Reports from the Sound Environment Centerare published in a series presenting recent research conducted by or connected to the center, or being presented at interdisciplinary symposiums at the center.
The center has published a number of reports on various sound environment topics. These can be ordered in print – here or on the center´s website – and are also available as fulltexts. So far the dominating part of the publications are in Swedish, but a growing number are being published in English for international readers.
The Center has, since its start, arranged a series of interdisciplinary symposiums on specific themes with relation to the study of sound environments. To each symposium a number of prestigious speakers and researchers have been invited and given the opportunity to present and discuss new research crossing the borders of their individual disciplines.
ISSN: 1653-9354

Traces of Sound
Henrik Frisk, Sanne Krogh Groth (ed.) | Traces of Sound. Reflections of Sound Unheard | Reports from The Sound Environment Center at Lund University 20 | 2023
What is sound when it is not heard? How does this unheard sound affect us? What might such sound reveal to us and how would we know? How do we recall sounds when their sources are no longer accessible? Traces of Sound. Reflections of Sounds Unheard invites scholars of music ...
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Negotiating Noise
Sanne Krogh Groth, James Mansell (ed.) | Negotiating Noise. Across Places, Spaces and Disciplines | Reports from The Sound Environment Center at Lund University | 2021
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Tysta områden i Sverige
Gunnar Cerwén, Frans Mossberg (ed.) | Tysta områden i Sverige. En kartläggning av initiativ, kunskap och erfarenheter | Reports from The Sound Environment Center at Lund University | 2018
Denna rapport beskriver ett projekt som genomfördes under 2017 på initiativ av ljudmiljöcentrum vid Lunds universitet. Projektet handlar om hur landets kommuner arbetar med tysta områden i sina utemiljöer och syftar dels till att uppmärksamma frågan och dels till att sammanställa ...
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Child & Noise
Frans Mossberg (ed.) | Child & Noise. How does the child percieve the sound environment? | Reports from The Sound Environment Center at Lund University 17 | 2017
An interdisciplinary symposium was held at Lund University in Sweden in march 2017 arranged by the Sound Environment Center aimed at shedding light on how sound environment affects children, spanning all the way from the prenatal stage to the young person enjoying loud music or ...
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Bo i Ro
Barbro Westerholm, Maria Albin, Magnus Lindqvist, Dag Glebe, Erik Skärbäck, Mette Sörensen, Kerstin Persson Waye | Frans Mossberg (ed.) | Bo i Ro. Texter från ett tvärvetenskapligt symposium om boende, buller och hälsa. Läkaresällskapets hus i Stockholm, den 20 oktober 2016 | Reports from The Sound Environment Center at Lund University 15 | 2016
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Grönska och ljudkvalitet i närmiljön
Frans Mossberg, Skärbäck Erik | Grönska och ljudkvalitet i närmiljön. Hårda fakta för mjuka värden | Reports from The Sound Environment Center at Lund University | 2016
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Ord om Ljud
Mats Arvidson, Mikael Strömberg, Anders Mildner, Louise Wassdahl, Ola Stockfelt | Frans Mossberg (ed.) | Ord om Ljud. Skriftställare om ljudmiljöer och ljud | Reports from The Sound Environment Center at Lund University 14 | 2015
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Sound, Safety & Society - Research on Sound & Sustainability
Frans Mossberg (ed.) | Sound, Safety & Society - Research on Sound & Sustainability | Reports from The Sound Environment Center at Lund University 13 | 2015
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Care for Sound. Sound Environment, Healing & Health Care
Frans Mossberg (ed.) | Care for Sound. Sound Environment, Healing & Health Care | Reports from The Sound Environment Center at Lund University 12 | 2014
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Ljudmiljö, hälsa och stadsbyggnad
Frans Mossberg (ed.) | Ljudmiljö, hälsa och stadsbyggnad | Reports from The Sound Environment Center at Lund University 9 | 2011
Att människan reagerar positivt på gröna miljöer har konstaterats i forskning under lång tid. Att estetiken får uppmärksamhet i stadsplaneringen är naturligt, men ganska ung är insikten att ljudmiljön också är en betydelsefull stadsbyggnadsfaktor. Detta skriver Erik Skärbäck i sitt ...
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Buller i blåsväder
Frans Mossberg (ed.) | Buller i blåsväder. Texter om ljud från vindkraftverk | Reports from The Sound Environment Center at Lund University 11 | 2011
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Speakers Comfort and voice disorders in classrooms
Jonas Brunskog, Viveka Lyberg Åhlander, Anders Löfqvist, David Pelegrin Garcia, Roland Rydell | Speakers Comfort and voice disorders in classrooms | Reports from The Sound Environment Center at Lund University | 2011
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Sound, mind and emotion - research and aspects
Frans Mossberg (ed.) | Sound, mind and emotion - research and aspects | Reports from The Sound Environment Center at Lund University 8 | 2008
Human mind and emotion can be profoundly affected by sounds. In this interdisciplinary volume researchers from different fields take a look at connections between sound, mind and emotion, and ways of understand them. In the spring of 2008 a series of interdisciplinary symposiums ...
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Ljud och tystnad för sinne och själ
Frans Mossberg (ed.) | Ljud och tystnad för sinne och själ. Betydelser av ljud och tystnad för själslig och mental rekreation | Reports from The Sound Environment Center at Lund University 7 | 2008
Vad vet vi om vilka betydelser ljud och tystnad, respektive frånvaro av dem har för mental och själslig rekreation idag? Ljudmiljöcentrum vid Lunds universitet har i en serie tvärvetenskapliga symposier sökt skapa forum för denna diskussion genom att bjuda in forskare från ämnen som ...
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Sounds of history
Frans Mossberg (ed.) | Sounds of history | Reports from The Sound Environment Center at Lund University 6 | 2008
What are the sounds of history? How has the soundscape changed throughout history? Every age has its own soundscapes. In an interdisciplinary symposium at Sound Evironment Centre at Lund University in 2008, researchers from different disciplines gave their views on historic ...
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Ljud och inlärning
Frans Mossberg (ed.) | Ljud och inlärning | Reports from The Sound Environment Center at Lund University 5 | 2007
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Skadliga ljud
Frans Mossberg (ed.) | Skadliga ljud | Reports from The Sound Environment Center at Lund University 4 | 2006
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Operativa ljud
Frans Mossberg (ed.) | Operativa ljud | Reports from The Sound Environment Center at Lund University 3 | 2006
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Förföriska ljud
Frans Mossberg (ed.) | Förföriska ljud | Reports from The Sound Environment Center at Lund University 2 | 2006
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Buller och hälsa
Frans Mossberg (ed.) | Buller och hälsa | Reports from The Sound Environment Center at Lund University 1 | 2006
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