Kurs 7,5 högskolepoäng • COSB11
Study international issues in East Asia! The course focuses on contemporary international relations in East Asia, but from a historically informed perspective. For example, we consider issues such as the Korean nuclear crisis, while remembering the Korean War and Japan's colonial rule over the peninsula, and China's rise, but in the context of its long and complex relationship with its neighbours and indeed, with the United States.
You will study key concepts used in the study of international relations and also the theoretical contexts that the key concepts originate from. You will then learn how to use the key concepts to understand and explain the geopolitical development of the region from the end of the Pacific War that took place during World War II until today.
The course places particular emphasis on the role of history in the region's contemporary relations. China's political and economic upswing and its influence on the neighbouring countries are addressed in the course as well as how the United States and its system of regional alliances have continued to define and influence the region.
vårterminen 2023
2023-03-22 – 2023-06-04
Grundläggande behörighet samt tidigare högskolestudier om minst 30 hp.
Muntlig och skriftlig språkfärdighet i engelska motsvarande engelska 6/B från svenskt gymnasium är ett krav.
Generellt undantag för kravet på kunskaper i svenska medges.
- Schema
- Tentamensschema
- Canvas COSB11 - Asian Studies: The International Relations of East Asia - From the Pacific War to the Rise of China
- Bibliotekets ämnesguide
Information om ingående delar
- Individuellt hemprov , 4,5 hp
- Individuell inlämningsuppgift , 3 hp