
Here you can find books within history and archaeology that have been published by Lund University, but which do not belong to any of the series. The list covers both doctoral theses and other books, and is complete from 2010 onwards.

Older titles are listed primarily when we have copies for sale. A few of the titles are not originally published by the university, but are now distributed by us.

Governing Black and White

Governing Black and White

Kristoffer Edelgaard Christensen | Governing Black and White. A History of Governmentality in Denmark and the Danish West Indies, 1770-1900 | Non-serial books – History and Archaeology | 2023

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Framtidens fragmentering

Framtidens fragmentering

Karl Haikola | Framtidens fragmentering. Sekretariatet för framtidsstudier och välfärdssamhällets dilemman under det långa 1970-talet | Non-serial books – History and Archaeology | 2023

I denna avhandling undersöks det svenska Sekretariatet för framtidsstudiers verksamhet från dess bildande i början av 1970-talet till cirka tio år senare. Sekretariatet var under denna period en del av den svenska statsapparaten och förväntades bidra med underlag till såväl den ...

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NGOs as child rights implementers in India

NGOs as child rights implementers in India

Therese Boje Mortensen | NGOs as child rights implementers in India. How NGO workers negotiate human rights responsibility in 'partnership' with a neoliberal and restrictive state | Non-serial books – History and Archaeology | 2023

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Order and Adornment

Order and Adornment

Peder Flemestad | Order and Adornment. The Role of Dress in Plutarch | Non-serial books – History and Archaeology | 2022

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Sentiments of Segregation

Sentiments of Segregation

Jagger Kirkby | Sentiments of Segregation. The Emotional Politics of Apartheid in South Africa, c. 1948-1990 | Non-serial books – History and Archaeology | 2022

‘With non-Europeans on all sides of me, I become thoroughly irritable and a feeling of dislike for them is engendered … friction is inevitable whenever there is mixing of the races, but when we are segregated life is smooth and harmonious’. Thus wrote a woman to the local provincial ...

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Greeting the visitor

Greeting the visitor

Fanny Kärfve | Greeting the visitor. A contextualising study of fauces-mosaics in Pompeii | Non-serial books – History and Archaeology | 2022

One of the most famous mosaics from Pompeii is the so-called Cave canem-mosaic, depicting a ready-to-attack watchdog that greets the visitor upon arrival to the house. Together with a couple of more similar mosaics, the watchdog-motif has to a large extent been regarded as expressing ...

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Självklart och oklart

Självklart och oklart

Frida L Nilsson | Självklart och oklart. Mänskliga rättigheter som kunskapsinnehåll i gymnasieskolan | Non-serial books – History and Archaeology | 2022

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Human Rights as Law, Language, and Space-Making

Human Rights as Law, Language, and Space-Making

Emma Sundkvist | Human Rights as Law, Language, and Space-Making. Women’s Rights Movement in Post-Revolutionary Egypt | Non-serial books – History and Archaeology | 2022

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A 3D Digital Approach to the Stylistic and Typo-Technological Study of Small Figurines from Ayia Irini, Cyprus

A 3D Digital Approach to the Stylistic and Typo-Technological Study of Small Figurines from Ayia Irini, Cyprus

Valentina Vassallo | A 3D Digital Approach to the Stylistic and Typo-Technological Study of Small Figurines from Ayia Irini, Cyprus | Non-serial books – History and Archaeology | 2022

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Conflict in Colours

Conflict in Colours

Fredrika Larsson | Conflict in Colours. A comparative study of republican and loyalist murals in Belfast | Non-serial books – History and Archaeology | 2021

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Cultural and socio-political development in south Etruria.

Cultural and socio-political development in south Etruria.

Hampus Olsson | Cultural and socio-political development in south Etruria. The Biedano region in the 5th to 1st centuries BC | Non-serial books – History and Archaeology | 2021

By the 1st century AD, the Etruscan culture had been completely absorbed by Rome. Etruscans were now fully integrated and to be found at every level of Roman society, even at the very top. Etruria itself was naturally also affected. Roads were constructed connecting the remote areas ...

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Framing the Subjects

Framing the Subjects

Karin Hongsaton Zackari | Framing the Subjects. Human Rights and Photography in Contemporary Thai History | Non-serial books – History and Archaeology | 2020

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Collecting curiosities

Collecting curiosities

Magdalena Naum, Gitte Ingvardson (ed.) | Collecting curiosities. Eighteenth-century Museum Stobaeanum and the development of ethnographic collections in the nineteenth century | Non-serial books – History and Archaeology | 2020

In 1735, professor Kilian Stobæus donated his collections to Lund University laying the foundation for the university’s first museum. The ‘Museum Stobæanum’ contained over 3000 natural history, historical and ethnographic objects typical of the cabinets of curiosity. This richly ...

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Folket moget förklarat

Folket moget förklarat

Henrik Skrak | Folket moget förklarat. Det demokratiska genombrottet i svenska läroböcker 1920-2010 | Non-serial books – History and Archaeology | 2019

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Reproduktiv hälsa, medel till förståelse av kvinnors villkor i antikens Rom

Reproduktiv hälsa, medel till förståelse av kvinnors villkor i antikens Rom

Anna-Stina Ekedahl | Reproduktiv hälsa, medel till förståelse av kvinnors villkor i antikens Rom. En studie genom antika källor och u-landsanalogi | Non-serial books – History and Archaeology | 2018

Barnafödande är centralt i alla samhällen, även i slavsamhället Rom med dess tidvis stora import av människor, men det är också djupt privat och emotionellt. Utmaningen i att försöka fånga några aspekter av hur romerska kvinnors villkor påverkades av detta ligger i att de antika ...

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Weeping for the res publica

Weeping for the res publica

Johan Vekselius | Weeping for the res publica. Tears in Roman political culture | Non-serial books – History and Archaeology | 2018

Why is Julius Caesar said to have wept in front of his soldiers after crossing the Rubicon, and Scipio Aemilianus as he beheld the destruction of Carthage? How should we understand the criticism leveled against the emperor Tiberius’ refusal to weep after the death of Germanicus? Why ...

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Knowledge and Acknowledgement

Knowledge and Acknowledgement

Vahagn Avedian | Knowledge and Acknowledgement. The Politics of Memory of the Armenian Genocide | Non-serial books – History and Archaeology | 2017

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Liberal Intellectuals and Human Rights in the Turkish Public Sphere

Liberal Intellectuals and Human Rights in the Turkish Public Sphere

Andrea Karlsson | Liberal Intellectuals and Human Rights in the Turkish Public Sphere. Contestation and Pragmatism from the 1990s to the AKP-era | Non-serial books – History and Archaeology | 2017

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Toleransens gränser

Toleransens gränser

Johannes Ljungberg | Toleransens gränser. Religionspolitiska dilemman i det tidiga 1700-talets Sverige och Europa | Non-serial books – History and Archaeology | 2017

Var går gränsen för vilka avvikelser från samhällets grundvalar som kan tolereras? När så kallade pietister framträdde i Sverige vid 1700-talets början uppstod en ny problematik kring toleransens gränser i Sveriges historia. Till skillnad från i övriga Europa hade dessförinnan ...

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Social Neoliberalism through Urban Planning

Social Neoliberalism through Urban Planning

Johan Pries | Social Neoliberalism through Urban Planning. Bureaucratic Formations and Contradictions in Malmö since 1985 | Non-serial books – History and Archaeology | 2017

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Femina princeps

Femina princeps

Lovisa Brännstedt | Femina princeps. Livia's position in the Roman state | Non-serial books – History and Archaeology | 2016

From his exile in a remote province on the Black Sea the Roman poet Ovid wrote a letter to his wife, urging her to safeguard his return by praying not to the traditional gods, but to Livia, the femina princeps. In the Roman society women were traditionally associated with the domestic ...

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Reel Socialism

Reel Socialism

Sune Bechmann Pedersen | Reel Socialism. Making sense of history in Czech and German cinema since 1989 | Non-serial books – History and Archaeology | 2015

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Cultures of Denial

Cultures of Denial

Maria Karlsson | Cultures of Denial. Comparing Holocaust and Armenian Genocide Denial | Non-serial books – History and Archaeology | 2015

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The water-supply system in Roman Pompeii

The water-supply system in Roman Pompeii

Richard Olsson | The water-supply system in Roman Pompeii | Non-serial books – History and Archaeology | 2015

This study focusses on the urban infrastructure for water supply in Roman Pompeii. The water distribution network of lead pipes was constructed inside the city walls, at the time when the city was connected to an aqueduct. Life for the Pompeiians changed considerably when aqueduct ...

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Making Enemies

Making Enemies

Isak Hammar | Making Enemies. The Logic of Immorality in Ciceronian Oratory | Non-serial books – History and Archaeology | 2013

The last era of the Roman Republic is known for its fierce political rivalries. Within a crumbling system, individuals strove for supremacy on the battlefield—and on the speaker’s platform. In the political culture of the late Roman Republic, a politician was by definition an orator. ...

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Streetlife in Late Victorian London

Streetlife in Late Victorian London

Peter Andersson | Streetlife in Late Victorian London. The Constable and the Crowd | Non-serial books – History and Archaeology | 2012

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När något blir annorlunda

När något blir annorlunda

Matilda Svensson Chowdhury | När något blir annorlunda. Skötsamhet och funktionsförmåga i berättelser om poliosjukdom | Non-serial books – History and Archaeology | 2012

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Fostrande förpliktelser

Fostrande förpliktelser

Malin Gregersen | Fostrande förpliktelser. Representationer av ett missionsuppdrag i Sydindien under 1900-talets första hälft | Non-serial books – History and Archaeology | 2010

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Lunds universitets antikmuseum

Lunds universitets antikmuseum

Jenny Wallensten | Lunds universitets antikmuseum. Sölvegatan 2 1951-2006 | Non-serial books – History and Archaeology | 2009

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På historiens slagfält

På historiens slagfält

Lars M Andersson, Fabian Persson, Peter Ullgren, Ulf Zander (ed.) | På historiens slagfält. En festskrift tillägnad Sverker Oredsson | Non-serial books – History and Archaeology | 2002

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