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T. S. Eliot at the turn of the century

T. S. Eliot at the turn of the century

Marianne Thormählen (red.) | T. S. Eliot at the turn of the century | 1994

Talspråk i skrift

Talspråk i skrift

Per Lagerholm | Talspråk i skrift. Om muntlighetens utveckling i svensk sakprosa 1800–1997 | 1999

Taming the Prophets

Taming the Prophets

Taming the Prophets

Martin Kjellgren | Taming the Prophets. Astrology, Orthodoxy and the Word of God in Early Modern Sweden | Sekel bokförlag | Sekel Bokförlag | 2011

In may 1619, the Finnish astrologer Sigfridus Aronus Forsius (d. 1624) was examined by clerical authorities. In de verdict, astrology was rejected as a pagan craft, forbidden for anyone who wanted to be called a Christian. Still, astrology was inseparable from the scholarly ...

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Tankar kring ett översättningsproblem

Tankar kring ett översättningsproblem

Tankar kring ett översättningsproblem

Per Block | Tankar kring ett översättningsproblem. Om återgivningen av semitiska stildrag i biblisk grekiska | 1983

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Tankar om träd

Tankar om träd

Tankar om träd

Charlotte Hagström, Carina Sjöholm | Tankar om träd. En etnologisk studie av människors berättelser om träds betydelser | Övriga – kulturvetenskaper | 2007

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Tankens makt över språket

Tankens makt över språket

Tankens makt över språket

Lars-Olof Delsing, Lena Ekberg, Lisa Holm, Jan Svensson, Bo Wendt (red.) | Tankens makt över språket. Utvalda artiklar med anledning av författarens 80-årsdag | Övriga – språk och litteratur | 2014

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Anne Sofie Roald | Tarbiya. Education and politics in Islamic movements in Jordan and Malaysia | 1994

Teacher talk

Teacher talk

Teacher talk

Gisela Håkansson | Teacher talk. How teachers modify their speech when addressing learners of Swedish as a second language | 1987

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Teaching and growth

Teaching and growth

Anders Björnberg | Teaching and growth. Christian religious education in a local and international missionary context 1900 till the early 1930's | 1991

Teaching History, Learning Piety

Teaching History, Learning Piety

Teaching History, Learning Piety

Hege Markussen | Teaching History, Learning Piety. An Alevi Foundation in Contemporary Turkey | Sekel Bokförlag | 2012

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Teaching, Learning, and Student Output

Teaching, Learning, and Student Output

Teaching, Learning, and Student Output

Anna Flyman Mattsson | Teaching, Learning, and Student Output. A Study of French in the Classroom | 2003

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Tegnérs översättningsverksamhet

Tegnérs översättningsverksamhet

Jan Mogren | Tegnérs översättningsverksamhet | 1971

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Tema: Religionsbegreppet / The Concept of Religion

Tema: Religionsbegreppet / The Concept of Religion

Tema: Religionsbegreppet / The Concept of Religion | 2024

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Temporal Adverbs in Modern Standard Chinese

Temporal Adverbs in Modern Standard Chinese

Temporal Adverbs in Modern Standard Chinese

Jens Karlsson | Temporal Adverbs in Modern Standard Chinese. A Decompositional Inquiry | Övriga – språk och litteratur | 2010

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Temps et Traduction

Temps et Traduction

Vesta Sandberg | Temps et Traduction. Étude contrastive des temps de l'indicatif du français et du suédois | 1997

Teologi och musik

Teologi och musik

Teologi och musik

Sven-Åke Selander (red.) | Teologi och musik | Svenska kyrkans forskningsråd | 2001

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Teologi som befriar

Teologi som befriar

Per Frostin | Teologi som befriar. Efterlämnade texter | 1994

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Teologisering i predikan

Teologisering i predikan

Teologisering i predikan

Clara Nystrand | Teologisering i predikan. Vad det är och hur det skedde i Svenska kyrkan år 2020 | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2024

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Teori och pedagogik i litteratur- och mediestudier

Teori och pedagogik i litteratur- och mediestudier

Teori och pedagogik i litteratur- och mediestudier

Lars Gustaf Andersson, Jan Thavenius (red.) | Teori och pedagogik i litteratur- och mediestudier | 1997

Litteraturvetenskapen har under de senaste decennierna konfronterats med en stark teoriutveckling och omfattande kulturella förändringar som radikalt har ändrat betingelserna för undervisningen. Frågor och problem har lärarna vid litteraturvetenskapliga institutionen i Lund ...

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Termini dimostrativi toscani

Termini dimostrativi toscani

Greta Brodin | Termini dimostrativi toscani. Studio storico di morfologia, sintassi e semantica | 1970

Terminologi och nomenklatur

Terminologi och nomenklatur

Stig Nilsson | Terminologi och nomenklatur. Studier över begrepp och deras uttryck inom matematik, naturvetenskap och teknik. 1 | 1974

Testing English Collocations

Testing English Collocations

Testing English Collocations

Henrik Gyllstad | Testing English Collocations. Developing Receptive Tests for Use with Advanced Swedish Learners | Övriga – språk och litteratur | 2007

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Tewodros and his contemporaries 1855-1868

Tewodros and his contemporaries 1855-1868

Tewodros and his contemporaries 1855-1868

Sven Rubenson (red.) | Tewodros and his contemporaries 1855-1868 | Acta Aethiopica 2 | 1994

Volume two with 250 documents was published in 1994 with the title Tewodros and hos Contemporaries 1855-1868. It covers the reign of emperor Tewodros, who established a unified rule putting and end to what is known as the era of the princes. He is known for his attempts to modernize ...

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Text och tolkning

Text och tolkning

Text och tolkning

Bo Johnson, René Kieffer (red.) | Text och tolkning. Uppsatser om bibeltolkningens problem | 1985

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Texter och kontexter

Texter och kontexter

Texter och kontexter

Claes-Göran Holmberg | Texter och kontexter. Samtal med 15 amerikanska litteraturforskare | 1994

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Textilproduktion i Arkeologisk kontext

Textilproduktion i Arkeologisk kontext

Eva Andersson | Textilproduktion i Arkeologisk kontext. En metodstudie av yngre järnåldersboplatser i Skåne | 1996

The "New Negro" in the Old World

The "New Negro" in the Old World

Lena Ahlin | The "New Negro" in the Old World. Culture and Performance in James Weldon Johnson, Jessie Fauset, and Nella Larsen | 2006

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The acquisition of nominal compounding in Swedish

The acquisition of nominal compounding in Swedish

The acquisition of nominal compounding in Swedish

Ingmarie Mellenius | The acquisition of nominal compounding in Swedish | 1997

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The Alevi-Bektaşi legacy

The Alevi-Bektaşi legacy

İlhan Ataseven | The Alevi-Bektaşi legacy. Problems of acquisition and explanation | 1997

The anatomy of evil

The anatomy of evil

Anders Dallby | The anatomy of evil. A study of John Webster’s The white devil | 1974

The Ancient Synagogue from Its Origins until 200 C.E.

The Ancient Synagogue from Its Origins until 200 C.E.

Magnus Zetterholm, Birger Olsson (red.) | The Ancient Synagogue from Its Origins until 200 C.E. Papers Presented at an International Conference at Lund University October 14-17 | 2003

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The Anglo-Saxon heritage in Middle English personal names

The Anglo-Saxon heritage in Middle English personal names

Bo Seltén | The Anglo-Saxon heritage in Middle English personal names. East Anglia [1100–1399] | 1972

The apocalypse of Adam

The apocalypse of Adam

Per-Arne Linder | The apocalypse of Adam. Nag Hammadi codex V,5 considered from its Egyptian background | 1991

The archaeology of the cultural landscape

The archaeology of the cultural landscape

The archaeology of the cultural landscape

Lars Larsson, Johan Callmer, Berta Stjernquist (red.) | The archaeology of the cultural landscape. Field work and research in a south Swedish rural region. Studies by Berta Stjernquist | 1992

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The Artisanal Perspective in Action

The Artisanal Perspective in Action

The Artisanal Perspective in Action

Katarina Botwid | The Artisanal Perspective in Action. An Archaeology in Practice | 2016

Hur ska nutidens forskare förstå och tolka praktisk kunskap utifrån arkeologiska material? Avhandlingen ”The Artisanal Perspective in Action” tar upp frågan och föreslår ett tydligt avgränsat hantverksperspektiv. Genom att arkeologer och hantverkare med expertis inom sitt eget ...

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The Arts in Dialogue

The Arts in Dialogue

The Arts in Dialogue

Johanna Lindbladh, Terho Paulsson, Karin Sarsenov, Miloslava Slavickova, Barbara Törnquist-Plewa (red.) | The Arts in Dialogue. Essays in Honour of Fiona Björling | 2009

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The Balance of Meaning

The Balance of Meaning

The Balance of Meaning

Thord Svensson | The Balance of Meaning. Exploring the possibility of a recognition-transcendent meaning of religious and existentially important terms | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2013

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The Big Bang of History

The Big Bang of History

The Big Bang of History

Fernando Flores | The Big Bang of History. Visualism in Technoscience | Övriga – kulturvetenskaper | 2012

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The Birth of Religion among the Balanta of Guinea-Bissau

The Birth of Religion among the Balanta of Guinea-Bissau

Inger Callewaert | The Birth of Religion among the Balanta of Guinea-Bissau | Almqvist & Wiksell International | 2000

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The bow

The bow

Gad Rausing | The bow. Some notes on its origin and development | 1967

The building blocks of sound symbolism

The building blocks of sound symbolism

The building blocks of sound symbolism

Niklas Erben Johansson | The building blocks of sound symbolism | Övriga – språk och litteratur | 2020

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The burden of Babylon

The burden of Babylon

Seth Erlandsson | The burden of Babylon. A study of Isaiah 13:2-14:23 | 1970

The chronology of the Stone Age settlement of Scania, Sweden

The chronology of the Stone Age settlement of Scania, Sweden

Carl-Axel Althin | The chronology of the Stone Age settlement of Scania, Sweden | 1954

The Church of Yimrhane Kristos

The Church of Yimrhane Kristos

The Church of Yimrhane Kristos

Mengistu Gobezie Worku | The Church of Yimrhane Kristos. An Archaeological Investigation | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2018

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The Collective Archives of Mind

The Collective Archives of Mind

The Collective Archives of Mind

Gloria Mähringer | The Collective Archives of Mind. An Exploration of Reasons from Metaethics to Social Ontology | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2020

The central aim of this book is to explore what it is to be a reason – a consideration of normative weight for a reflective creature. When we understand the reasons supporting our decisions, we become more self-determined in our choices. When we become more self-determined, we usually ...

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The common thread textile production during the late Iron Age - Viking Age

The common thread textile production during the late Iron Age - Viking Age

Eva Andersson | The common thread textile production during the late Iron Age - Viking Age | 1999

The Construction of a Sustainable Development in Times of Climate Change

The Construction of a Sustainable Development in Times of Climate Change

The Construction of a Sustainable Development in Times of Climate Change

Eric Brandstedt | The Construction of a Sustainable Development in Times of Climate Change | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2013

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The Decline of Nominal Inflection in Old Swedish

The Decline of Nominal Inflection in Old Swedish

The Decline of Nominal Inflection in Old Swedish

Dominika Skrzypek | The Decline of Nominal Inflection in Old Swedish. The Loss of Dative Case | 2005

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The dethronement of Sabaoth

The dethronement of Sabaoth

Tryggve N. D. Mettinger | The dethronement of Sabaoth. Studies in the Shem and Kabod theologies | 1982

The development of OE y and eo in south-eastern Middle-English

The development of OE y and eo in south-eastern Middle-English

Karl-Gustav Ek | The development of OE y and eo in south-eastern Middle-English | 1972

The dialect and provenance of the Middle English poem The Owl and the Nightingale

The dialect and provenance of the Middle English poem The Owl and the Nightingale

Bertil Sundby | The dialect and provenance of the Middle English poem The Owl and the Nightingale. A linguistic study | 1950

The diversity of languages and language learning

The diversity of languages and language learning

The diversity of languages and language learning

Sven Strömqvist (red.) | The diversity of languages and language learning. Lund Lectures in Languages and Literature 21-22 February 2001 | Övriga – språk och litteratur | 2002

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The Drowning World

The Drowning World

The Drowning World

Adam Brenthel | The Drowning World. The visual culture of climate change | 2016

A challenging question today is how to understand and act on climate change. Previous analyses of the public outreach of the climate sciences have concluded that the urgent communication of climate is inadequate. It is foremost the invisibility of carbon dioxide and the lack of a ...

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The dynamics of beamline configurations and user communities

The dynamics of beamline configurations and user communities

The dynamics of beamline configurations and user communities

Kristofer Rolf Söderström | The dynamics of beamline configurations and user communities. Quantitative studies of Big Science publications | 2023

In the evolving landscape of Big Science’s user-centric turn, this thesis provides insights into the role of beamlines at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF). Conceptualising beamlines as unique collaborative spaces, it employs quantitative techniques on scientific ...

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The earliest settlement of Scandinavia and its relationship with neighbouring areas

The earliest settlement of Scandinavia and its relationship with neighbouring areas

Lars Larsson (red.) | The earliest settlement of Scandinavia and its relationship with neighbouring areas | 1996

The earnest expectation of the creature

The earnest expectation of the creature

Olle Christofferson | The earnest expectation of the creature. The flood tradition as matrix of Romans 8:18-27 | 1990

The Edge of Perception

The Edge of Perception

The Edge of Perception

John Öwre | The Edge of Perception. The Psychology of the Seen and the Unseen in the Works of William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge | Övriga – språk och litteratur | 2023

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The Emergence of Conditional Subordinators in Swedish

The Emergence of Conditional Subordinators in Swedish

The Emergence of Conditional Subordinators in Swedish

Henrik Rosenkvist | The Emergence of Conditional Subordinators in Swedish. A Study in Grammaticalization | 2004

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The Emotional Community of Social Science Teaching

The Emotional Community of Social Science Teaching

The Emotional Community of Social Science Teaching

Katarina Blennow | The Emotional Community of Social Science Teaching | 2019

This is a dissertation about emotions in Social Science teaching. As such it offers a perspective on Social Science didactics that until now has been largely neglected. Some of the most pressing concerns of our time, not least crises related to migration, the welfare state, ...

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The English of Tristan da Cunha

The English of Tristan da Cunha

Arne Zettersten | The English of Tristan da Cunha | 1969

The Environmental Turn in Postwar Sweden

The Environmental Turn in Postwar Sweden

The Environmental Turn in Postwar Sweden

David Larsson Heidenblad | The Environmental Turn in Postwar Sweden. A New History of Knowledge | 2021

The Stockholm Conference of 1972 drew the world's attention to the global environmental crisis, but for people in Sweden the threat was nothing new. Anyone who read the papers or watched the television news was already familiar with the issues. Five years early, in the summer of 1967, ...

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The Ephesian mysterion

The Ephesian mysterion

Chrys C. Caragounis | The Ephesian mysterion. Meaning and content | 1977

The Epistle of Jude

The Epistle of Jude

Tommy Wasserman | The Epistle of Jude. Its Text and Transmission | 2006

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The European Frontier

The European Frontier

Jörn Staecker (red.) | The European Frontier. Clashes and Compromises in the Middle Ages | 2004

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The Evaluability Hypothesis

The Evaluability Hypothesis

The Evaluability Hypothesis

Johan Brandtler | The Evaluability Hypothesis. The Syntax and Semantics of Polarity Item Licensing in Swedish | 2010

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The evolution of social cognition in Archosauria

The evolution of social cognition in Archosauria

The evolution of social cognition in Archosauria

Claudia Zeiträg | The evolution of social cognition in Archosauria. Gaze following and play as windows to social cognition in dinosaurs | 2022

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The Fallen World in Coleridge’s Poetry

The Fallen World in Coleridge’s Poetry

The Fallen World in Coleridge’s Poetry

Agneta Lindgren | The Fallen World in Coleridge’s Poetry | 1999

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The full voic'd quire below

The full voic'd quire below

The full voic'd quire below

Claes Schaar | The full voic'd quire below. Vertical context systems in Paradise lost | 1982

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The genitive v. the of-construction

The genitive v. the of-construction

Bengt Altenberg | The genitive v. the of-construction. A study of syntactic variation in 17th century English | 1982

The God of the sages

The God of the sages

Lennart Boström | The God of the sages. The portrayal of God in the book of Proverbs | 1990

The good things in life

The good things in life

Roland Hallgren | The good things in life. A study of the traditional religious culture of the Yoruba people | 1988

The gospel tradition

The gospel tradition

Birger Gerhardsson | The gospel tradition | 1986

The great power of God in San Juan Valley

The great power of God in San Juan Valley

Jan Lundius | The great power of God in San Juan Valley. Syncretism and messianism in the Dominican Republic | 1995

The Greek of the Ancient Synagogue

The Greek of the Ancient Synagogue

The Greek of the Ancient Synagogue

Georg Walser | The Greek of the Ancient Synagogue. An Investigation on the Greek of the Septuagint, Pseudepigrapha and the New Testament | Almqvist & Wiksell International | 2001

This book discusses the existence and nature of a peculiar variety of the Greek language which was used by Jewish and Christian writers between c. 200 BC and c. 200 AD in relation to the institution known as the synagogue. It is argued that this variety arose from the Greek ...

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The growth of Swedish-Anglican intercommunion between 1833 and 1922

The growth of Swedish-Anglican intercommunion between 1833 and 1922

Carl Henrik Lyttkens | The growth of Swedish-Anglican intercommunion between 1833 and 1922 | 1970

The Hammer and the Nail

The Hammer and the Nail

The Hammer and the Nail

Henrik Thorén | The Hammer and the Nail. Interdisciplinarity and Problem Solving in Sustainability Science | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2015

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The hermetic piety of the mind

The hermetic piety of the mind

Peter Södergård | The hermetic piety of the mind. A semiotic and cognitive study of the discourse of Hermes Trismegistos | 2003

The Highest Force Hypothesis

The Highest Force Hypothesis

The Highest Force Hypothesis

David Petersson | The Highest Force Hypothesis. Subordination in Swedish | 2014

This study discusses subordination in Swedish from the perspective of three construction types that involve clauses that have traditionally been notoriously difficult to classify as unambiguous main or subordinate clauses: "embedded V2"-constructions, direct speech constructions, and ...

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The Holocaust on Postwar Battlefields

The Holocaust on Postwar Battlefields

The Holocaust on Postwar Battlefields

Klas-Göran Karlsson, Ulf Zander (red.) | The Holocaust on Postwar Battlefields. Genocide as Historical Culture | Sekel bokförlag | 2006

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The humanization of Willa Cather

The humanization of Willa Cather

Erik Ingvar Thurin | The humanization of Willa Cather. Classicism in an American classic | 1990

The image of God

The image of God

Gunnlaugur A. Jónsson | The image of God. Genesis 1:26-28 in a century of Old Testament research | 1988

The Intelligentsias of Russia and Poland

The Intelligentsias of Russia and Poland

The Intelligentsias of Russia and Poland

Alexander Pereswetoff-Morath, Fiona Björling (red.) | The Intelligentsias of Russia and Poland. The Intelligentsia as Creators of Social Values in Russia and Poland during the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Abstracts from the Conference Held at Lund University, August 22–25, 2002 | 2002

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The interplay of social science and personal belief in Gordon W. Allport's psychology of religion

The interplay of social science and personal belief in Gordon W. Allport's psychology of religion

Jan Hermanson | The interplay of social science and personal belief in Gordon W. Allport's psychology of religion | 1997

The Islamization of science

The Islamization of science

Leif Stenberg | The Islamization of science. Four Muslim positions developing an Islamic modernity | 1996

The Japanese Imperative

The Japanese Imperative

The Japanese Imperative

Axel Svahn | The Japanese Imperative | 2016

Imperatives are the chief grammatical exponents of one of the basic types of utterance: statements, questions, and commands. This thesis investigates how imperatives in Japanese fit into the cross-linguistic scheme of things and, more importantly, whether and how they stand out. Its ...

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The journey toward Ariel

The journey toward Ariel

The journey toward Ariel

Nancy D. Hargrove | The journey toward Ariel. Sylvia Plath’s poems of 1956–1959 | 1994

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The language of satirized characters in Poëtaster

The language of satirized characters in Poëtaster

Arthur H King | The language of satirized characters in Poëtaster. A socio-stylistic analysis 1579–1602 | 1941

The language of truth

The language of truth

Harriet Björk | The language of truth. Charlotte Brontë, the woman question, and the novel | 1974

The laryngeal theory

The laryngeal theory

Hans Jonsson | The laryngeal theory. A critical survey | 1978

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The Latin element in the vocabulary of the earlier makars Henryson and Dunbar

The Latin element in the vocabulary of the earlier makars Henryson and Dunbar

Bengt Ellenberger | The Latin element in the vocabulary of the earlier makars Henryson and Dunbar | 1977

The Legacy of the Jaguar Prophet

The Legacy of the Jaguar Prophet

Bodil Liljefors Persson | The Legacy of the Jaguar Prophet. An Exploration of Yucatec Maya Religion and Historiography | Almqvist & Wiksell International | 2000

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The letters of St. Antony

The letters of St. Antony

Samuel Rubenson | The letters of St. Antony. Origenist theology, monastic tradition and the making of a saint | 1990

The limits of the religious community

The limits of the religious community

Göran Forkman | The limits of the religious community. Expulsion from the religious community within the Qumran sect, within Rabbinic Judaism, and within primitive Christianity | 1972

The Literary Construction of the Universe

The Literary Construction of the Universe

The Literary Construction of the Universe

Daniel Helsing | The Literary Construction of the Universe. Narratives of Truth, Transcendence, and Triumph in Contemporary Anglo-American Popularizations of Physics and Astronomy | 2019

"Science" is a historically variable, connotationally rich, and contested term. No single institution, individual, or group of individuals can claim definitional authority over its meaning. The use of "science" carries weight and credibility in society, at least in many sectors. Yet ...

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The London–Lund corpus of spoken English

The London–Lund corpus of spoken English

The London–Lund corpus of spoken English

Jan Svartvik (red.) | The London–Lund corpus of spoken English. Description and research | 1990

The appearance of this book marks the end of two projects in modern English linguistics, the London-Lund Corpus of Spoken English and Text Segmentation for Speech. Part I is a description by Sidney Greenbaum and Jan Svartvik of the computerized London-Lund Corpus of Spoken English, ...

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The Lord rose up from Seir

The Lord rose up from Seir

Lars Eric Axelsson | The Lord rose up from Seir. Studies in the history and traditions of the Negev and Southern Judah | 1987

The LXX version

The LXX version

Staffan Olofsson | The LXX version. A guide to the translation technique of the Septuagint | 1990

The Making of Christianity

The Making of Christianity

Magnus Zetterholm, Samuel Byrskog (red.) | The Making of Christianity. Conflicts, Contacts, and Constructions: Essays in Honor of Bengt Holmberg | 2012

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The making of the Mariam Mosque

The making of the Mariam Mosque

The making of the Mariam Mosque

Jesper Petersen | The making of the Mariam Mosque. Serendipities and structures in the production of female authority in Denmark | 2020

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The malleability of political attitudes

The malleability of political attitudes

The malleability of political attitudes

Thomas Strandberg | The malleability of political attitudes. Choice blindness, confabulation and attitude change | 2020

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The margin speaks

The margin speaks

The margin speaks

Gunilla Florby | The margin speaks. A study of Margaret Laurence and Robert Kroetsch from a post-colonial point of view | 1997

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The Medal in Early Modern Sweden

The Medal in Early Modern Sweden

The Medal in Early Modern Sweden

Ylva Haidenthaller | The Medal in Early Modern Sweden. Significances and Practices | 2021

From the Renaissance and onwards, the medal has been an important element of European art and visual culture. It was appreciated for its symbolic and material value. However, much of its significance lies in the fact that it affects multiple senses and not sight alone. Recipients can ...

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The Memory of Meanings

The Memory of Meanings

The Memory of Meanings

Magdalena Dziaczkowska | The Memory of Meanings. The Images of Jewish-Catholic Relations in Interwar Lublin in Oral Histories | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2023

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The Middle English Genesis and Exodus

The Middle English Genesis and Exodus

Olof Arngart | The Middle English Genesis and Exodus. Re-edited from MS. C.C.C.C. 444 with introduction, notes and glossary | 1968

The Middle English Translation of Guy de Chauliac's Treatise on "Apostemes"

The Middle English Translation of Guy de Chauliac's Treatise on "Apostemes"

Björn Wallner (red.) | The Middle English Translation of Guy de Chauliac's Treatise on "Apostemes" Book II of The Great Surgery. P. 1, Text | 1988

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The Middle English Translation of Guy de Chauliac's Treatise on "Apostemes"

Björn Wallner (red.) | The Middle English Translation of Guy de Chauliac's Treatise on "Apostemes" Book II of The Great Surgery. P. 2, Introduction, Notes, Glossary, Marginalia and Latin Appendix | 1989

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The Mild Boredom of Order

The Mild Boredom of Order

The Mild Boredom of Order

Eva Nylander | The Mild Boredom of Order. A Study in the History of the Manuscript Collection of Queen Christina of Sweden | 2011

This study examines how the Latin manuscript collection of Queen Christina of Sweden was formed, what function it served for the queen and for others, and how various attempts to impose order on it reflect different epistemological traditions. A recurring theme of the study is the ...

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The moral Rubicon

The moral Rubicon

Axel Carlberg | The moral Rubicon. A study of the principles of sanctity of life and quality of life in bioethics | 1998

The Most Delicate Subject

The Most Delicate Subject

The Most Delicate Subject

Elisabet Björklund | The Most Delicate Subject. A History of Sex Education Films in Sweden | 2012

In 1969, the sex education film Language of Love was a great success at Swedish movie theaters. Containing explicit representations of sexual acts, the film attracted over one million Swedish movie-goers and was soon followed by no less than three sequels and a "best-of" compilation ...

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The Movement of a Musical Work

The Movement of a Musical Work

The Movement of a Musical Work

Johan Larsson Lindal | The Movement of a Musical Work. Ernst Krenek’s Opus 20 in the Interwar Years | 2024

The idealistic musical work concept is the idea that pieces of music exist beyond space and time. Having emerged in Western art music, this concept has not had an easy time co-existing with musical practices around the world. To show the discrepancies and consistencies of the ...

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The neologisms in 2 Maccabees

The neologisms in 2 Maccabees

The neologisms in 2 Maccabees

Nikolaos Domazakis | The neologisms in 2 Maccabees | 2018

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The neurocognitive basis of confabulatory introspection

The neurocognitive basis of confabulatory introspection

The neurocognitive basis of confabulatory introspection

Gabriel Vogel | The neurocognitive basis of confabulatory introspection. Choice blindness and the brain | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2024

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The Northumbrian burr

The Northumbrian burr

Christer Påhlsson | The Northumbrian burr. A sociolinguistic study | 1972

The object markers ba and jiang in modern literary Chinese

The object markers ba and jiang in modern literary Chinese

The object markers ba and jiang in modern literary Chinese

Wai-Ling Ragvald | The object markers ba and jiang in modern literary Chinese | Övriga – språk och litteratur | 2010

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The Origins of the Synagogue

The Origins of the Synagogue

Anders Runesson | The Origins of the Synagogue. A Socio-Historical Study | 2001

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The Oxford Group, group revivalism, and the churches in Northern Europe, 1930-1945, with special reference to Scandinavia and Germany

The Oxford Group, group revivalism, and the churches in Northern Europe, 1930-1945, with special reference to Scandinavia and Germany

The Oxford Group, group revivalism, and the churches in Northern Europe, 1930-1945, with special reference to Scandinavia and Germany

Anders Jarlert | The Oxford Group, group revivalism, and the churches in Northern Europe, 1930-1945, with special reference to Scandinavia and Germany | 1995

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The Oxford Movement and Wesleyan Methodism in England 1833-1882

The Oxford Movement and Wesleyan Methodism in England 1833-1882

Mats Selén | The Oxford Movement and Wesleyan Methodism in England 1833-1882. A study in religious conflict | 1992

The painful passage to virtue

The painful passage to virtue

The painful passage to virtue

Gunilla Florby | The painful passage to virtue. A study of George Chapman’s The tragedy of Bussy D’Ambois and The revenge of Bussy D’Ambois | 1982

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The Perm´/Glazov rings

The Perm´/Glazov rings

The Perm´/Glazov rings

Birgitta Hårdh | The Perm´/Glazov rings. Contacts and Economy in the Viking Age between Russia and the Baltic Region | 2016

A group of distinctive Viking Age silver rings, sometimes described as neck-rings, sometimes as arm-spirals, have long been a cause of academic dispute. Where were they made and how were they used? So far the scholarly perspectives have been limited to either the western or the ...

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The Petersburg Text of Russian Cinema in Perestroika and Post-Perestroika Eras

The Petersburg Text of Russian Cinema in Perestroika and Post-Perestroika Eras

The Petersburg Text of Russian Cinema in Perestroika and Post-Perestroika Eras

Natalia Bratova | The Petersburg Text of Russian Cinema in Perestroika and Post-Perestroika Eras | 2013

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The phonology of language disordered children

The phonology of language disordered children

The phonology of language disordered children

Eva Magnusson | The phonology of language disordered children. Production, perception, and awareness | Liber | 1983

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The phonology of the Middle English dialect of Sussex

The phonology of the Middle English dialect of Sussex

Sven Rubin | The phonology of the Middle English dialect of Sussex | 1951

The Physical Foundation of the Patterning of Physical Action Verbs

The Physical Foundation of the Patterning of Physical Action Verbs

The Physical Foundation of the Patterning of Physical Action Verbs

Hong Gao | The Physical Foundation of the Patterning of Physical Action Verbs. A Study of Chinese Verbs | 2001

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The Poetics of Memory in Post-Totalitarian Narration

The Poetics of Memory in Post-Totalitarian Narration

The Poetics of Memory in Post-Totalitarian Narration

Johanna Lindbladh (red.) | The Poetics of Memory in Post-Totalitarian Narration | Övriga – språk och litteratur | 2008

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The Political Theology of Malcolm X

The Political Theology of Malcolm X

The Political Theology of Malcolm X

Anders Ackfeldt, Emin Poljarevic (red.) | The Political Theology of Malcolm X | 2020

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The portrayal of women in the fiction of Henry Handel Richardson

The portrayal of women in the fiction of Henry Handel Richardson

Eva Jarring Corones | The portrayal of women in the fiction of Henry Handel Richardson | 1983

The Potential of Linguistic Theories in the Study of Aspect and Tense in Ancient Greek, With Particular Attention to New Testament Greek

The Potential of Linguistic Theories in the Study of Aspect and Tense in Ancient Greek, With Particular Attention to New Testament Greek

The Potential of Linguistic Theories in the Study of Aspect and Tense in Ancient Greek, With Particular Attention to New Testament Greek

Jan H. Nylund | The Potential of Linguistic Theories in the Study of Aspect and Tense in Ancient Greek, With Particular Attention to New Testament Greek | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2024

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The Privilege to Select

The Privilege to Select

The Privilege to Select

Nora Schmidt | The Privilege to Select. Global Research System, European Academic Library Collections, and Decolonisation | 2020

To European social sciences and humanities researchers, substantial parts of potentially relevant literature published in the “Global South” are invisible. This literature is neither indexed in any subject databases nor acquired by European libraries – a gap virtually unacknowledged ...

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The published writings of Eilert Ekwall

The published writings of Eilert Ekwall

Eilert Ekwall | The published writings of Eilert Ekwall. A bibliography compiled by Olof von Feilitzen | 1961

The religious trend in secular Scottish school-books 1858–1861 and 1873–1882

The religious trend in secular Scottish school-books 1858–1861 and 1873–1882

Ellen Alwall | The religious trend in secular Scottish school-books 1858–1861 and 1873–1882. With a survey of the debate on education in Scotland in the middle and late 19th century | 1970

The return of traditional food

The return of traditional food

The return of traditional food

Patricia Lysaght, Håkan Jönsson, Anna Burstedt | The return of traditional food | 2013

Strongly interdisciplinary in content, the papers in this volume deal with various aspects of the return to popularity of traditional food, from the re-articulation of goat-cheese making in Jämtland, Sweden, to the reinvention of Cinnamon Bread as a commodity under the influence of ...

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The riddle of resurrection

The riddle of resurrection

Tryggve N.D. Mettinger | The riddle of resurrection. “Dying and Rising Gods” in the Ancient Near East | 2001

The rivalry of Scandinavian and native synonyms in Middle English, especially taken and nimen

The rivalry of Scandinavian and native synonyms in Middle English, especially taken and nimen

Alarik Rynell | The rivalry of Scandinavian and native synonyms in Middle English, especially taken and nimen. With an excursus on nema and taka in old Scandinavian | 1948

The Rock Carvings of Götaland

The Rock Carvings of Götaland

Göran Burenhult | The Rock Carvings of Götaland | 1973

The rounded rite

The rounded rite

Wiveca Sotto | The rounded rite. A study of Wole Soyinka’s play The Bacchae of Euripides | 1985

The Rudder of the Church

The Rudder of the Church

The Rudder of the Church

David Heith-Stade | The Rudder of the Church. A Study of the Theory of Canon Law in the Pedalion | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2014

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The Sango Language and Its Lexicon (Sêndâ-yângâ tî Sängö)

The Sango Language and Its Lexicon (Sêndâ-yângâ tî Sängö)

The Sango Language and Its Lexicon (Sêndâ-yângâ tî Sängö)

Christina Thornell | The Sango Language and Its Lexicon (Sêndâ-yângâ tî Sängö) | 1997

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The Scandinavian word accents

The Scandinavian word accents

The Scandinavian word accents

Eva Gårding | The Scandinavian word accents | Liber | 1977

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The Search for the Modern Identity

The Search for the Modern Identity

Krzysztof Stala | The Search for the Modern Identity. Polish Responses to Modernity and Europe in the 20th Century | 2010

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The Seege of Troye

The Seege of Troye

Gösta Hofstrand | The Seege of Troye. A study in the intertextual relations of the Middle English romance The "Seege or Batayle of Troye" | 1936

The servant of YHWH and Cyrus

The servant of YHWH and Cyrus

Antti Laato | The servant of YHWH and Cyrus. A reinterpretation of the exilic Messianic programme in Isaiah 40-55 | 1992

The sign of Jonah reconsidered

The sign of Jonah reconsidered

Simon Chow | The sign of Jonah reconsidered. A study of its meaning in the gospel traditions | 1995

The story of storage I

The story of storage I

The story of storage I

Lars Björk, Jānis Krēslin̦š, Matts Lindström (red.) | The story of storage I | 2010

Detta verk är tematiskt inriktat på lagring i olika betydelser. Artiklarna har skrivits av företrädare för flera olika forskningsdiscipliner. Ur redaktörernas förord: "Civlisationens lagringsprocesser har ända sedan begynnelsen strävat efter att tvinga in det lagrade i den sfär som ...

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The Study of Medieval Archaeology

The Study of Medieval Archaeology

Hans Andersson, Jes Wienberg (red.) | The Study of Medieval Archaeology. European symposium for Teachers of Medieval Archaeology, Lund 11–15 June 1990 | 1993

The sweet sound of concord

The sweet sound of concord

Ulla Thagg Fisher | The sweet sound of concord. A study of Swedish learners’ concord problems in English | 1985

The syncope of the Old English present endings

The syncope of the Old English present endings

Johannes Hedberg | The syncope of the Old English present endings. A dialect criterion | 1945

The Synonyms for "child", "boy", "girl" in Old English

The Synonyms for "child", "boy", "girl" in Old English

Hilding Bäck | The Synonyms for "child", "boy", "girl" in Old English. An Etymological-Semasiological Investigation | 1934

The Syntax of Past Participles

The Syntax of Past Participles

Verner Egerland | The Syntax of Past Participles. A Generative Study on Nonfinite Constructions in Ancient and Modern Italian | 1996

The Syntax of the Swedish Present Participle

The Syntax of the Swedish Present Participle

The Syntax of the Swedish Present Participle

Camilla Thurén | The Syntax of the Swedish Present Participle | Övriga – språk och litteratur | 2008

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The testing of God's son (Matt 4: 1-11 & par)

The testing of God's son (Matt 4: 1-11 & par)

Birger Gerhardsson | The testing of God's son (Matt 4: 1-11 & par). An analysis of an early Christian midrash. Fasc. I (chapters 1-4) | 1966

The text of 2 Chronicles 1-16

The text of 2 Chronicles 1-16

Kjell Hognesius | The text of 2 Chronicles 1-16. A critical edition with textual commentary | 2003

The transience of American Swedish

The transience of American Swedish

Staffan Klintborg | The transience of American Swedish | 1999

The Transport Amphorae from Euesperides

The Transport Amphorae from Euesperides

The Transport Amphorae from Euesperides

Kristian Göransson | The Transport Amphorae from Euesperides. The Maritime Trade of a Cyrenaican City 400–250 BC | 2007

The present thesis is a study of Mediterranean trade 400-250 BC through an examination of transport amphorae from the ancient Cyrenaican city of Euesperides (Benghazi), Libya. The material comes from excavations conducted from 1999-2006 by the Society for Libyan Studies. Amphorae ...

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The Unintentional Lecture

The Unintentional Lecture

Colin Loughlin | The Unintentional Lecture. The place of large-class teaching in contemporary Higher Education | 2025

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The universal autobiography of Ralph Waldo Emerson

The universal autobiography of Ralph Waldo Emerson

Erik Ingvar Thurin | The universal autobiography of Ralph Waldo Emerson | 1974

The unstable manifold

The unstable manifold

Karin Hansson | The unstable manifold. Janet Frame’s challenge to determinism | 1996

The verb 'to be' in Middle English

The verb 'to be' in Middle English

Gösta Forsström | The verb 'to be' in Middle English. A survey of the forms | 1948

The Victorian Governess Novel

The Victorian Governess Novel

The Victorian Governess Novel

Cecilia Wadsö-Lecaros | The Victorian Governess Novel | 2001

The governess held a peculiar position in Victorian England: she was a wage-earning, middle-class woman in a society in which middle-class femininity was defined by domesticity and non-participation in the public labour market. This made her a suitable heroine for writers focusing on ...

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The vital force

The vital force

Roland Hallgren | The vital force. A study of Àṣẹ in the traditional and neo-traditional culture of the Yoruba people | 1995

The warped universe

The warped universe

Karin Hansson | The warped universe. A study of imagery and structure in seven novels by Patrick White | 1984

The waste land

The waste land

Marianne Thormählen | The waste land. A fragmentary wholeness | 1978

The water-supply system in Roman Pompeii

The water-supply system in Roman Pompeii

The water-supply system in Roman Pompeii

Richard Olsson | The water-supply system in Roman Pompeii | Övriga – historia och arkeologi | 2015

This study focusses on the urban infrastructure for water supply in Roman Pompeii. The water distribution network of lead pipes was constructed inside the city walls, at the time when the city was connected to an aqueduct. Life for the Pompeiians changed considerably when aqueduct ...

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The Wheel of Polish Fortune

The Wheel of Polish Fortune

The Wheel of Polish Fortune

Barbara Törnquist-Plewa | The Wheel of Polish Fortune. Myths in Polish Collective Consciousness during the First Years of Solidarity, | 1992

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The wise king

The wise king

Leonidas Kalugila | The wise king. Studies in royal wisdom as divine revelation in the Old Testament and its environment | 1980

The YouTube reader

The YouTube reader

The YouTube reader

Pelle Snickars, Patrick Vonderau (red.) | The YouTube reader | 2009

En internationell forskningsantologi om världens största audiovisuella arkiv, YouTube. YouTube är världens snabbast växande sajt. På den laddas det upp tio timmar rörlig bild varje minut. Antalet unika användare närmar sig 100 miljoner. Eftersom det är så enkelt att länka upp en video ...

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Thematic Issue: Paul Ricœur in Dialogue with Theology and Religious Studies’

Thematic Issue: Paul Ricœur in Dialogue with Theology and Religious Studies’

Thematic Issue: Paul Ricœur in Dialogue with Theology and Religious Studies’ | 2015

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Theorier om verklig diktning

Theorier om verklig diktning

Theorier om verklig diktning

Erik Hedling, Birger Hedén, Claes-Göran Holmberg, Anders Mortensen, Helena Nilsson (red.) | Theorier om verklig diktning. Festskrift till Per Erik Ljung | 2008

I antologin Theorier om verklig diktning samsas texter av mer än trettio litteratur- film- och konstforskare. Det handlar i de allra flesta fall om litteratur i alla dess former, men även om film, konst och musik. Texterna spänner över ett vitt fält, från lokal till global ...

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Theory and Reality

Theory and Reality

Theory and Reality

Staffan Angere | Theory and Reality. Metaphysics as Second Science | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2010

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Theseus de Cologne, édition partielle d'une chanson de geste du XIVe siècle

Theseus de Cologne, édition partielle d'une chanson de geste du XIVe siècle

Theseus de Cologne, édition partielle d'une chanson de geste du XIVe siècle

Mari Bacquin | Theseus de Cologne, édition partielle d'une chanson de geste du XIVe siècle | 2008

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This singular tale

This singular tale

Sven Bäckman | This singular tale. A study of The vicar of Wakefield and its literary background | 1971

Threads and Images

Threads and Images

Per Rönnegård | Threads and Images. The Use of Scripture in Apophthegmata Patrum | 2007

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Through a glass darkly

Through a glass darkly

Through a glass darkly

Fiona Björling (red.) | Through a glass darkly. Cultural representations in the dialogue between Central, Eastern and Western Europe | 1999

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Tid och evighet

Tid och evighet

Sven-Åke Selander (red.) | Tid och evighet. Ett gudstjänstperspektiv inför 2000-talet | 1999

Tidegärdens tillskyndare

Tidegärdens tillskyndare

Sven-Erik Brodd (red.) | Tidegärdens tillskyndare | 1991

Tidigneolitikum i Sydvästskåne

Tidigneolitikum i Sydvästskåne

Mats Larsson | Tidigneolitikum i Sydvästskåne. Kronologi och bosättningsmönster | 1984

Tidningsmakt och politiska organisationer

Tidningsmakt och politiska organisationer

Tidningsmakt och politiska organisationer

Curt Åke Olsson | Tidningsmakt och politiska organisationer. Den borgerliga samlingsrörelsen i Fyrstadskretsen 1962-1968 | Nordic Academic Press | 2003

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Tidskrift för Classiska studier

Tidskrift för Classiska studier

Tidskrift för Classiska studier

Katarina Bernhardsson, Sara Kärrholm, Per Erik Ljung, Anders Mortensen, Niklas Schiöler (red.) | Tidskrift för Classiska studier | 2011

I Tidskrift för Classiska studier tar närmare femtio forskare, journalister och författare med läsaren på en sällsam odyssé. Från världslitteraturen och med nyskrivna litterära texter – via nedslag i musiken, litteraturhistorien, journalistiken, datorspelet, dramatiken och ...

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Tiggare, tidstjuvar, lättingar och landstrykare

Tiggare, tidstjuvar, lättingar och landstrykare

Conny Blom | Tiggare, tidstjuvar, lättingar och landstrykare. Studier av attityder och värderingar i skrån, stadgar, ordningar och lagförslag gällande den offentliga vården 1533-1664 | 1992

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Gabriella Nilsson, Sara Tanderup Linkis (red.) | TikTok. Kulturella perspektiv | 2024

Under utgivning/In press

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Til at stwdera läkedom

Til at stwdera läkedom

Til at stwdera läkedom

Gunnar Broberg (red.) | Til at stwdera läkedom. Tio studier i svensk medicinhistoria | Övriga – kulturvetenskaper & Sekel bokförlag | 2008

Tusen år av svensk läkekonst och medicinsk forskning är ämnet för denna antologi. I tio studier erbjuder några av våra mer namnkunniga ide- och lärdomshistoriker fascinerande läsning om bland annat skendödens historia, religionens makt, människomaskiner, pesten, kurorter samt synen på ...

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Till frågan om det s.k. Helgeandshusmissalets liturgihistoriska ställning

Till frågan om det s.k. Helgeandshusmissalets liturgihistoriska ställning

Carl-Gösta Frithz | Till frågan om det s.k. Helgeandshusmissalets liturgihistoriska ställning | 1976

Tilling Nature – Harvesting Culture

Tilling Nature – Harvesting Culture

Elisabeth Rudebeck | Tilling Nature – Harvesting Culture. Exploring Images of the Human Being in the Transition to Agriculture | 2000

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Tingens och tankarnas landskap

Tingens och tankarnas landskap

Tingens och tankarnas landskap

Björn Nilsson | Tingens och tankarnas landskap. Försök i naturumgängets arkeologi med exempel ur Blekinges och Smålands förflutna | 2003

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Lars Wollin (red.) | Tiällmannstudier | 1984

To all the brethren

To all the brethren

Bruce C. Johanson | To all the brethren. A text-linguistic and rhetorical approach to 1 Thessalonians | 1987

To each their own letter

To each their own letter

Mikael Isacson | To each their own letter. Structure, themes, and rhetorical strategies in the letters of Ignatius of Antioch | 2004

Toleransens gränser

Toleransens gränser

Toleransens gränser

Johannes Ljungberg | Toleransens gränser. Religionspolitiska dilemman i det tidiga 1700-talets Sverige och Europa | Övriga – historia och arkeologi | 2017

Var går gränsen för vilka avvikelser från samhällets grundvalar som kan tolereras? När så kallade pietister framträdde i Sverige vid 1700-talets början uppstod en ny problematik kring toleransens gränser i Sveriges historia. Till skillnad från i övriga Europa hade dessförinnan ...

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Tolkning och konfrontation

Tolkning och konfrontation

Tolkning och konfrontation

Teologiska institutionen (red.) | Tolkning och konfrontation. Ett symposium om Gustaf Wingrens teologi med anledning av hans 85-årsdag den 29 november 1995 | 1996

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Lars Jönsson | Tommarp. Kunglig produktionsort och klosterstad | 2011

Det är något mystiskt med Tommarp, den forna staden i sydöstra Skåne. Under de ca 950 år som gått sedan den danska kungamakten etablerade en kungsgård i Tommarp har orten bytt skepnad många gånger. Tommarp var under närmare 500 år en urbaniserad ort, vilken 1540 förlorade sina ...

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Tonal perception in speech

Tonal perception in speech

Tonal perception in speech

David House | Tonal perception in speech | 1990

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Topology and dynamics of interactions

Topology and dynamics of interactions

Topology and dynamics of interactions

Emilio Rivano Fischer | Topology and dynamics of interactions. With special reference to Spanish and Mapudungu | 1991

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Torp och backstugor i Länghem

Torp och backstugor i Länghem

Torp och backstugor i Länghem

Hans Andersson | Torp och backstugor i Länghem. En studie av bebyggelsens förändringar från 1600-talet till början av 1900-talet. | 2007

Studien behandlar utvecklingen av den obesuttna bebyggelsen i Länghems socken från 1600-talet till 1900-talet, dvs torp och backstugor. Socknen har både säterier och bondejord, vilket resulterar i olikartad utveckling i olika delar av socknen. Det är därigenom möjligt att också ...

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Towards a European Perspective on Religious Education

Towards a European Perspective on Religious Education

Rune Larsson, Caroline Gustavsson (red.) | Towards a European Perspective on Religious Education. The RE research conference March 11-14, 2004, University of Lund | 2004

Towards a new understanding of conversion

Towards a new understanding of conversion

Towards a new understanding of conversion

Ulf Görman (red.) | Towards a new understanding of conversion | 1999

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Towns and toponyms in the Old Testament

Towns and toponyms in the Old Testament

Jan Svensson | Towns and toponyms in the Old Testament. With special emphasis on Joshua 14-21 | 1994

Traces of Sound

Traces of Sound

Traces of Sound

Henrik Frisk, Sanne Krogh Groth (red.) | Traces of Sound. Reflections of Sound Unheard | 2023

What is sound when it is not heard? How does this unheard sound affect us? What might such sound reveal to us and how would we know? How do we recall sounds when their sources are no longer accessible? Traces of Sound. Reflections of Sounds Unheard invites scholars of music ...

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Tracking the Mind's Eye

Tracking the Mind's Eye

Tracking the Mind's Eye

Roger Johansson | Tracking the Mind's Eye | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2011

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Tracking the Mind's Eye

Tracking the Mind's Eye

Roger Johansson | Tracking the Mind's Eye. Eye movements during mental imagery and memory retrieval | 2013

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Tracking Wild Boar and Hunters

Tracking Wild Boar and Hunters

Tracking Wild Boar and Hunters

Ola Magnell | Tracking Wild Boar and Hunters. Osteology of Wild Boar in Mesolithic South Scandinavia | 2006

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Tracts for the times

Tracts for the times

Rune Imberg | Tracts for the times. A complete survey of all the editions | 1987

Trade and exchange in prehistory

Trade and exchange in prehistory

Birgitta Hårdh (red.) | Trade and exchange in prehistory. Studies in honour of Berta Stjernquist | 1988

Trade beads and bead trade in Scandinavia ca. 800–1000 A.D

Trade beads and bead trade in Scandinavia ca. 800–1000 A.D

Johan Callmer | Trade beads and bead trade in Scandinavia ca. 800–1000 A.D | 1977

Tradition and interpretation

Tradition and interpretation

Inger Ljung | Tradition and interpretation. A study of the use and application of formulaic language in the so-called Ebed YHWH-psalms | 1978

Tradition ifrågasatt

Tradition ifrågasatt

Tradition ifrågasatt

Göran Bexell (red.) | Tradition ifrågasatt. Fyra svensk-danska föreläsningar | 1987

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Tradition och förändring

Tradition och förändring

Monika Edgren | Tradition och förändring. Könsrelationer, omsorgsarbete och försörjning inom Norrköpings underklass under 1800-talet | 1994

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Tradition transformed

Tradition transformed

Sven Bäckman | Tradition transformed. Studies in the poetry of Wilfred Owen | 1979

Traditions as rhetorical proof

Traditions as rhetorical proof

Anders Eriksson | Traditions as rhetorical proof. Pauline argumentation in 1 Corinthians | 1998




Per Erik Ljung, Mats Jönsson (red.) | Transformationer. Valda texter från International Association of Scandinavian Studies (IASS) 28:e konferens i Lund 2010 | 2011

Transformationer rymmer tjugosex texter från ett symposium kring översättning – i bred mening – som ägde rum i Lund sommaren 2010. Förvandlingarna mellan språk, genrer. Konstarter, medier och kulturer äger rum hela tiden. Det är ett perspektiv som är självklart för skandinavister. Vi ...

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Transformed Readings

Transformed Readings

Transformed Readings

Martin Wessbrandt | Transformed Readings. Negotiations of Cult in Paul, Hebrews, and First Clement | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2017

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Transitivity in discourse

Transitivity in discourse

Transitivity in discourse

Ann Lindvall | Transitivity in discourse. A comparison of Greek, Polish and Swedish | 1998

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Translation studies in Scandinavia

Translation studies in Scandinavia

Lars Wollin, Hans Lindquist (red.) | Translation studies in Scandinavia. Proceedings from The Scandinavian Symposium on Translation Theory (SSOTT) II | 1986

Translation technique and theological exegesis

Translation technique and theological exegesis

Staffan Olofsson | Translation technique and theological exegesis. Collected essays on the Septuagint version | 2009

Translation Techniques in Two Syro-Arabic Versions of Ruth

Translation Techniques in Two Syro-Arabic Versions of Ruth

Per Å Bengtsson | Translation Techniques in Two Syro-Arabic Versions of Ruth | Almqvist & Wiksell International | 2003

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Tre senmedeltida godsorganisationer

Tre senmedeltida godsorganisationer

Tre senmedeltida godsorganisationer

Salomon Kraft | Tre senmedeltida godsorganisationer | 1971

Volymen behandlar tre, mycket speciella godsorganisationer: - ett landsbygdsgille, knutet till Skarhult (1488) - Vallösa, tillhörig Peder Lang, officialis i Lund - Vittskövle med en jordebok som förtecknar den för landsförräderi avrättade Niels Brahe (1525).

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Tre städer, två broar och ett museum

Tre städer, två broar och ett museum

Tre städer, två broar och ett museum

Dragan Nikolic | Tre städer, två broar och ett museum. Minne, politik och världsarv i Bosnien och Hercegovina | Övriga – kulturvetenskaper | 2012

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Tre uppsatser om semantisk förändring hos relationella lexem

Tre uppsatser om semantisk förändring hos relationella lexem

Tre uppsatser om semantisk förändring hos relationella lexem

Lena Ekberg (red.) | Tre uppsatser om semantisk förändring hos relationella lexem | 2004

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Tre uppsatser om variation och förändring

Tre uppsatser om variation och förändring

Tre uppsatser om variation och förändring

Marit Julien (red.) | Tre uppsatser om variation och förändring | 2020

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Tres lecturas de las novelas de Mario Vargas Llosa

Tres lecturas de las novelas de Mario Vargas Llosa

Tres lecturas de las novelas de Mario Vargas Llosa

Petter Jonsson | Tres lecturas de las novelas de Mario Vargas Llosa. Interpretación psicoanalítica de la producción novelesca de un autor | 2009

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Mats Mogren, Mats Roslund, Barbro Sundner, Jes Wienberg (red.) | Triangulering. Historisk arkeologi vidgar fälten | 2009

Historisk arkeologi är en beteckning för en arkeologi som behandlar perioder med text. Tyngdpunkten läggs på de metodiska möjligheter, som uppstår i samspelet mellan ting och texter, samt, inte att förglömma, även bilder. Den nya definitionen öppnar vägar ut från medeltidsarkeologins ...

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Åke Boquist | Trisvabhāva. A study of the development of the three-nature-theory in Yogācāra Buddhism | 1993

Tro - upplevelse - språk

Tro - upplevelse - språk

Tro - upplevelse - språk

Dick A. R. Haglund | Tro - upplevelse - språk. Till den religiösa erfarenhetens fenomenologi | 1990

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Tro och helgelse

Tro och helgelse

Björn Fyrlund | Tro och helgelse. En analys av Johan Olof Wallins moraluppfattning | 1999

Trois contes français du XIIIe siècle, tirés du recueil des Vies des Pères

Trois contes français du XIIIe siècle, tirés du recueil des Vies des Pères

Göran Bornäs (red.) | Trois contes français du XIIIe siècle, tirés du recueil des Vies des Pères. De l'ermite qui sala son pain. De l'ermite que le deable conchïa du coc et de la geline. De Nostre Dame qui vint el prael ou la dame estoit | 1968

Tron, ordet och nådegåvorna

Tron, ordet och nådegåvorna

Zenita Johansson | Tron, ordet och nådegåvorna. En studie av Livets Ord i Tjeckien | 2002

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Hans Wallengren, Mikael Ottosson (red.) | Truckers. A profession in change | 2019

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Truth, Grounding & Dependence

Truth, Grounding & Dependence

Truth, Grounding & Dependence

Robin Stenwall | Truth, Grounding & Dependence | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2015

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Tryckt bild eller avbildat tryck?

Tryckt bild eller avbildat tryck?

Tryckt bild eller avbildat tryck?

Charlotte Lagerholm | Tryckt bild eller avbildat tryck? Visuella representationer av begrepp relaterade till tryck i fysikläroböcker för högstadiet | 2020

Läroböckers innehåll presenteras med både text och bild, det vill säga visuella representationer. Men vad säger egentligen de visuella representationerna? Hjälper de elever att förstå naturvetenskap och i så fall på vilket sätt? Hur dessa visuella representationer kan understödja ...

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Tryckt hos Salvius

Tryckt hos Salvius

Lillemor Santesson | Tryckt hos Salvius. En undersökning om språkvården på ett 1700-talstryckeri med särskild hänsyn till ortografi och morfologi | 1986



Thede Palm | Trädkult. Studier i germansk religionshistoria | 1948

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Tullbergska rörelsen

Tullbergska rörelsen

Tullbergska rörelsen

Magnus Olofsson | Tullbergska rörelsen. Striden om den skånska frälsejorden 1867-1869 | Sekel bokförlag | 2008

Mellan 1867 och 1869 försökte hundratals människor från skånska godsbygder med hjälp av skatteansökningar, arbetsnedläggelser och vardagligt motstånd vinna äganderätt till ett stort antal arrendegårdar som tillhörde inalles ett tjugotal skånska storgods. De hävdade att gårdarna i ...

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Turn-taking in English conversation

Turn-taking in English conversation

Bengt Oreström | Turn-taking in English conversation | 1983

TV-pionjärer och fria filmare

TV-pionjärer och fria filmare

TV-pionjärer och fria filmare

Tobias Jansson, Malin Wahlberg (red.) | TV-pionjärer och fria filmare. En bok om Lennart Ehrenborg | 2008

Om tevefilm i Sverige under de första åren. Två dvd:er ingår med över fem timmar film. Televisionen halverade svensk biopublik i skarven mellan femtio- och sextiotal. Tv innebar en helt ny plattform för produktion, distribution och visning av rörlig bild. Paradoxalt nog gällde det ...

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Tvinga verkligheten till innebörd

Tvinga verkligheten till innebörd

Tvinga verkligheten till innebörd

Daniel Sandström | Tvinga verkligheten till innebörd. Studier i Kjell Espmarks lyrik fram till och med Sent i Sverige | 2002

”Dikten spjärnar mot verkligheten och tvingar den till innebörd. En blåsig bild står spänd mot stormen. Ord att behärska ett yrande mörker.” Kjell Espmark, ur ”Värld av ord”, 1961 Sedan debuten 1956 har Kjell Espmark varit en vital aktör inom den svenska litteraturen som ...

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Två män i en båt

Två män i en båt

Anders Berntsson | Två män i en båt. Om människans relation till havet i bronsåldern | 2005

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Två svensk-franska studier

Två svensk-franska studier

Två svensk-franska studier

Mari Mossberg | Två svensk-franska studier. Att beskriva översättarstilar – en analys av sex svenska översättningar av Madame Bovary. Icke satsformade meningar i svensk-fransk kontrastiv belysning | 2021

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Två uppsatser om språkbrukets informalisering

Två uppsatser om språkbrukets informalisering

Eva Mårtensson, Cecilia Falk | Två uppsatser om språkbrukets informalisering | 1987

Two Quests for Unity

Two Quests for Unity

Two Quests for Unity

Bruno Hamnell | Two Quests for Unity. John Dewey, R. G. Collingwood, and the Persistence of Idealism | 2021

Two Quests for Unity investigates the persistence of idealist philosophy in Anglo-America during the first half of the nineteenth century through a study of Robin George Collingwood (1889–1943) and John Dewey (1859–1952). By focusing on an English and an American philosopher, this ...

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Tycho Brahe. En levnadsteckning med nya bidrag belysande hans liv och verk

Tycho Brahe. En levnadsteckning med nya bidrag belysande hans liv och verk

Wilhelm Norlind | Tycho Brahe. En levnadsteckning med nya bidrag belysande hans liv och verk | 1970

Tyngd och nåd i svensk skönlitteratur

Tyngd och nåd i svensk skönlitteratur

Tyngd och nåd i svensk skönlitteratur

Greta Hofsten (red.) | Tyngd och nåd i svensk skönlitteratur. Artiklar av Gustaf Wingren | 1991

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Tysta områden i Sverige

Tysta områden i Sverige

Tysta områden i Sverige

Gunnar Cerwén, Frans Mossberg (red.) | Tysta områden i Sverige. En kartläggning av initiativ, kunskap och erfarenheter | 2018

Denna rapport beskriver ett projekt som genomfördes under 2017 på initiativ av ljudmiljöcentrum vid Lunds universitet. Projektet handlar om hur landets kommuner arbetar med tysta områden i sina utemiljöer och syftar dels till att uppmärksamma frågan och dels till att sammanställa ...

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Tänkarens mångfald

Tänkarens mångfald

Tänkarens mångfald

Lone Koldtoft, Jon Stewart, Jan Holmgaard (red.) | Tänkarens mångfald. Nutida perspektiv på Søren Kierkegaard | Makadam | 2005

För 150 år sedan dog Søren Kierkegaard, men hans filosofi och författarskap är fortfarande synnerligen levande. I Sverige har hans allmänkulturella betydelse varit stor genom alla år, men hans fackfilosofiska inflytande har varit begränsat, och diskussionerna kring Kierkegaards ...

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Sidansvarig: louice.cardell_heppkansliht.luse | 2020-06-18