
Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology

At the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology education and research are conducted at eight departments. 

The Department of Archaeology and Ancient History

The department offers education and research within four subject areas: Classical archaeology and ancient history, Archaeology, Historical Archaeology, Historical Osteology.

The Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences

At the department research and education are conducted in Art History and Visual Studies, Musicology, Ethnology, History of Ideas and Sciences, Book History, Museology, Library and Information Science and several other subjects within the Cultural Sciences.

The Department of Educational Sciences

The Department of Educational Sciences is relatively new within the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology at Lund University. Here subject teachers for secondary and upper secondary school are educated, refines higher education teachers' working knowledge and conducts a wide and varied educational sciences research. The Division for Higher Education Development is part of the department since 2017.

The Department of History

At the Department of History research and education are conducted within History, Human Rights and South-East Asia Studies.

The Centre for Languages and Literature

At the Centre for Languages and Literature research and education are conducted in classical and modern languages, Comparative Litterature, Film and Theatre Studies, as well as Central and Eastern European Studies, European Studies and Middle Eastern Studies.

The Department of Philosophy

At the Department research and education is conducted within three subject areas: Cognitive Science, Practical Philosophy and Theoretical Philosophy. 

The Centre for Theology and Religious Studies

Since the foundation of Lund University in 1668, there has always been a faculty of Theology and Religious studies, though its name may have changed over time. At the Department education and research are conducted within several subjects within the fields of Theology and Religious Studies.

The Department of Communication and Media

The Departmentoffers research and education in Journalism, Media and Communication Studies, Media History and Rhetoric. It is divided between the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology and the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Page Manager: malin.sjobergkansliht.luse | 2025-02-04