
Here you can find books within Languages and Literature that have been published by Lund University, but which do not belong to any of the series. The list covers both doctoral theses and other books, and is complete from 2010 onwards.

Older titles are listed primarily when we have copies for sale. A few of the titles are not originally published by the university, but are now distributed by us.

A grammar of Baniwa classifiers

A grammar of Baniwa classifiers

Sandra Cronhamn | A grammar of Baniwa classifiers | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2025

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Remembering Classical Scandinavia in Britain, 1760–1830

Jorunn Joiner | Remembering Classical Scandinavia in Britain, 1760–1830 | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2024

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Nominal and verbal affixation in the Caucasus

Nominal and verbal affixation in the Caucasus

Filip Larsson | Nominal and verbal affixation in the Caucasus. A morphological and phonological approach | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2024

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Manner Modifiers as Syntactic Heads

Manner Modifiers as Syntactic Heads

Victor Bogren Svensson | Manner Modifiers as Syntactic Heads | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2023

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Greek Esther, 3 Maccabees, and the Letter of Aristeas

Greek Esther, 3 Maccabees, and the Letter of Aristeas

Nikolaos Domazakis | Greek Esther, 3 Maccabees, and the Letter of Aristeas. An Intertextual Examination | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2023

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The Edge of Perception

The Edge of Perception

John Öwre | The Edge of Perception. The Psychology of the Seen and the Unseen in the Works of William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2023

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Agency and Artefacts

Agency and Artefacts

Juan Mendoza-Collazos | Agency and Artefacts. A cognitive semiotic exploration of design | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2022

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Rapid neural processing of grammatical tone in second language learners

Rapid neural processing of grammatical tone in second language learners

Sabine Gosselke Berthelsen | Rapid neural processing of grammatical tone in second language learners | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2021

Learning a second language can feel like a slow and tedious process. Yet, the human brain starts segmenting and categorising new language input virtually from the very second that it is exposed it. It supposedly does so based on what it currently knows about how languages sound and ...

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Development of Adjectival Use and Meaning Structures in Swedish Students' Written production

Development of Adjectival Use and Meaning Structures in Swedish Students' Written production

Simone Löhndorf | Development of Adjectival Use and Meaning Structures in Swedish Students' Written production | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2021

This thesis is about the development of adjective use and meaning structures examined from a cognitive linguistic perspective. Adjectives modify nominal meanings and it is in context, in the interaction with the noun that the adjective meaning and configuration is determined. Nearly ...

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Brain anatomical correlates of perceptual phonological proficiency and language learning aptitude

Brain anatomical correlates of perceptual phonological proficiency and language learning aptitude

Mikael Novén | Brain anatomical correlates of perceptual phonological proficiency and language learning aptitude | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2021

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Street Artivism on Athenian Walls

Street Artivism on Athenian Walls

Georgios Stampoulidis | Street Artivism on Athenian Walls. A cognitive semiotic analysis of metaphor and narrative in street art | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2021

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Ludwig Bengtsson Sonesson, Alexandra Nikoleris, Johannes Stripple, Paul Tenngart (ed.) | AnthropoScenes. A climate fiction competition | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2020

Climaginaries is a three-year research project initiated in September 2018, financed through the Swedish research council FORMAS. The overarching aim of Climaginaries is to advance the understanding of imaginaries as means through which to catalyse the forms of political, economic, ...

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The building blocks of sound symbolism

The building blocks of sound symbolism

Niklas Erben Johansson | The building blocks of sound symbolism | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2020

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Snakes and Ladders

Snakes and Ladders

Lari-Valtteri Suhonen | Snakes and Ladders. Developmental Aspects of Lexical-Conceptual Relationships in the Multilingual Mental Lexicon | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2020

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Articulation in time

Articulation in time

Malin Svensson Lundmark | Articulation in time. Some word-initial segments in Swedish | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2020

Speech is both dynamic and distinctive at the same time. This implies a certain contradiction which has entertained researchers in phonetics and phonology for decades. The present dissertation assumes that articulation behaves as a function of time, and that we can find phonological ...

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A grammar of Kalamang

A grammar of Kalamang

Eline Visser | A grammar of Kalamang. The Papuan language of the Karas Islands | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2020

This thesis is a grammar of Kalamang, a Papuan language of western New Guinea in the east of Indonesia. It is spoken by around 130 people on the biggest of the Karas Islands. This grammar is based on 11 months of fieldwork. The primary source of data is a corpus of more than ...

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Small-scale multilingualism and language contact in egalitarian foragers

Small-scale multilingualism and language contact in egalitarian foragers

Joanne Yager | Small-scale multilingualism and language contact in egalitarian foragers | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2020

Multilingualism and language contact in small-scale, egalitarian contexts are important phenomena affecting processes of language change throughout human history, yet our understanding of the outcomes of multilingualism and language contact in this kind of setting remains limited. ...

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Studies on lexical inferencing and inter comprehension of Italian as a foreign language in a Swedish setting

Studies on lexical inferencing and inter comprehension of Italian as a foreign language in a Swedish setting

Linda Smidfelt | Studies on lexical inferencing and inter comprehension of Italian as a foreign language in a Swedish setting | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2019

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Representing discourse referents in speech and gesture

Representing discourse referents in speech and gesture

Sandra Debreslioska | Representing discourse referents in speech and gesture | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2019

Gestures are part of language. When speakers produce discourse, they use speech but also gestures, and addressees reliably recognize such gestures as communicatively meaningful. This thesis examines the details of how speech and gestures work together in discourse production, and how ...

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Neural and behavioural mechanisms underlying the processing of negated meanings

Neural and behavioural mechanisms underlying the processing of negated meanings

Sara Farshchi | Neural and behavioural mechanisms underlying the processing of negated meanings. Words, pictures and sentences | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2019

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Seven Senses of the City

Seven Senses of the City

Astrid Møller-Olsen | Seven Senses of the City. Urban Spacetime and Sensory Memory in Contemporary Sinophone Fiction | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2019

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What's in a dialogue?

What's in a dialogue?

Nele Pöldvere | What's in a dialogue? On the dynamics of meaning-making in English conversation | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2019

Spoken dialogue is the most common use of language, but it is also incredibly complex and dynamic. It puts on full display the intricate ways in which speakers coordinate their contributions to make sense of the world and negotiate social relations with each other. A fruitful method ...

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Visualizing the Vir Bonus in Charles Dickens's Scenes of Persuasion

Visualizing the Vir Bonus in Charles Dickens's Scenes of Persuasion

Lisa-Marie Teubler | Visualizing the Vir Bonus in Charles Dickens's Scenes of Persuasion. The Rhetoric of Pity, Sentiment, Fact, and Debt | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2019

This study presents a re-reading of some of Charles Dickens’s most famous works and contends that they are filled with scenes of persuasion—moments of heightened rhetoric. It traces the idea of a vir bonus: a voice that speaks from the perspective of truth and love based in ...

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Sociolinguistic, comparative and historical perspectives on Scandinavian gender: With focus on Jamtlandic

Sociolinguistic, comparative and historical perspectives on Scandinavian gender: With focus on Jamtlandic

Briana Van Epps | Sociolinguistic, comparative and historical perspectives on Scandinavian gender: With focus on Jamtlandic | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2019

This thesis focuses on Jamtlandic (or jamska), a language variety spoken in northern Sweden at the Norwegian border. Jamtlandic maintains the three-gender system from Old Norse (with masculine, feminine, and neuter), but shows signs of influence from the two-gender system of Swedish ...

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Reading expectations

Reading expectations

Alexander Strukelj | Reading expectations. How expectations influence our reading, eye movements, opinions, and judgments | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2018

Reading is a process that frequently uses shortcuts to improve efficiency and speed. The shortcuts that help us during reading are based on things like prediction, context, biases, and previous experiences. By changing the expec-tations of what will be read, we change how these ...

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Organizational Trust

Organizational Trust

Matteo Fuoli | Organizational Trust. Discourse Analytical and Experimental Perspectives | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2017

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Post-Deleuzian Investigations of U.S. Avant-Garde Film, 1943–81

Post-Deleuzian Investigations of U.S. Avant-Garde Film, 1943–81

Atene Mendelyte | Post-Deleuzian Investigations of U.S. Avant-Garde Film, 1943–81 | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2017

The aim of this dissertation is to investigate a number of U.S. avant-garde films using Deleuzian film-philosophy in order to describe their thought. I develop the taxonomy of cinematic images created by the French philosopher Gilles Deleuze by introducing a new type of image. The ...

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Stage Appropriations of Shakespeare’s Major Tragedies, 1979-2010

Stage Appropriations of Shakespeare’s Major Tragedies, 1979-2010

Mette Sjölin | Stage Appropriations of Shakespeare’s Major Tragedies, 1979-2010 | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2017

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Poesi som politik

Poesi som politik

Evelina Stenbeck | Poesi som politik. Aktivistisk poetik hos Johannes Anyuru och Athena Farrokhzad | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2017

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Prosody and Prediction in Neural Speech Processing

Prosody and Prediction in Neural Speech Processing

Pelle Söderström | Prosody and Prediction in Neural Speech Processing | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2017

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Concreteness, Specificity and Emotional Content in Swedish Nouns

Concreteness, Specificity and Emotional Content in Swedish Nouns

Frida Blomberg | Concreteness, Specificity and Emotional Content in Swedish Nouns. Neurocognitive Studies of Word Meaning | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2016

The present thesis investigated Swedish nouns differing in concreteness, specificity and emotional content using linguistic, psycholinguistic and neurolinguistic methods. The focus of Paper I was a semantic analysis of discourse produced by a person with a lesion in visual (left ...

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Roots and Routes

Roots and Routes

Katalin Henriksson | Roots and Routes. Life stories of exiled Hungarian women in Sweden | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2016

How do people shape a life in exile? What does nation or homeland mean in such a life situation, and how is the inevitable social and moral turbulence – embedded in the migrant’s biography – employed and interpreted by the migrant herself? This book addresses these issues ...

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Scepticism and Belief in Witchcraft Drama, 1538-1681

Scepticism and Belief in Witchcraft Drama, 1538-1681

Eric Pudney | Scepticism and Belief in Witchcraft Drama, 1538-1681 | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2016

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Tankens makt över språket

Tankens makt över språket

Lars-Olof Delsing, Lena Ekberg, Lisa Holm, Jan Svensson, Bo Wendt (ed.) | Tankens makt över språket. Utvalda artiklar med anledning av författarens 80-årsdag | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2014

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Changing the Colours of the World. Modernism and Modernity in Chinese Drama and Film, 1919-1937

Changing the Colours of the World. Modernism and Modernity in Chinese Drama and Film, 1919-1937

Rebecka Eriksson | Changing the Colours of the World. Modernism and Modernity in Chinese Drama and Film, 1919-1937 | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2014

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Silent Modernism

Silent Modernism

Annika Lindskog | Silent Modernism. Soundscapes and the Unsayable in Richardson, Joyce, and Woolf | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2014

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When Similarity Qualifies as a Sign

When Similarity Qualifies as a Sign

Sara Lenninger | When Similarity Qualifies as a Sign. A Study in Picture Understanding and Semiotic Development in Young Children | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2012

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English Place-Name Elements Relating to Boundaries

English Place-Name Elements Relating to Boundaries

Boel Jepson | English Place-Name Elements Relating to Boundaries | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2011

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Staging Shakespeare's Comedies with EFL University Students

Staging Shakespeare's Comedies with EFL University Students

Kiki Lindell | Staging Shakespeare's Comedies with EFL University Students | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2011

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Temporal Adverbs in Modern Standard Chinese

Temporal Adverbs in Modern Standard Chinese

Jens Karlsson | Temporal Adverbs in Modern Standard Chinese. A Decompositional Inquiry | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2010

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The object markers ba and jiang in modern literary Chinese

The object markers ba and jiang in modern literary Chinese

Wai-Ling Ragvald | The object markers ba and jiang in modern literary Chinese | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2010

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Malory and Authorship: A Study of an Irresolvable Debate

Marie Wallin | Malory and Authorship: A Study of an Irresolvable Debate | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2010

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Brain Talk

Brain Talk

Kai Alter, Merle Horne, Magnus Lindgren, Mikael Roll, Janne von Koss Torkildsen (ed.) | Brain Talk. Discourse with and in the brain. Papers from the first Birgit Rausing Language Program Conference in Linguistics, Lund, June 2008 | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2009

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The Poetics of Memory in Post-Totalitarian Narration

The Poetics of Memory in Post-Totalitarian Narration

Johanna Lindbladh (ed.) | The Poetics of Memory in Post-Totalitarian Narration | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2008

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The Syntax of the Swedish Present Participle

The Syntax of the Swedish Present Participle

Camilla Thurén | The Syntax of the Swedish Present Participle | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2008

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Testing English Collocations

Testing English Collocations

Henrik Gyllstad | Testing English Collocations. Developing Receptive Tests for Use with Advanced Swedish Learners | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2007

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(De)composing the middle

(De)composing the middle

Eva Klingvall | (De)composing the middle. A minimalist approach to middles in English and Swedish. | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2007

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Accountability and the making of knowledge statements

Accountability and the making of knowledge statements

Hans Malmström | Accountability and the making of knowledge statements. A study of academic discourse | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2007

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History, Language and Society in the Borderlands of Europe

History, Language and Society in the Borderlands of Europe

Barbara Törnquist-Plewa (ed.) | History, Language and Society in the Borderlands of Europe. Ukraine and Belarus in Focus | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2006

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John Philoponus against Cosmas Indicopleustes

Birgitta Elweskiöld | John Philoponus against Cosmas Indicopleustes. A Christian Controversy on the Structure of the World in Sixth-Century Alexandria | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2005

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Grammatik i fokus

Grammatik i fokus

Lars-Olof Delsing, Gunlög Josefsson, Halldor Armann Sigurðsson, Cecilia Falk (ed.) | Grammatik i fokus. Festskrift till Christer Platzack den 18 november 2003. Grammar in focus. Festschrift for Christer Platzack 18 November 2003. Vol. 2 | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2003

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Grammatik i fokus

Grammatik i fokus

Lars-Olof Delsing, Gunlög Josefsson, Halldor Armann Sigurðsson, Cecilia Falk (ed.) | Grammatik i fokus. Festskrift till Christer Platzack den 18 november 2003 = Grammar in focus. Festschrift for Christer Platzack 18 November 2003. Vol. 1 | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2003

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Barnlitteratur som medel och mål

Barnlitteratur som medel och mål

Kerstin Johansson | Barnlitteratur som medel och mål. Zhang Tianyi och den kinesiska barnlitteraturens utveckling | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2003

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Aspect, tense and mood

Aspect, tense and mood

Marita Ljungqvist | Aspect, tense and mood. Context dependency and the marker LE in Mandarin Chinese | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2003

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Ordbetoning och ordbetydelse i rumänska.

Vivan Franzén | Ordbetoning och ordbetydelse i rumänska. | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2002

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The diversity of languages and language learning

The diversity of languages and language learning

Sven Strömqvist (ed.) | The diversity of languages and language learning. Lund Lectures in Languages and Literature 21-22 February 2001 | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 2002

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I lärdomens trädgård

I lärdomens trädgård

Christina Sjöblad, Mona Sandqvist, Birthe Sjöberg, Johan Stenström (ed.) | I lärdomens trädgård. Festskrift till Louise Vinge | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 1996

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Inför lagen

Inför lagen

Eva Haettner Aurelius | Inför lagen. Kvinnliga svenska självbiografier från Agneta Horn till Fredrika Bremer | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 1996

Kvinnor som berättade om sina egna liv skapade därmed också några av de få vittnesbörd vi har från äldre tider om kvinnlig självsyn och kvinnligt språk. Inför lagen. Kvinnliga svenska självbiografier från Agneta Horn till Fredrika Bremer undersöker den äldre kvinnliga självbiografin i ...

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I diktens spegel

I diktens spegel

Lars Elleström, Peter Luthersson, Anders Mortensen (ed.) | I diktens spegel. Nitton essäer tillägnade Bernt Olsson | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 1994

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Per Rydén | Allmänningen. Inledande studier i pressvetenskap | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 1991

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Kvinnors självbiografier och dagböcker i Sverige 1650 - 1989. En bibliografi

Kvinnors självbiografier och dagböcker i Sverige 1650 - 1989. En bibliografi

Eva Haettner Aurelius, Lisbeth Larsson, Christina Sjöblad | Kvinnors självbiografier och dagböcker i Sverige 1650 - 1989. En bibliografi | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 1991

I självbiografier och dagböcker skriver individen sin egen historia. Här finns berättelser om den dolda vardag, det privata liv och de enskildas reflektioner som såväl historisk som etnologisk och sociologisk forskning under de senaste decennierna kommit att intressera isig alltmer ...

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De nordiska anger-namnen

De nordiska anger-namnen

Gösta Holm | De nordiska anger-namnen | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 1991

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Fridas visor och folkets visor. Om parodi hos Birger Sjöberg

Fridas visor och folkets visor. Om parodi hos Birger Sjöberg

Eva Haettner Aurelius | Fridas visor och folkets visor. Om parodi hos Birger Sjöberg | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 1985

Birger Sjöbergs Fridas Bok publicerades 1922, och innehöll sådana ännu älskade visor som "Den första gång jag såg dig" och "Bleka Dödens minut". Visorna hade tillkommit under lång period, ca 1905-1921, och i avhandlingen dateras de femtio visor som Sjöberg avsåg för Fridas Bok, som ...

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Vilhelm Ekelund och den problematiska författarrollen

Vilhelm Ekelund och den problematiska författarrollen

Per Erik Ljung | Vilhelm Ekelund och den problematiska författarrollen | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | Liber | 1980

Vad är det som så radikalt skiljer det konstnärliga arbetet från annan produktion? Hur kan man som författare hålla sig öppen och kreativ – och samtidigt undgå marknadens och offentlighetens destruktiva mekanismer? Vilhelm Ekelunds liv och verk kretsar kring sådana frågor. Hur ser han ...

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"Fortsättning följer"

"Fortsättning följer"

Ingemar Oscarsson | "Fortsättning följer" Följetong och fortsättningsroman i dagspressen till ca 1850 | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 1980

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Ulf Teleman | Språkrätt. Om skolans språknormer och samhällets | Non-serial books – Languages and Literature | 1979

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