My study period is about to end
As your exchange period at Lund University is starting to come to an end, we hope you have enjoyed your time here. If you have paperwork that your Lund coordinator needs to fill out or sign, just drop by the office, or make an appointment.
Official Transcript of Records
You can check and download a verifiable digital copy of your transcript by yourself via Ladok and share it with your home university.
How to download your transcript
Log in to Ladok with your Student account -
Click on ”"Menu" and go to "Transcript and certificates"
Click on "Create"
Select the type "Official transcript of records" and choose English as the langauge
You can choose additional information at this stage in the process. We recommend to include "Educational level" if you have studied courses at both Bachelors' and Masters' level. You can decide yourself if you want to include unfinished courses.
Click "Create" again to receive the PDF
How to verify your transcript
- Go to
- Fill in the personal identity number (personnummer) and control code (kontrollnummer) stated at the bottom of the transcript.
- Click on ”Verify”. This will download the transcript in PDF format.
Your transcript (result certificate) will be verifiable by your home university for 3 months from the date you download it.

Farewell reception and becoming a Lund University Ambassador
Near the end of each semester Lund University hosts a farewell event for international students (the December event includes a traditional Lucia performance and the May event includes the annual student photo competition).
An information event is also held near the end of each semester to support students in their new role as a Lund University Ambassador once they return to their home university.
Having completed your studies, you are now a valued alumna/alumnus of Lund University!
Be sure to register in our alumni network so we can continue to keep in touch.