Faculty Board
Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology
The Dean for the Humanities and Theology is the chair of the Faculty Board, which also includes three vice-deans, four representatives from among the teaching staff, two representatives from technical and administrative staff, a doctoral student, two students from other levels, and two representatives from outside the university. Representatives from the trades unions also have the right to be present at the Faculty Board’s meetings and to express their opinions. Matters discussed by the Faculty Board are presented by the Head of the Faculty Office.
Meeting dates, decisions, records and more information (in Swedish only)
- Johannes Persson, chairperson
- Martin Dackling, member
- Annika Dolk, member
- Anamaria Dutceac Segesten, member
- Fanni Faegersten, member
- Torbjörn Forslid, member
- Arthur Holmer, member
- Sara Håkansson, member
- Alexander Maurits, member
- Sinikka Neuhaus, member
- Johan Tyrberg, member
- Kajsa Weber, member
- Emma Börjesson, member, student
- Julius Johansson, member, student
- Marianna Leventi, member, research student
- Anna Alsmark, secretary