Peace Declaration, World Council of Churches 2008-2011 | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2016

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Jesus for Zanzibar

Jesus for Zanzibar

Hans Olsson | Jesus for Zanzibar. Narratives of Pentecostal Belonging, Islam, and Nation | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2016

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Like a Garden of Flowers

Like a Garden of Flowers

David Willgren | Like a Garden of Flowers. A Study of the Formation of the 'Book' of Psalms | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2016

This is a study of the formation of the ‘Book’ of Psalms that attempts to provide answers to two fundamental questions: “how?” and “why?”. The first relates to the diachronic growth of the collection (how are these processes to be reconstructed, and on what grounds?), while the second ...

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Slips, Thoughts and Actions

Slips, Thoughts and Actions

Cathrine Victoria Felix | Slips, Thoughts and Actions | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2015

t is possible to disagree on nearly everything when it comes to human agency. Nonetheless, certain things are written in stone. One thinks. One acts. One makes mistakes. My focus in this dissertation is on these three simple facts and the relation between them. I am fascinated by the ...

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Norms in Social Interaction

Norms in Social Interaction

Patrizio Lo Presti | Norms in Social Interaction. Semantic, Epistemic, and Dynamic | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2015

This dissertation examines people’s understanding of and action according to norms. Two models are distinguished: a cognitive and a non-cognitive model. The cognitive model is characterized by requiring for people to understand norms and each other, and to act accordingly, that ...

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Truth, Grounding & Dependence

Truth, Grounding & Dependence

Robin Stenwall | Truth, Grounding & Dependence | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2015

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The Hammer and the Nail

The Hammer and the Nail

Henrik Thorén | The Hammer and the Nail. Interdisciplinarity and Problem Solving in Sustainability Science | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2015

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Virginity Recast

Virginity Recast

Thomas Arentzen | Virginity Recast. Romanos and the Mother of God | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2014

he Virgin Mary has always stood out in the Christian scenery, yet in ever-changing guises. This study explores the characterization of the Virgin in the poetic works of Romanos the Melodist (ca. 490–560), the great composer of the so-called kontakion. Written for liturgical use, these ...

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Value Grounded on Attitudes. Subjectivism in Value Theory

Value Grounded on Attitudes. Subjectivism in Value Theory

Fritz-Anton Fritzson | Value Grounded on Attitudes. Subjectivism in Value Theory | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2014

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The Rudder of the Church

The Rudder of the Church

David Heith-Stade | The Rudder of the Church. A Study of the Theory of Canon Law in the Pedalion | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2014

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Public Reading and Aural Intensity

Public Reading and Aural Intensity

Dan Nässelqvist | Public Reading and Aural Intensity. An Analysis of the Soundscape in John 1–4 | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2014

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Epistemic Risk

Epistemic Risk

Niklas Vareman | Epistemic Risk. Issues on the normative basis of risk analysis | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2014

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Autonomi - realitet eller ideal?

Autonomi - realitet eller ideal?

Ylva von Gerber | Autonomi - realitet eller ideal? | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2014

Autonomi – realitet eller ideal? behandlar begreppet autonomi inom trekontexter – den statsrättsliga, den kantianska och den samtida filosofiska.Genom att följa begreppet historiskt belyses de likheter, olikheter och deotydligheter som finns. Bland annat jämförs Kants språkbruk ...

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The Construction of a Sustainable Development in Times of Climate Change

The Construction of a Sustainable Development in Times of Climate Change

Eric Brandstedt | The Construction of a Sustainable Development in Times of Climate Change | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2013

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Stimulating the Brain

Stimulating the Brain

Veronica Johansson | Stimulating the Brain. Ethical Perspectives on Deep Brain Stimulation & Nano Scaled Brain Machine Interfaces | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2013

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Skola med fördröjning: nyanlända elevers sociala spelrum i "en skola för alla"

Skola med fördröjning: nyanlända elevers sociala spelrum i "en skola för alla"

Eva Skowronski | Skola med fördröjning: nyanlända elevers sociala spelrum i "en skola för alla" | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2013

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The Balance of Meaning

The Balance of Meaning

Thord Svensson | The Balance of Meaning. Exploring the possibility of a recognition-transcendent meaning of religious and existentially important terms | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2013

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Hope and Otherness

Hope and Otherness

Jakob Wirén | Hope and Otherness. Christian Eschatology in an Interreligious Context | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2013

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Non-Gods and Gods: A Cosmontological Treatise

Non-Gods and Gods: A Cosmontological Treatise

Martin Lembke | Non-Gods and Gods: A Cosmontological Treatise | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2012

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Resilience and Religion in a Forced Migration Context

Resilience and Religion in a Forced Migration Context

Selma Porobic | Resilience and Religion in a Forced Migration Context. A narrative study of religiousness as a resilience factor in dealing with refugee experiences from a post-migration perspective of Bosnian refugees in Sweden | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2012

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Sketching the Invisible

Sketching the Invisible

Andreas Westergren | Sketching the Invisible. Patterns of Church and City in Theodoret of Cyrrhus' Philotheos Historia | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2012

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Drought, Death and the Sun in Ugarit and Ancient Israel

Drought, Death and the Sun in Ugarit and Ancient Israel

Ola Wikander | Drought, Death and the Sun in Ugarit and Ancient Israel. A Philological and Comparative Study | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2012

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Interrogative Belief Revision

Interrogative Belief Revision

Sebastian Enqvist | Interrogative Belief Revision | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2011

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Tracking the Mind's Eye

Tracking the Mind's Eye

Roger Johansson | Tracking the Mind's Eye | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2011

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Figuring Flesh in Creation

Figuring Flesh in Creation

Andreas Nordlander | Figuring Flesh in Creation. Merleau-Ponty in Conversation with Philosophical Theology | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2011

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Coherence and Reliability: Studies in Bayesian Epistemology

Coherence and Reliability: Studies in Bayesian Epistemology

Stefan Schubert | Coherence and Reliability: Studies in Bayesian Epistemology | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2011

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Theory and Reality

Theory and Reality

Staffan Angere | Theory and Reality. Metaphysics as Second Science | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2010

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Legal Questions and Scientific Answers

Lena Wahlberg | Legal Questions and Scientific Answers. Ontological Differences and Epistemic Gaps in the Assessment of Causal Relations | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2010

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Modern asatro

Modern asatro

Fredrik Gregorius | Modern asatro. Att konstruera etnisk och kulturell identitet | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2008

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Autonomy and Metacognition

Autonomy and Metacognition

Henrik Levinsson | Autonomy and Metacognition. A Healthcare Perspective | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2008

Autonomy and Metacognition is a philosophical study in two parts. The first part is an analytical examination of the cognitive aspects of autonomy, and the second part forms an application of the analysis to Swedish healthcare. Part I of this dissertation examines the cognitive ...

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