International opportunities abroad
Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology
As an employee at Lund University, you have unique opportunities for international exchanges, collaborations and networking. The Erasmus programme offers several different forms of funding that you can apply for. However, needs and opportunities differ between different categories of staff.
As an LU employee, you have excellent opportunities for professional development abroad. Naturally, you will need the approval of your immediate manager, and if you apply for funding to cover your mobility, your manager will need to sign your application.
There are a number of prioritised networks and alliances that LU is part of, and it can be an advantage to job shadow or collaborate with colleagues at partner universities that are part of those networks.

The Erasmus programme offers funding for mobility within Europe, not only for students but also for staff of all categories. Since 1 January 2021, the UK is outside the Erasmus cooperation. However, the good news is that LU has decided to allocate university-specific Erasmus funds so that staff can also take part in mobility cooperation with the UK in the coming academic years (initially 2023–2024). Please note that the number of mobilities is limited; first come, first served.
There are many practical things to consider before mobility abroad. Needs and opportunities differ between different categories of staff. Choose the link(s) that apply to you:
International opportunities abroad – for TA staff
International opportunities abroad – for doctoral students
International opportunities abroad – for research and teaching staff

Erasmusprogrammet erbjuder finansiering för mobilitet inom Europa, inte bara för studenter utan även för anställda av alla kategorier. Sedan den 1 januari 2021 befinner sig Storbritannien utanför Erasmussamarbetet. En god nyhet är dock att LU beslutat att avsätta universitetsegna Erasmusmedel så att anställda även under de kommande läsåren (till att börja med under 2023–2024) kan ta del av mobilitetssamarbete med Storbritannien. Märk väl att antalet mobiliteter är begränsade; först till kvarn.
Det finns mycket praktiskt att tänka på inför en utlandsmobilitet. Behov och möjligheter ser olika ut för olika kategorier anställda. Välj den eller de länkar som är aktuella för dig:
Internationella möjligheter utomlands – för TA-personal
Internationella möjligheter utomlands – för doktorander
Internationella möjligheter utomlands – för forskande och undervisande personal