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"Vietnam". Tre svenska tidningars syn på vietnamfrågan 1963-1968

Eva Queckfeldt | "Vietnam". Tre svenska tidningars syn på vietnamfrågan 1963-1968 | 1981

Swedish Art History

Swedish Art History

Ludwig Qvarnström (ed.) | Swedish Art History. A Selection of Introductory Texts | 2018

This is the first extensive overview of Swedish art history written in English. The essays by Swedish scholars of art history present a broad and varied collection of texts including periodic overviews that cover prehistorical times to the 21st century, as well as thematic studies ...

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Hindu philosophy in Buddhist perspective

Olle Qvarnström | Hindu philosophy in Buddhist perspective. The Vedāntatattvaviniścaya chapter of Bhavya's Madhyamakah | 1989

A corpus of English conversation

Jan Svartvik, Randolph Quirk (ed.) | A corpus of English conversation | 1980

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