Next steps for accepted exchange students
Here you will find information concerning housing, residence permit, insurance and course admission.
We encourage you to plan to arrive in Lund on Arrival Day to have a smooth welcome and support services readily available to make your arrival as straightforward as possible.

There are several housing options in Lund and you are responsible for finding your own housing.
LU Accommodation manages a limited number of rooms and flats in Lund. Due to a great demand for accommodation, they are unable to guarantee all applicants a room. Please note that the application for housing at LU Accommodation is separate from your application in SoleMove, and is made directly to LU Accommodation.
Please see LU Accommodation website: Apply for student accommodation
Read more about other housing options here: Accommodation agencies
All students who study at Lund University are covered for accidents occurring within the framework of their studies (for example: during classes, while studying at a university library and while travelling from their accommodation to the University).
Insurance for incoming exchange students
The Swedish government has issued insurance for foreign students coming to Sweden within an exchange agreement, which Lund University has acquired as a group insurance policy for all its exchange students. This insurance provides exchange students with coverage for certain medical expenses. It also contains some accident cover in the form of a fixed amount in conjunction with disability or death, as well as the third party liability necessary for a housing contract and coverage of legal expenses cover. It applies 24 hours a day in Sweden. This insurance applies only when there is no other insurance coverage, and the insurance only applies in Sweden, so for travel outside Sweden you will need additional insurance which you should get in your home country. It is your own responsibility to make sure you have adequate insurance coverage. Remember to bring a certificate documenting your insurance.
European Health Insurance Card
EU/EEA citizens are required by the Swedish authorities to have comprehensive medical insurance (European Health Insurance Card) during their studies in Sweden. Please contact the health insurance institution in your home country for the required documents before coming to Sweden.
Residence Permit
If you are an EU citizen, you don't need to apply for a residence permit.
Admitted students who are non-EU/EEA citizens must apply for a Swedish residence permit to study at a Swedish university for a period longer than three months. You cannot enter Sweden until the permit has been granted. When applying for a residence permit, you will need to prove that you have health insurance. To do this, it is usually enough to enclose your Letter of Acceptance with your residence permit application.
A visa is an additional requirement for students from certain countries. The Letter of Acceptance (LoA) is sent out to students who will be admitted to full-time studies corresponding to 30 credits per semester. Once the student has received the LoA, they can apply for a residence permit via the website of the Swedish Migration Agency. It is also possible to apply for a residence permit at the nearest Swedish embassy.
Co-ordination Number
Exchange students that are not eligible for Swedish Personal Identity Number (Swedish: personnummer) but would like to work and pay taxes in Sweden can get a co-ordination number (Swedish: samordningsnummer) from the Swedish Tax Agency.
Course admission
The result of your course admission will be visible in SoleMove about a month after the submission deadline of your application.
Autumn semester: mid-May
Spring semester: mid-November
If you have not been accepted to a course, it might be either because you did not meet the entry requirements, or that the course was full. There are limited number of places for each course so it is important that you put a second choice in your application.
We do not work with "add and drop" periods at the beginning of the semester, which means that you have to take the courses you have been admitted to. Adjustments in case of schedule overlaps can be made before the semester starts.
You are only welcome to attend courses you have been officially admitted to. No students without a course admission are allowed in class.
Confirmation and registration
- Once your study plan is confirmed, you’ll be able to see the final course application result in SoleMove.
- Approved courses will be visible in the Lund University study documentation system (Ladok). You can log in with your student account.
- Additional information will be provided after your arrival in Lund.
Write a paper or thesis
While in Lund, would you like to write a paper or thesis, a project that was initiated at your home university? You are welcome to do so as an extracurricular activity in parallel with taking courses, but unfortunately we are not able to provide you with a supervisor or mentor at Lund University. Your home supervisor will be the one to help you throughout your project.
It's your own responsibility to check the schedules and make sure that there is no collision between your courses. The schedule is published about a month before the semester begins. You will receive an email when it is time for you to check your personal schedule.
You can generate your own schedule by combining courses, modules and groups or search for a particular room or staff using the schedule generator.
How to use:
- Select search option "Course” or “Course part”
- Enter the course code in the search field
- Click on the course code in the search results and then "Show Schedule"
- In the schedule view, you can choose to customize the view via "Customize" in the upper right.
- You can also choose several courses at the same time to check any schedule clashes
Note: Changes may occur to the schedule even after it has become available. The schedule for next semester will be available around a month before the semester begins.
Arrival and introduction
Make sure to arrive on Arrival Day and join the Orientation Weeks!
Pre-registration day
After you have arrived in Lund you will receive an email regarding a date and time for pre-registration day. It is important that you attend this meeting in order to go over your courses. Should you not be able to attend the meeting, you will need to contact us in order to set up a separate appointment.