
The Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology

Two of the nine faculties at Lund University – the Faculty of Theology and the Faculty of Humanities – are administrated together in a joint management structure, under the name Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology, or the HT Faculties.

The Faculty of Theology is the oldest faculty at Lund University, and it still goes first in academic ceremonies. The Faculty of Humanities was established in 1956, when the two divisions of the former Faculty of Philosophy, the humanities division, and the mathematics-science division, became independent faculties.

The Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology are led by the Faculty Board. The chairperson of the Faculty Board is the Dean, and under the Dean three Pro-Deans are responsible for one area of operation respectively – undergraduate studies, postgraduate studies and research. The Head of Faculty Office is also part of the Faculty Management. The Dean and the Pro-Deans are members of the Working Committee of the Faculty Board, together with three student representatives. The Working Committee is the executive body of the Faculty Board.

Under the Faculty Board, the Academic Appointments Board handles all academic appointments and prepares the admission of unsalaried readerships (non-stipendiary docent positions).

There are eight departments at the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology, both small and larger ones. The Center for Theology and Religious Studies is one of the departments and forms the Faculty of Theology. The remaining seven departments form the Faculty of Humanities. The Department of Communication and Media, which is one of the seven, is divided and some of the subjects are part of the Faculty of Social Sciences.

There are six infrastructure units at the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology, that serve and collaborate with the departments. The maintenance unit handles all common premises at LUX and SOL, the receptions and caretaking are included in the unit. The Folklife Archives with the Scania Music Collections were from the beginning integrated with the education and research of the academic discipline today known as Ethnology, but has been transformed into a faculty infrastructure in order to create a broader range of contacts. The Libraries of the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology consist of the Asia, LUX and SOL Library and give support to staff and students at the faculties within their respective field. The Humanities Lab is a research infrastructure with laboratories at both LUX and SOL, and collaborations with virtually all faculties at Lund University. It is also an important national and international research node. The IT Unit serves the HT Faculties with hardware, system administration and development and vouches for a steady quality level of the IT support at the faculties. Lund University Press is an academic publisher serving all faculties and aiming to reach out internationally with high quality research from Lund, in collaboration with Manchester University Press.

The Faculty Office serves the Faculty Management and the faculties’ councils, boards and committees, as well as the departments. There are traditional functions such as finance and personnel management, as well as a secretariat with expert functions supporting the different decision-making and drafting bodies. The International Office, a group of Communications officers and managers, one of which also takes care of the faculties’ publication series, a Careers Coordinator and a Work Environment Coordinator are also included in the Faculty Office. The office staff maintains faculty-wide networks and also participates in university-wide networks.

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