
Coniectanea Biblica New Testament Series ger ut monografier inom ämnet Nya testamentets exegetik. Det är den enda publikationsserien i Sverige med inriktning mot detta ämnesområde.

Som redaktör fungerar professorn i Nya testamentets exegetik i Lund Samuel Byrskog.

För tryckning och distribution ansvarar Fortress Academic.

Redaktör: Samuel Byrskog

ISSN: 0069-8946

The Making of Christianity

Magnus Zetterholm, Samuel Byrskog (red.) | The Making of Christianity. Conflicts, Contacts, and Constructions: Essays in Honor of Bengt Holmberg | Coniectanea biblica. New Testament series 47 | 2012

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Issues of impurity in early Judaism

Thomas Kazen | Issues of impurity in early Judaism | Coniectanea biblica. New Testament series 45 | 2010

Jesus and purity Halakhah

Thomas Kazen | Jesus and purity Halakhah. Was Jesus indifferent to impurity? | Coniectanea biblica. New Testament series 38 | 2010

Behaving as a Christ-believer

Rikard Riotto | Behaving as a Christ-believer. A cognitive perspective on identity and behavior norms in Ephesians | Coniectanea biblica. New Testament series 46 | 2009

Threads and Images

Per Rönnegård | Threads and Images. The Use of Scripture in Apophthegmata Patrum | Coniectanea biblica. New Testament series 44 | 2007

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The Epistle of Jude

Tommy Wasserman | The Epistle of Jude. Its Text and Transmission | Coniectanea biblica. New Testament series 43 | 2006

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To each their own letter

Mikael Isacson | To each their own letter. Structure, themes, and rhetorical strategies in the letters of Ignatius of Antioch | Coniectanea biblica. New Testament series 42 | 2004

The hermetic piety of the mind

Peter Södergård | The hermetic piety of the mind. A semiotic and cognitive study of the discourse of Hermes Trismegistos | Coniectanea biblica. New Testament series 41 | 2003

Paul’s Interlocutor in Romans 2

Runar Thorsteinsson | Paul’s Interlocutor in Romans 2. Function and Identity in the Context of Ancient Epistolography | Coniectanea biblica. New Testament series 40 | 2003

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The Ancient Synagogue from Its Origins until 200 C.E.

Magnus Zetterholm, Birger Olsson (red.) | The Ancient Synagogue from Its Origins until 200 C.E. Papers Presented at an International Conference at Lund University October 14-17 | Coniectanea biblica. New Testament series 39 | 2003

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The Origins of the Synagogue

Anders Runesson | The Origins of the Synagogue. A Socio-Historical Study | Coniectanea biblica. New Testament series 37 | 2001

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Rethinking the Judaism-Hellenism dichotomy

Anders Gerdmar | Rethinking the Judaism-Hellenism dichotomy. A historiographical case study of second Peter and Jude | Coniectanea biblica. New Testament series 36 | 2001

God in the Fourth Gospel

Tord Larsson | God in the Fourth Gospel. A Hermeneutical Investigation of the History of Interpretations | Coniectanea biblica. New Testament series 35 | 2001

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Paul between Synagogue and State

Mikael Tellbe | Paul between Synagogue and State. Christians, Jews, and Civic Authorities in 1 Thessalonians, Romans, and Philippians | Coniectanea biblica. New Testament series 34 | 2001

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Sharers in Divine Nature

James M Starr | Sharers in Divine Nature. 2 Peter 1:4 in Its Hellenistic Context | Coniectanea biblica. New Testament series 33 | 2000

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Mark and Mission

Jesper Svartvik | Mark and Mission. Mk 7:1-23 in its Narrative and Historical Contexts | Coniectanea biblica. New Testament series 32 | 2000

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Limited and universal salvation

Sven Hillert | Limited and universal salvation. A text-oriented and hermeneutical study of two perspectives in Paul | Coniectanea biblica. New Testament series 31 | 1999

Forum für Sprachlose

Dieter Mitternacht | Forum für Sprachlose. Eine kommunikationspsychologische und epistolär-rhetorische Untersuchung des Galaterbriefs | Coniectanea biblica. New Testament series 30 | 1999

Traditions as rhetorical proof

Anders Eriksson | Traditions as rhetorical proof. Pauline argumentation in 1 Corinthians | Coniectanea biblica. New Testament series 29 | 1998

Markers and meanings in Paul

Jonas Holmstrand | Markers and meanings in Paul. An analysis of 1 Thessalonians, Philippians, and Galatians | Coniectanea biblica. New Testament series 28 | 1997

The sign of Jonah reconsidered

Simon Chow | The sign of Jonah reconsidered. A study of its meaning in the gospel traditions | Coniectanea biblica. New Testament series 27 | 1995

Sinners and the righteous

Mikael Winninge | Sinners and the righteous. A comparative study of the psalms of Solomon and Paul's letters | Coniectanea biblica. New Testament series 26 | 1995

Jesus and 'this generation'

Evald Lövestam | Jesus and 'this generation' A New Testament study | Coniectanea biblica. New Testament series 25 | 1995

Jesus the only teacher

Samuel Byrskog | Jesus the only teacher. Didactic authority and transmission in ancient Israel, ancient Judaism and the Matthean community | Coniectanea biblica. New Testament series 24 | 1994

The earnest expectation of the creature

Olle Christofferson | The earnest expectation of the creature. The flood tradition as matrix of Romans 8:18-27 | Coniectanea biblica. New Testament series 23 | 1990

Feast and future

Håkan Ulfgard | Feast and future. Revelation 7:9-17 and the feast of tabernacles | Coniectanea biblica. New Testament series 22 | 1989

Der Hebräerbrief als Appell. I. Untersuchungen zu exordium, narratio und postscriptum (Hebr 1-2 und 13,22-25)

Walter G. Übelacker | Der Hebräerbrief als Appell. I. Untersuchungen zu exordium, narratio und postscriptum (Hebr 1-2 und 13,22-25) | Coniectanea biblica. New Testament series 21 | 1989

Sisters rejoice

Lilian Portefaix | Sisters rejoice. Paul's letter to the Philippians and Luke-Acts as seen by first century Philippian women | Coniectanea biblica. New Testament series 20 | 1988

Principles of Chinese Bible translation as expressed in five selected versions of the New Testament and exemplified by Mt 5:1-12 and Col 1

Thor Strandenaes | Principles of Chinese Bible translation as expressed in five selected versions of the New Testament and exemplified by Mt 5:1-12 and Col 1 | Coniectanea biblica. New Testament series 19 | 1987

Aspects on the Johannine literature

Lars Hartman, Birger Olsson (red.) | Aspects on the Johannine literature. Papers presented at a conference of Scandinavian New Testament exegetes at Uppsala, June 16-19, 1986 | Coniectanea biblica. New Testament series 18 | 1987

Un langage de prière juif en grec

Agneta Enermalm-Ogawa | Un langage de prière juif en grec. Le témoignage des deux premiers livres des Maccabées | Coniectanea biblica. New Testament series 17 | 1987

To all the brethren

Bruce C. Johanson | To all the brethren. A text-linguistic and rhetorical approach to 1 Thessalonians | Coniectanea biblica. New Testament series 16 | 1987

The gospel tradition

Birger Gerhardsson | The gospel tradition | Coniectanea biblica. New Testament series 15 | 1986

Revelation taught

Eskil Franck | Revelation taught. The paraclete in the Gospel of John | Coniectanea biblica. New Testament series 14 | 1985

Das Visionenbuch des Hermas als Apokalypse

David Hellholm | Das Visionenbuch des Hermas als Apokalypse. Formgeschichtliche und texttheoretische studien zu einer literarischen Gattung. Band 1. Methodologische Vorüberlegungen und makrostrukturelle Textanalyse | Coniectanea biblica. New Testament series 13 | 1980

Asking for a meaning

Lars Hartman | Asking for a meaning. A study of 1 Enoch 1-5 | Coniectanea biblica. New Testament series 12 | 1979

Paul and power

Bengt Holmberg | Paul and power. The structure of authority in the primitive church as reflected in the Pauline epistles | Coniectanea biblica. New Testament series 11 | 1978

Jesus and scribal authority

Stephen Westerholm | Jesus and scribal authority | Coniectanea biblica. New Testament series 10 | 1978

An early church in a pluralistic society

Tord Fornberg | An early church in a pluralistic society. A study of 2 Peter | Coniectanea biblica. New Testament series 9 | 1977

The Ephesian mysterion

Chrys C. Caragounis | The Ephesian mysterion. Meaning and content | Coniectanea biblica. New Testament series 8 | 1977

Life after death

Hans Clemens Caesarius Cavallin | Life after death. Paul's argument for the resurrection of the dead in I Cor 15. Part 1. An enquiry into the Jewish background | Coniectanea biblica. New Testament series 7 | 1974

Structure and meaning in the fourth Gospel

Birger Olsson | Structure and meaning in the fourth Gospel. A text-linguistic analysis of John 2:1-11 and 4:1-42 | Coniectanea biblica. New Testament series 6 | 1974

The limits of the religious community

Göran Forkman | The limits of the religious community. Expulsion from the religious community within the Qumran sect, within Rabbinic Judaism, and within primitive Christianity | Coniectanea biblica. New Testament series 5 | 1972

Essais de méthodologie néo-testamentaire

René Kieffer | Essais de méthodologie néo-testamentaire | Coniectanea biblica. New Testament series 4 | 1972

Au delà des recensions? L'évolution de la tradition textuelle dans Jean VI, 52-71

René Kieffer | Au delà des recensions? L'évolution de la tradition textuelle dans Jean VI, 52-71 | Coniectanea biblica. New Testament series 3 | 1968

The testing of God's son (Matt 4: 1-11 & par)

Birger Gerhardsson | The testing of God's son (Matt 4: 1-11 & par). An analysis of an early Christian midrash. Fasc. I (chapters 1-4) | Coniectanea biblica. New Testament series 2 | 1966

Prophecy interpreted

Lars Hartman | Prophecy interpreted. The formation of some jewish apocalyptic texts and of the eschatological discourse Mark 13 par. | Coniectanea biblica. New Testament series 1 | 1966

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