
Lund University Cognitive Studies samlar verk inom kognitionsvetenskap. Serien publicerar flera olika typer av texter: avhandlingar och andra böcker, men också kortare papers och artiklar. På den här sidan hittar du de titlar som finns tillgängliga som hela böcker, från och med 2000. Den fullständiga listan över serien, och många titlar i digital form, finns på ämnets hemsida.

ISSN: 1101-8453

Cognitive Comparisons of Sauropsida and Synapsida

Cognitive Comparisons of Sauropsida and Synapsida

Thomas Rejsenhus Jensen | Cognitive Comparisons of Sauropsida and Synapsida. The evolution of cognition through deep time | Lund University Cognitive Studies | 2024

Mammals and birds have independently evolved complex neurocognition despite their phylogenetic separation for 325 million years. This thesis investigates and compares the evolution of core cognitive functions and social cognition in these two lineages through comparative studies of ...

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What happens if we put it on-screen?

What happens if we put it on-screen?

Eva-Maria Ternblad | What happens if we put it on-screen? Exploring students’ perception of and interaction with representations, feedback, and characters in virtual learning environments | Lund University Cognitive Studies | 2024

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Intelligent, socially oriented technology VI

Intelligent, socially oriented technology VI

Birger Johansson, Agneta Gulz, Magnus Haake, Mattias Wallergård, Jens Nirme, Eva-Maria Ternblad, Betty Tärning (red.) | Intelligent, socially oriented technology VI. Projects by teams of master level students in cognitive science and engineering | Lund University Cognitive Studies 185 | 2023

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Children’s Brainwaves in Semantic Processing, Auditory Discrimination and Selective Attention

Children’s Brainwaves in Semantic Processing, Auditory Discrimination and Selective Attention

Petter Kallioinen | Children’s Brainwaves in Semantic Processing, Auditory Discrimination and Selective Attention. – in Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing and Typically Hearing Populations | Lund University Cognitive Studies | 2023

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Contours of Cognition

Contours of Cognition

Trond A. Tjøstheim | Contours of Cognition | Lund University Cognitive Studies | 2022

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The evolution of social cognition in Archosauria

The evolution of social cognition in Archosauria

Claudia Zeiträg | The evolution of social cognition in Archosauria. Gaze following and play as windows to social cognition in dinosaurs | Lund University Cognitive Studies | 2022

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Material perception and action

Material perception and action

Kristin Ingvarsdottir | Material perception and action. The role of material properties in object handling | Lund University Cognitive Studies | 2021

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Understanding virtual speakers

Understanding virtual speakers

Jens Nirme | Understanding virtual speakers | Lund University Cognitive Studies 177 | 2020

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Human nonverbal vocalizations

Human nonverbal vocalizations

Andrey Anikin | Human nonverbal vocalizations | Lund University Cognitive Studies | 2020

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The malleability of political attitudes

The malleability of political attitudes

Thomas Strandberg | The malleability of political attitudes. Choice blindness, confabulation and attitude change | Lund University Cognitive Studies | 2020

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Memory for Problem Solving: Comparative Studies in Attention, Working and Long-term Memory

Memory for Problem Solving: Comparative Studies in Attention, Working and Long-term Memory

Katarzyna Bobrowicz | Memory for Problem Solving: Comparative Studies in Attention, Working and Long-term Memory | Lund University Cognitive Studies 174 | 2019

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Action in Mind

Action in Mind

Zahra Gharaee | Action in Mind. A Neural Network Approach to Action Recognition and Segmentation | Lund University Cognitive Studies | 2018

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Design of teachable agents and feedback in educational software

Design of teachable agents and feedback in educational software

Betty Tärning | Design of teachable agents and feedback in educational software. Focusing on low-performing students and students with low self-efficacy | Lund University Cognitive Studies | 2018

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Intelligent, socially oriented technology III

Christian Balkenius, Agneta Gulz, Magnus Haake, Mattias Wallergård (red.) | Intelligent, socially oriented technology III. Projects by teams of master level students in cognitive science and engineering | Lund University Cognitive Studies 168 | 2017

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On the origins of physical cognition in corvids

On the origins of physical cognition in corvids

Ivo Jacobs | On the origins of physical cognition in corvids | Lund University Cognitive Studies | 2017

Physical cognition involves a host of cognitive abilities that enable understanding and manipulation of the physical world. Corvids, the bird family that includes crows, ravens and jays, are renowned for their cognitive abilities, but still little is known about their folk physics. ...

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Planning and inhibition in corvids

Planning and inhibition in corvids

Can Kabadayi | Planning and inhibition in corvids | Lund University Cognitive Studies | 2017

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Designing for Peer Learning

Designing for Peer Learning

Åsa Harvard Maare | Designing for Peer Learning. Mathematics, Games and Peer Groups in Leisure-time Centers | Lund University Cognitive Studies 165 | 2015

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What makes good educational software?

What makes good educational software?

Björn Sjödén | What makes good educational software? | Lund University Cognitive Studies 164 | 2015

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An Investigation into the Perception and Production of Slow Rhythms

Rasmus Bååth | An Investigation into the Perception and Production of Slow Rhythms | Lund University Cognitive Studies 163 | 2015

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Observing and influencing preferences in real time. Gaze, morality and dynamic decision-making

Observing and influencing preferences in real time. Gaze, morality and dynamic decision-making

Philip Pärnamets | Observing and influencing preferences in real time. Gaze, morality and dynamic decision-making | Lund University Cognitive Studies 160 | 2015

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A fixation dependent decision model of charitable choice

Philip Pärnamets | A fixation dependent decision model of charitable choice | Lund University Cognitive Studies | 2015

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Visual attention during decision-making in natural environments

Visual attention during decision-making in natural environments

Kerstin Gidlöf | Visual attention during decision-making in natural environments | Lund University Cognitive Studies 159 | 2014

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Semantic Self-monitoring in Speech. Using Real-time Speech Exchange to Investigate the Use of Auditory Feedback for Self-comprehension

Andreas Lind | Semantic Self-monitoring in Speech. Using Real-time Speech Exchange to Investigate the Use of Auditory Feedback for Self-comprehension | Lund University Cognitive Studies 158 | 2014

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Tracking the Mind's Eye

Tracking the Mind's Eye

Roger Johansson | Tracking the Mind's Eye. Eye movements during mental imagery and memory retrieval | Lund University Cognitive Studies 155 | 2013

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Intelligent, socially oriented technology

Christian Balkenius, Agneta Gulz, Magnus Haake, Birger Johansson (red.) | Intelligent, socially oriented technology. Projects by teams of master level students in cognitive science and engineering. Anthology of master level course papers | Lund University Cognitive Studies 154 | 2013

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Language and Vision. Using visual information in real-world language situations

Richard Andersson | Language and Vision. Using visual information in real-world language situations | Lund University Cognitive Studies 152 | 2012

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Understanding as experiencing a pattern

Paulina Lindström | Understanding as experiencing a pattern | Lund University Cognitive Studies 150 | 2011

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Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics: Modeling Cognitive Development in Robotic Systems

Birger Johansson, Erol Erol Sahin, Christian Balkenius (red.) | Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics: Modeling Cognitive Development in Robotic Systems | Lund University Cognitive Studies 149 | 2010

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Planning Primates - A search for episodic foresight

Planning Primates - A search for episodic foresight

Mathias Osvath | Planning Primates - A search for episodic foresight | Lund University Cognitive Studies 148 | 2010

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Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics: Modeling Cognitive Development in Robotic Systems

Lola Cañamero, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, Christian Balkenius (red.) | Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics: Modeling Cognitive Development in Robotic Systems | Lund University Cognitive Studies 146 | 2009

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Learning System Thinking

Learning System Thinking

Maria Larsson | Learning System Thinking. The role of semiotic and cognitive resources | Lund University Cognitive Studies 145 | 2009

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Livet som figur

Monika Bredefeldt Öhman | Livet som figur. Om självbiografiskt minne och metaforer | Lund University Cognitive Studies 143 | 2009

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Anticipation and Attention in Robot Control

Birger Johansson | Anticipation and Attention in Robot Control | Lund University Cognitive Studies 142 | 2009

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Sense of Touch in Robots

Magnus Johnsson | Sense of Touch in Robots | Lund University Cognitive Studies 141 | 2009

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Mind in Action: Action Representation and the Perception of Biological Motion

Mind in Action: Action Representation and the Perception of Biological Motion

Paul Hemeren | Mind in Action: Action Representation and the Perception of Biological Motion | Lund University Cognitive Studies 140 | 2008

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Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics: Modeling Cognitive Development in Robotic Systems

M Schlesinger, L Berthouze, Christian Balkenius (red.) | Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics: Modeling Cognitive Development in Robotic Systems | Lund University Cognitive Studies 139 | 2008

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One of a kind. The processing of indefinite one-anaphora in spoken Danish

Philip Diderichsen | One of a kind. The processing of indefinite one-anaphora in spoken Danish | Lund University Cognitive Studies 138 | 2008

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Pictorial Primates: A Search for Iconic Abilities in Great Apes

Tomas Persson | Pictorial Primates: A Search for Iconic Abilities in Great Apes | Lund University Cognitive Studies 136 | 2008

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Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics

L. Berthouze, C. G. Prince, Ml Littman, H. Kozima, Christian Balkenius (red.) | Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics | Lund University Cognitive Studies 135 | 2007

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A Possible World: Autism from Practice to Theory

Petra Zücker Björne | A Possible World: Autism from Practice to Theory | Lund University Cognitive Studies 134 | 2007

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Choice Blindness: The Incongruence of Intention, Action and Introspection

Petter Johansson | Choice Blindness: The Incongruence of Intention, Action and Introspection | Lund University Cognitive Studies 130 | 2006

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Perceptual Surface Reconstruction

Jens Månsson | Perceptual Surface Reconstruction | Lund University Cognitive Studies 129 | 2005

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Participating in a Story: Exploring Audience Cognition

Pierre Gander | Participating in a Story: Exploring Audience Cognition | Lund University Cognitive Studies 119 | 2005

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Oldowan culture and the evolution of anticipatory cognition

Mathias Osvath | Oldowan culture and the evolution of anticipatory cognition | Lund University Cognitive Studies | 2005

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Explaining everyday problem solving

Annika Wallin | Explaining everyday problem solving | Lund University Cognitive Studies 99 | 2003

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Self-Knowledge/Self-Regulation/Self-Control: A Ubiquitous Computing Perspective

Lars Hall | Self-Knowledge/Self-Regulation/Self-Control: A Ubiquitous Computing Perspective | Lund University Cognitive Studies 113 | 2003

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Artefactual Intelligence: The Development and Use of Cognitively Congenial Artefacts

David de Léon | Artefactual Intelligence: The Development and Use of Cognitively Congenial Artefacts | Lund University Cognitive Studies 105 | 2003

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Natural Vision for Artificial Systems, Active Vision and Thought

Lars Kopp | Natural Vision for Artificial Systems, Active Vision and Thought | Lund University Cognitive Studies 100 | 2003

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Color constancy in visual scene perception

Christian Balkenius, Anders J Johansson, Anna Balkenius | Color constancy in visual scene perception | Lund University Cognitive Studies | 2003

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Emotion and Learning - A Computational Model of the Amygdala

Jan Morén | Emotion and Learning - A Computational Model of the Amygdala | Lund University Cognitive Studies 93 | 2002

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Geometric Models of Similarity

Mikael Johannesson | Geometric Models of Similarity | Lund University Cognitive Studies 90 | 2002

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Picture Viewing and Picture Description: Two Windows on the Mind.

Jana Holsanova | Picture Viewing and Picture Description: Two Windows on the Mind. | Lund University Cognitive Studies 83 | 2001

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