Information for partner universities

If you have an agreement with the Faculties of Humanities and Theology at Lund University you are welcome to nominate your students for an exchange study period in Lund. We hope that this webpage will provide useful information for you as a partner.

Application procedure

Nominate your students

Before your students can apply online you need to nominate the students. Lund University's online nomination system is SoleMove. 

  • Nomination period is 15 - 31 March for autumn semester and academic year.
  • Nomination period is 15 - 31 September for spring semester.

Here you can find a short Nomination guide.

Nomination instructions are sent to the student’s home university shortly before the nomination period. 

Online application and supporting documents

After the nomination the student needs to complete an application online and upload a set of documents in their application.

  • Transcript of records (in English)
  • Statement of purpose (in Swedish if the student wants to study courses offered in Swedish, otherwise in English)
  • CV

Only electronic documents are accepted. You may need to provide your student with an Official Transcript of Records in English.

We remind you that our application procedure has to be completed online only and therefore no papers and documents (such as transcript of records, CV etc.) should be sent to us.

Application Periods

Autumn semester or the whole academic year: 1 April–15 April

Spring semester: 1 October–15 October


Students are allowed to study any course at our faculties as long as they are eligible and there are places available. Information about the academic system, courses and the admission process can be found on the links below:

Find available courses and disciplines


Lund is a small university city and many students are looking for housing at the same time. Therefore Lund University does not guarantee housing for all incoming exchange students. We recommend that students are active in searching for accommodation, and have a place to stay before they arrive. More information about housing can be found below:

Other useful information

Studying at other faculties

If a student would like to study a limited number of courses at another faculty we will do our best to facilitate this, however we cannot guarantee that it will be possible. Please note, the fields of engineering, business administration and economics are always difficult.

The application always has to go through us, and before applying the student needs to check out the admission requirements at our sister faculties.

Writing a paper or thesis

We regret that we cannot provide a supervisor or tutor for students who wish to spend an exchange period at our faculties to write a paper or thesis to be presented at their home university.

International office

Email: internationalht.luse

Visiting Address

Centre for Languages and Literature
Helgonabacken 12
Rooms A141-143

Mail Address

Box 201, 221 00 Lund



Senior International Coordinator

Fanni Faegersten
+46 (0)46 222 8773

Senior International Coordinator
Elena Vinci
Phone: +46 46 222 8075
Email: elena.vinciht.luse

International Officer
Birgitta Olofsson

Page Manager: malin.sjobergkansliht.luse | 2025-02-26