Kurs 7,5 högskolepoäng • COSB45
Are you interested in social justice issues, civil society and mobilization, and Asia? Join us this summer and learn about how different societies across East and South-East Asia organize around a variety of issues, from human rights violations and state repression to social inequalities and contemporary lifestyle changes, and how these manifest into different types of mobilization such as pro-democracy demonstrations, youth movements, memory activism, issue focused advocacy, and even pop culture!
This course provides a comprehensive overview of social movements in East and South-East Asia. It highlights the development of significant movements in the region and their relationship to protests and issues of social contention. The course will foster typological and comparative understanding of movements in relation to the political regimes and social issues of different countries. The course covers movements dedicated to diverse issues such as human rights violations, state repression, gender and economic inequalities, environmentalism, and lifestyle in contemporary East and South-East Asian societies. The forms of movements and activism addressed comprise pro-democracy demonstrations, youth movements, memory activism, issue focused advocacy, and multimedia elements used in social mobilisation in East and Southeast Asia.
vårterminen 2025
2025-01-20 – 2025-02-19
Grundläggande behörighet samt tidigare högskolestudier om minst 30.0 högskolepoäng.
Muntlig och skriftlig språkfärdighet i engelska motsvarande engelska 6 från svenskt gymnasium är ett krav. Ekvivalering genomförs i enlighet med nationella riktlinjer. Generellt undantag för krav på kunskap i svenska medges.
Second Admission Round
Nationell ansökningsomgång
Höstterminen 2025
Sista anmälningsdag
15april 2025