ISSN: 1103-5757
Guds karneval
Dagfinn Ulland | Guds karneval. En religionspsykologisk studie av Toronto-vekkelsens spiritualitet. | Lund Studies in Psychology of Religion 9 | 2007
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Attachment och förlåtelse
Mathias Svenning | Attachment och förlåtelse. Attachmentmönsters betydelse för individens tankar, känslor och beteenden inför förövare | Lund Studies in Psychology of Religion 8 | 2006
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Etik och känslor
Kenneth Wilson | Etik och känslor. En empirisk studie av skuld- och medkänslor hos gymnasieelever – en prövning av Ortonys teori | Lund Studies in Psychology of Religion 7 | 2005
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Religious Facilitation Through Intense Liturgical Participation
Jonas Eek | Religious Facilitation Through Intense Liturgical Participation. A Quasi-Experimental Study of Swedish Pilgrims to Taizé | Lund Studies in Psychology of Religion 6 | 2001
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Effects of Meditation on Respiration and the Temporal Lobes
Yvonne Petersson Bouin | Effects of Meditation on Respiration and the Temporal Lobes. An Exploratory and Meta-Analytic Study | Lund Studies in Psychology of Religion 5 | 2000
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Latent trait models of intrinsic, extrinsic, and quest religious orientations
Marcus Koskinen-Hagman | Latent trait models of intrinsic, extrinsic, and quest religious orientations | Lund Studies in Psychology of Religion 4 | 1999
The interplay of social science and personal belief in Gordon W. Allport's psychology of religion
Jan Hermanson | The interplay of social science and personal belief in Gordon W. Allport's psychology of religion | Lund Studies in Psychology of Religion 3 | 1997
Religious conversion
Antti Oksanen | Religious conversion. A meta-analytical study | Lund Studies in Psychology of Religion 2 | 1994
Professional judgement
Bengt Sivberg | Professional judgement. A theoretical model and multi-experiments in nursing professional judgement | Lund Studies in Psychology of Religion 1 | 1993