To-do-list – monograph or edited volume

Publishing your monograph/edited volume:

  • If your monograph/edited volume is part of a publication series, start by contacting the series editors. Many of the series at the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology have templates for layout and policies regarding Open Access.
  • We strongly recommend that you publish your monograph/edited volume Open Access. Doing so ensures that your research will be freely available, get the widest possible dissemination and increase its impact. The Lund University Open access policy for publications and artistic works from 2021 dictates that all research conducted at the university should be published Open Access to the greatest extent possible. If you have questions, please contact us. You can read more on Open Access at
  • If you intend to publish your monograph/edited volume Open Access, the next recommended step is to choose a Creative Commons license (CC-license) which stipulates how your book may be used by others under copyright law. All licenses require that reusers give you attribution as the creator of the work, but different licenses dictate what is allowed in terms of distribution, adaptation, and commercial use of the material. Find out more at Please note that funders may have stipulations regarding which CC-license to use.
  • If you intend to print your monograph/edited volume using the Lund University printer Media-Tryck, remember to book an appointment with them at an early stage of the process. Media-Tryck can answer any questions you may have concerning cover and inlay.
  • You are also free to use an external designer.
  • You need to decide how many copies of your monograph/edited volume to print, preferably in dialogue with the series editor(s).
  • Your monograph/edited volume should be issued an ISBN-number. Contact us at to receive your number. Note that if you intend to publish your monograph/edited volume Open Access you will receive two ISBN-numbers.
  • Does the publication series have an ISSN-number? You can ask your editor(s) if this is the case. If so, the number should be indicated on both the back of the cover and the imprint page (tryckortssidan).
  • If you are using a commercial publisher, remember to inquire about the possibility of publishing your monograph/edited volume Open Access.  


  •  If you would like your monograph/edited volume to be available for sale, we recommend that you use Media-Trycks’ Print-on-demand option. Your monograph/edited volume can then be purchased from the Lund University Book Shop. Please ask your contact at Media-Tryck for details.
  • Please note that sales do not generate author royalties and that any revenue will be used to help the dissemination and visibility of research from the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology.
  • We will handle sale and distribution of your monograph/edited volume in the case of standing orders.
  • If you want your monograph/edited volume to be available for purchase from physical and online booksellers, ask Media-Tryck to include it in Bokinfo (at the additional cost of 790 SEK). This will increase the dissemination and visibility of your research.
  • You can cancel the sale of your monograph/edited volume at any time.

Once your book is printed, remember to register it in LUCRIS and do not forget to attach the electronic version. This will make your monograph/edited volume searchable via the webpage of the publications series at the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology ( 

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