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Walking on the Pages of the Word of God

Walking on the Pages of the Word of God

Walking on the Pages of the Word of God

Aron Engberg | Walking on the Pages of the Word of God. Self, Land, and Text Among Evangelical Volunteers in Jerusalem | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2016

What does it mean to be “literally walking on the pages of the Word of God”? In what sort of religious imaginary does it even make sense to say that one is? Considering that this claim comes from an Evangelical Christian currently working as a volunteer in Jerusalem, it raises ...

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Waste management, animals and society

Waste management, animals and society

Waste management, animals and society

Stella Macheridis | Waste management, animals and society. A social zooarchaeological study of Bronze Age Asine | 2018

Animal bones are often found as waste-related material in archaeological excavations. This book explores the ways in which archaeological animal bones can be used to discuss cultural implications of waste management. How waste is handled reflects several aspects of society, from ...

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Webbens vägar

Webbens vägar

Webbens vägar

Jan Hinderson | Webbens vägar. Om webbjournalistikens etablering och utveckling vid tre svenska regionala och lokala dagstidningar 1995-2013 | Övriga – mediehistoria | 2013

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Weeping for the <i>res publica</i>

Weeping for the res publica

Weeping for the res publica

Johan Vekselius | Weeping for the res publica. Tears in Roman political culture | Övriga – historia och arkeologi | 2018

Why is Julius Caesar said to have wept in front of his soldiers after crossing the Rubicon, and Scipio Aemilianus as he beheld the destruction of Carthage? How should we understand the criticism leveled against the emperor Tiberius’ refusal to weep after the death of Germanicus? Why ...

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Weiterführende Nebensätze

Weiterführende Nebensätze

Margareta Brandt | Weiterführende Nebensätze. Zu ihrer Syntax, Semantik und Pragmatik | 1990

Werden – ein Chamäleon der Sprache

Werden – ein Chamäleon der Sprache

Werden – ein Chamäleon der Sprache

Margret Osterkamp | Werden – ein Chamäleon der Sprache. Zum Werdegang von werden | 2013

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Western esoterism

Western esoterism

Lars Steen Larsen | Western esoterism. Ultimate Sacred Postulates and Ritual Fields | 2008

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What happens if we put it on-screen?

What happens if we put it on-screen?

What happens if we put it on-screen?

Eva-Maria Ternblad | What happens if we put it on-screen? Exploring students’ perception of and interaction with representations, feedback, and characters in virtual learning environments | 2024

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What makes good educational software?

What makes good educational software?

What makes good educational software?

Björn Sjödén | What makes good educational software? | 2015

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What's in a dialogue?

What's in a dialogue?

What's in a dialogue?

Nele Pöldvere | What's in a dialogue? On the dynamics of meaning-making in English conversation | Övriga – språk och litteratur | 2019

Spoken dialogue is the most common use of language, but it is also incredibly complex and dynamic. It puts on full display the intricate ways in which speakers coordinate their contributions to make sense of the world and negotiate social relations with each other. A fruitful method ...

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When Similarity Qualifies as a Sign

When Similarity Qualifies as a Sign

When Similarity Qualifies as a Sign

Sara Lenninger | When Similarity Qualifies as a Sign. A Study in Picture Understanding and Semiotic Development in Young Children | Övriga – språk och litteratur | 2012

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Where the River Bends Under the Boughs of Trees

Where the River Bends Under the Boughs of Trees

Where the River Bends Under the Boughs of Trees

Tom Carlsson | Where the River Bends Under the Boughs of Trees. Strandvägen - a Late Mesolithic Settlement in Eastern Middle Sweden | 2008

During the years 1999–2003 archaeological excavations took place at Strandvägen, a Mesolithic settlement site in eastern central Sweden. The excavations were done along the shore of the river Motala ström but also under the water. Thanks to good conditions for preservation it is ...

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Wikingerzeitliche Depotfunde aus Südschweden

Wikingerzeitliche Depotfunde aus Südschweden

Birgitta Hårdh | Wikingerzeitliche Depotfunde aus Südschweden | 1976

Wild Enchantments in the Anthropocene

Wild Enchantments in the Anthropocene

Wild Enchantments in the Anthropocene

Ive Brissman | Wild Enchantments in the Anthropocene. Exploring the Wild in Narratives, Practices and Place in Dark Green Spirituality | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2021

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Wirkmächtige Kommunikationsmedien

Wirkmächtige Kommunikationsmedien

Wirkmächtige Kommunikationsmedien

Michaela Helmbrecht | Wirkmächtige Kommunikationsmedien. Menschenbilder der Vendel- und Wikingerzeit und ihre Kontexte | 2011

Denna avhandling handlar om vendel- och vikingatida bilder av människor. Kan man identifiera bilderna med figurer som är kända från mytologin eller sagorna? Hur användes bilder under denna period? Vilka funktioner hade de? På vilka typer av föremål uppträder de? Genom redogörelsen för ...

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Woman’s whole existence

Woman’s whole existence

Birgitta Berglund | Woman’s whole existence. The house as an image in the novels of Ann Radcliffe, Mary Wollstonecraft and Jane Austen | 1993

Women's Human Rights and Islam

Women's Human Rights and Islam

Women's Human Rights and Islam

Jonas Svensson | Women's Human Rights and Islam. A Study of Three Attempts at Accommodation | Almqvist & Wiksell International | 2000

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Wool and Society

Wool and Society

Wool and Society

Hrefna Robertsdottir | Wool and Society. Manufacturing Policy, Economic Thought and Local Production in 18th-century Iceland | Makadam | 2008

Flax spinning, domestic workshops, putting-out production and increased exports are all changes that affected wool production in Iceland following the introduction of manufacturing workshops to the country in the late 18th century. In this book, wool production is used as a key to ...

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Word Order in Övdalian

Word Order in Övdalian

Word Order in Övdalian

Piotr Garbacz | Word Order in Övdalian. A Study in Variation and Change. | 2010

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Words, Deeds and Values

Words, Deeds and Values

Words, Deeds and Values

Fiona Björling, Alexander Pereswetoff-Morath (red.) | Words, Deeds and Values. The Intelligentsia in Russia and Poland during the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries | 2005

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Work, family and the state. Child labour and the organization of production in the British cotton industry, 1780-1920

Work, family and the state. Child labour and the organization of production in the British cotton industry, 1780-1920

Per Bolin-Hjort | Work, family and the state. Child labour and the organization of production in the British cotton industry, 1780-1920 | 1989

Worldwide chronology of fifty-three prehistoric innovations

Worldwide chronology of fifty-three prehistoric innovations

John Troeng | Worldwide chronology of fifty-three prehistoric innovations | 1993

Wortbildung, Text und Pragmatik

Wortbildung, Text und Pragmatik

Manfred Schonebohm | Wortbildung, Text und Pragmatik. Am Beispiel der Teil-von-Relation im Bereich der deutschen Nominalkomposition | 1979

Writing in English at University

Writing in English at University

Writing in English at University

Satu Manninen, Ellen Turner, Cecilia Wadsö-Lecaros | Writing in English at University. A Guide for Second Language Writers | 2020

Writing is a central activity at university. Writing in English at University: A Guide for Second Language Writers is a textbook designed to accompany the MOOC Writing in English at University. This book can also be used as a stand-alone handbook, with links to online resources, such ...

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Sidansvarig: louice.cardell_heppkansliht.luse | 2020-06-18