Honorary doctors at the Faculty of Theology
Professor Philippe Sands, Professor of Law at University College London
Pastor Peter Halldorf, Swedish Pentecostal pastor and editor for the journal Pilgrim
Professor Yvonne Maria Werner, Professor of History at Lund University
Anita Goldman, Author, Stockholm
Professor Volker Küster, Professor of Comparative Religion and Missiology, Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz
Professor Corinna Körting, Professor of Old Testament Studies and History of Ancient Near Eastern Religion at the University of Hamburg
Mark D. Nanos, PhD, Researcher and Lecturer, New Testament Studies and Judaic Studies, University of Kansas
Professor Elias Bongmba, Professor of Religion, Rice University, Houston
Robert D. Resnick, Entrepreneur, Los Angeles
Professor Paula Fredriksen, Distinguished Visiting Professor at Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Professor Hartmut Lehmann, Professor emeritus of History and Honorary Professor of Church History, Christian Albrechts University, Kiel
Professor Joel Robbins, Sigrid Rausing Professor of Social Anthropology, University of Cambridge
Marilynne Robinson, Novelist and Essayist, Iowa City
Per Åkerlund, Publisher, Skellefteå
Professor Ronald L. Grimes, Professor emeritus of Religion and Culture, Wilfrid Laurier University Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Professor Susan Ashbrook Harvey, Professor of Religious Studies, Brown University, Rhode Island, USA
Professor Raymond Cohen, Chaim Weizmann Professor of International Relations at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Professor Monica Hedlund, Professor emerita of Latin at Uppsala University, place of residence: Lund
Professor Aila Lauha, Professor of Church History, specifically Contemporary Church History, University of Helsinki
Göran Bergstrand, Priest, Uppsala
Robert K. C. Forman, Psychologist and Philosopher of Religion, New York
Pamela S. Anderson, Fellow of Regent’s Park College, Philosophy and Christian Ethics, University of Oxford
Professor. Dr. Dr. Gerhard Besier, Professor of Theology, PhD in History and Psychologist, Professor of European Studies at the University of Dresden
Jonas Gardell, Author and Performer, Stockholm
Professor David B. Burrell, Theodore Hesburgh Professor in Philosophy and Theology at University of Notre Dame, USA
Professor Ted Peters, Distinguished Research Professor of Systematic Theology at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary, Berkeley
Professor Sarah A Coakley, Mallinckrodt Professor of Divinity, Harvard University
Professor Roy Mottahedeh, Gurney Research Professor of History, Harvard University
Professor Rodney Stark, Distinguished Professor of the Social Sciences, Baylor University, Waco, Texas (appointed 2005, absent)
Professor Kjell-Åke Modéer, Professor of Legal History, Faculty of Law, Lund University
Professor Edward Lipinski, Professor emeritus of Semitic languages at the Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven
Professor Hugh McLeod, Professor of Church History, University of Birmingham
Professor Gerd Theissen, Professor of New Testament Studies, University of Heidelberg
Ingmar Karlsson, Ambassador
Professor Averil Cameron, Professor of Late Antique and Byzantine History at the University of Oxford
Professor Bernt Olsson, Professor emeritus of Literary Studies, Lund University, place of residence: Helsingborg
Professor Lee Levine, Professor of Jewish history and archaeology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Professor Hermann Spieckermann, Professor of Old Testament at the Georg-August-University of Göttingen
Professor Birgitta Odén, Professor emerita of History, Lund University
Professor Arnold Angenendt, Professor of Medieval and Modern Church History at the University of Münster
Lars Gyllensten, Author, Stockholm
Professor Johannes van der Ven, Professor of Empirical Theology, Radboud University Nijmegen
Professor Karl-Josef Kuschel, Professor of Theology of Culture and Interreligious Dialogue (Theologie der Kultur und des interreligiösen Dialogs), Faculty of Roman-Catholic Theology, University of Tübingen
Professor Othmar Keel, Professor of Old Testament Exegesis und the Biblical World, University of Fribourg
Sven Håkan Ohlsson, Publisher, Lund
Göran Göransson, Lawyer within Church Law, Stockholm
Professor David Weiss Halivni, Littauer Professor of Talmud and Classical Rabbinics in the Department of Religion at Columbia University, New York
Professor Nils-Arvid Bringéus, Professor emeritus of Ethnology, Lund University
Inge Löfström, former Dean at Lund Cathedral
Dr. Krister Brandt, PhD in Theology, Dingle
Professor David Wulff, A. Howard Meneely Professor of Psychology, Norton, Massachusetts
Professor Leonardo Boff, Professor of Theology at the Jesuit Institute for Philosophy and Theology in Petropolis
Professor Reinhart Staats, Professor of Church History at Christian Albrechts University, Kiel
Dr. Ebbe Arvidsson, PhD in Theology, President of the Swedish Bible Society, Uppsala
Licentiate Erik Petrén, Licentiate in Education and Psychology, Gävle
Licentiate Sven Hemrin, Licentiate in Theology, Lidingö
Professor Jes Peter Asmussen, Professor of Iranian Studies, University of Copenhagen
Alvin Isberg, Church Historian Gothenburg
Professor Bruno Schüller, Professor of Moral Theology, University of Münster
Folke Alm, former Organist and Choir director at Lund Cathedral
Britt G Hallqvist, Hymnwriter, Poet, and Translator, Lund
Gerhard Klose, Priest, Translator, Horn-Bad Meinburg
Per Block, Assistent Professor of New Testament Exegesis, Uppsala University
Joachim Rogge, Assistent Professor of Church History, Priest and President of the Evangelical Research Academy, Berlin
Anders Frostenson, former Priest, Writer, Translator, Stockholm
Professor Joseph A. Fitzmyer, Professor of New Testament, The Catholic University of America, Washington
Thorsten Levenstam, Author and former Director of Stora Sköndals Diakonianstalt, place of residence Lund
Sven-Åke Rosenberg, Priest
Licentiate Ann-Marie Thunberg, Licentiate in Theology, Editor of the Journal Vår Lösen, Sigtuna
Frej Alsterlind, Priest, Kil
Dr. Manas Buthelezi, PhD in Theology, Priest and University Teacher, South Africa
Gunnel Vallquist, Writer and Translator, Rimbo
Bo Giertz, former Bishop and Writer
Olle Nivenius, Bishop of the Diocese of Lund
Licentiate Pehr Edwall, Licentiate in Theology, Priest, Kalmar
Louis-Marie Dewailly, Dominican, Lund
Professor Mikko Juva, Professor of Finnish and Scandinavian History and Church History at the University of Helsinki
Professor George W Andersen, Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament Studies, University of Edinburgh
Professor Nils Alstrup Dahl, Professor of New Testament at Yale University, New Haven
Eiler Græbe, Architect, Lund
Olov Hartman, Hymn writer, Writer, Director at the Sigtuna Foundation
Professor Carl Heinz Ratschow, Professor of Systematic Theology, History of Theology and Philosophy of Religion at the Philipps University of Marburg
Professor Geoffrey WH Lampe, Ely Professor of Divinity, University of Cambridge
Professor Knud E Løgstrup, Professor of Ethics and Philosophy at the University of Aarhus
Professor Gerhard von Rad, Professor of Old Testament at the Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg
Professor Karl Heinrich Rengstorf, Professor of New Testament at the University of Münster
Professor Kristen Ejnar Skydsgaard, Professor of Dogmatic theology, University of Copenhagen