Alena Minchenia

Alena Minchenia

Lecturer, Doctoral Student

  • Central and Eastern European Studies
  • Centre for Languages and Literature

Contact information


Room SOL:A418

Visiting address
Helgonabacken 12, Lund

Postal address
Box 201, 221 00 Lund

Internal post code 20

I am a gender scholar and a social scientist. I hold my Master of Philosophy degree in Gender Studies from the Central European University (Budapest, Hungary) and MA degree in Cultural Studies from the European Humanities University (Minsk, Belarus).

My academic interests include studies of nonviolence and civilresistance, cultural politics of emotion, research on Eastern Europe, feministtheory, and (auto)ethnography. Mydoctoral research looks at emotionality of political protests in Belarus - acountry often called ‘the last dictatorship in Europe'. These protests areusually seen and rhetorically framed as ‘a fight for democracy’. My projectaims at critical rethinking of both local and western narratives about resistancein the postsocialist region and in Belarus, in particular. I would like toanalyze how emotions shape and feature in activists’ narratives about'changes', 'democracy', 'Europe and its value', and 'Belarus as the lastdictatorship' and how subjectivities are performed in experiences of dissent.

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Alena Minchenia

Lecturer, Doctoral Student

  • Central and Eastern European Studies
  • Centre for Languages and Literature

Contact information


Room SOL:A418

Visiting address
Helgonabacken 12, Lund

Postal address
Box 201, 221 00 Lund

Internal post code 20

Page Manager: | 2021-06-02