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Courses open for exchange students
There are several courses taught in English and other foreign languages. Some courses are on Bachelor's level and some are on Advanced level (also sometimes referred to as Master's level).
Below you can find courses during the academic year 2024/2025. The course list can be subject to change for the academic yeara 2025/2026 and is updated during the week before the application period opens.
Autumn semester 2025
East and South-East Asian Studies
COSM34 Development Theories and Issues in East and South-East Asia, 7.5 credits. (Advanced level)
COSM52 Body Politics in East and South-East Asia, 7.5 credits. (Advanced level)
COSM53 Grand Strategy, Geopolitics and the Fate of East Asia, 7.5 credits. (Advanced level)
Spring semester 2025
Central and Eastern European Studies
ÖCKB06 Nationalism and Communism in Central Europe (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary), 7.5 credits.
ÖCKB07 Central Europe since the Fall of the Berlin Wall, 7.5 credits.
ÖCKB14 Politik, kultur och identitet i Ryssland, Ukraina och andra postsovjetiska stater, 15 högskolepoäng. Language of instruction: Swedish
Central and East Asian Studies
COSM23 Asian Studies: Contemporary Chinese Society, 15 credits. (Advanced level)
COSM24 Asian Studies: Contemporary Japanese and Korean Societies, 15 credits. (Advanced level)
COSM25 Asian Studies: Contemporary South-East Asian Societies, 15 credits. (Advanced level)
Autumn semester 2025
Intermedia Studies
IMSA11 Intermedia Studies: Level 1, 30 credits
IMSM01 Intermedial Studies: An introduktion, 7.5 credits
IMSM02 Intermedial Studies: Audio Narratives in Different Media - Intermedial and Multimodal Perspectives, 7.5 credits
Visual Culture
KOVN14 Visual Culture: Body and Image, 15 credits
KOVN16 Methodology in Visual Culture Studies and Aesthetic Disciplines, 15 credits
Art History and Visual Studies
KOVA14 Art History of the Western World - Level 1, 30 credits. (Swedish)
KOVK03 Art History and Visual Studies: B.A. Course, 30 credits (Swedish)
MUVA11 Musicology: Level 1, 30 credits. (Swedish)
MUVA61 Musicology: Music Production – Level 1, 30 credits. (Swedish)
History of Ideas and Sciences
ILHA10 History of Ideas: Level 1, 30 credits (Swedish)
ILHB33 Classics of Western Thought, 7.5 credits
ILHB10 History of Ideas: The Intellectual History of Emotions, 7.5 credits. (Swedish)
Book History
BBHB52 Book History: History of the Library, 7.5 credits. (Swedish)
ETNA14 Ethnology: Cultural Analytical Perspectives – Level 1, 30 credits. (Swedish)
ETNB08 Ethnology: Health, Power and Culture, 15 credits. (Swedish)
Spring semester 2025
Archival Science and Book History
ABMA15 Archival Science: Physical and Digital Archives, 15 credits.
Language of instruction: Swedish.
ABMA19 Museology: Physical and Digital Museums, 15 credits.
Language of instruction: Swedish.
BBHB53 Book History: The History of Printing 1450–1800, 7.5 credits.
Language of instruction: Swedish. Distance course.
ETNA14 Ethnology: Cultural Analytical Perspectives, Level 1, 30 credits.
Language of instruction: Swedish.
ETNA22 Ethnology: Cultural Analytical Perspectives, Level 2, 30 credits.
Language of instruction: Swedish.
History of Ideas and Sciences
ILHA10 Idé- och lärdomshistoria: Grundkurs, 30 högskolepoäng.
Language of instruction: Swedish.
ILHB30 Idé- och lärdomshistoria: Medicinens idéhistoria, 7.5 högskolepoäng.
Language of instruction: Swedish.
ILHB32 Idé- och lärdomshistoria: Framtidens idéhistoria: Förväntningar, utopier och dystopier i historisk belysning, 7.5 högskolepoäng. Language of instruction: Swedish. Distance course
Intermedia Studies
IMSB23 Intermedia studies: The Aesthetics of Popular Culture, 7.5 credits.
IMSB25 Intermedia studies:The Aesthetics of the Total Work of Art 7.5 credits.
IMSB26 Intermedia studies: The Aesthetics of Popular Live Culture 7.5 credits.
Visual Culture
KOVA16 Konsthistoria och visuella studier: Privata och offentliga rum, 30 högskolepoäng. Language of instruction: Swedish.
KOVA23 Konsthistoria och visuella studier: Fortsättningskurs, 30 högskolepoäng. Language of instruction: Swedish.
KOVN11 Visual Culture: Representations of Violence in the Visual Arts and Media, 15 credits. (Advanced level)
KOVN15 Visual Culture: Environment and Nature, 15 credits. (Advanced level)
MUVA22 Musicology: Level 2, 30 credits. Language of instruction: Swedish
Autumn semester 2025
Film Studies
TVXA11 Aesthetics of Crisis: Health and Well-being, 3 credits. (Distance course)
ALSK13 General Linguistics: Level 3 - B. A. Course, 30 credits.
ALSK14 General Linguistics: Level 3 - Bachelor of Arts Thesis Course, 15 credits
LINB23 Linguistics: Diversity of the World’s Languages, 7.5 credits.
LINB26 Linguistics: Language Acquisition and Processing, 7.5 credits.
LIND03 Phonetics: Theories of Production and Perception, 7.5 credits.
LIND06 Linguistics: Introduction to Research Methods in Linguistics, 7.5 credits.
LIND07 Linguistics: Introduction to Psycholinguistics, 7.5 credits.
LINK23 Phonetics: Level 3 - B. A. Course, 30 credits.
LINN18 Linguistics: Field Methodology in Linguistics, 7.5 credits
LINN19 Linguistics: Language, Culture and Mind, 7.5 credits
LINN23 Linguistics: Grammatical Patterns in Human Language, 7.5 credits
SEMN01 Semiotics: Translation Theory, 7.5 credits
FONK23 Phonetics: Level 3 - Bachelor of Arts Thesis Course, 15 credits
FONM21 Phonetics: Sounds of the World's Languages, 7.5 credits
Comparative Literature
LIVA05 Comparative Literature: Contemporary Literature, 30 credits. (Swedish)
LIVA07 Comparative Literature: World Literature, There and Here, 6 credits. (Swedish)
LIVA08 Comparative Literature: In the Boundaries of Fact and Fiction, 6 credits. (Swedish)
LIVA09 Comparative Literature: The Venues of Poetry, 6 credits. (Swedish)
LIVA31 Comparative Literature: Children's Literature - Level 1, 30 credits. (Swedish)
LIVR22 Advanced Russian Literary Studies, 15 credits. (Advanced level)
LIVR48 Literature-Culture-Media: Swedish and Danish Literary Canons in Historical and Theoretical Perspectives, 15 credits (Swedish)
LIVR50 Literature - Culture - Media: An Introduction, 15 credits. (Advanced level)
LIVR51 Literary Theory and Method, 15 credits. (Advanced level)
LIVR52Literature-Culture-Media: 20th Century Literature of Latin America, 15 credits
LIVR65 The Picture Book Today, 15 credits. (Advanced level)
LIVR81 German Literature After the Wall, 15 credits. (Advanced level)
Spring semester 2025
Comparative Literature
LIVD02 Viking Culture Then and Now, 7.5 credits. Distance course.
LIVA07 Litteraturvetenskap: Världslitteraturen där och här, 6 högskolepoäng. Language of instruction: Swedish.
LIVA08 Litteraturvetenskap: I gränslandet mellan fakta och fiktion, 6 högskolepoäng. Language of instruction: Swedish.
LIVA09 Litteraturvetenskap: Poesins mötesplatser, 6 högskolepoäng. Language of instruction: Swedish.
Linguistics, Phonetics, and Semiotics
FONM10 Phonetics: Phonology, 7.5 credits. (Advanced level)
FONM25 Phonetics: Speech Perception, 7.5 credits.
LINA24 Linguistics: Level 2, 30 credits.
LINB23 Linguistics: Diversity of the World's Languages, 7.5 credits.
LINB26 Linguistics: Language Acquisition and Processing, 7.5 credits.
LINC04 Linguistics: Semantics and Pragmatics, 7.5 credits.
LINC11 Linguistics: Speech Acoustics, Perception and Prosody, 7.5 credits.
LINC12 Linguistics: Grammar - The Mechanics of Language, 7.5 credits.
LINC13 Linguistics: Perspectives on Segmental and Prosodic Phonology, 7.5 credits.
LINN15 Linguistics: Language in the Visual Modality - Gestures and Sign, 7.5 credits.
LINN20 Linguistics: Theoretical Approaches to Language Development, 7.5 credits.
LINN22 Linguistics: Metalinguistics - Language as an Object of Knowledge, 7.5 credits.
LIVR03 World Literature - Intercultural Understanding, 15 credits. (Advanced level)
LIVR13 Literature-Culture-Media: Nineteenth-Century Writing in English, 15 credits. (Advanced level)
LIVR37 Russian Modernism 1890-1928 - from the Silver Age to the Avantgarde, 15 credits.
(Advanced level)
LIVR57 Literature-Culture-Media: Don Quixote, 15 credits. (Advanced level)
LIVR66 The History of Swedish Young Adult Fiction, 15 credits. (Advanced level)
LIVR74 Literature-Culture-Media: Yiddish Modernism, 1907-1954, 15 credits. (Advanced level)
LIVR82 Post World War II German Literature, 15 credits. (Advanced level)
Autumn semester 2024
TRVN11 Religious Roots of Europe: The Emergence of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, 15 credits. (Advanced level)
TRVN16 Religious Roots of Europe: Rabbinic Texts and Theology, 10 credits. (Advanced level)
RHBM79 Islamic Studies - Islam and the Politics of Everyday Life in the Middle East, 7.5 credits. (Advanced level)
RHID86 Engaged Buddhism, 7.5 credits. (Distance course)
HUXD01 Editing and Transcribing Premodern Texts: Digital Tools, Methods and Resources, 7.5 credits. (Distance course)
JUDM10 Digging Deep: Archaeology and the Bible, 7.5 credits.
Spring semester 2025
Church Mission Studies
KRMD29 Church and Mission Studies: Christianity and Nationalism, 7.5 credits.Distance course.
Religious Studies and Theology
CTRB57 Antisemitism, Islamophobia and Constructing the Enemy, 7.5 credits.
CTRR17 Law and Religion in Judaism, Christianity and Islam, 15 credits. (Advanced level)
Autumn semester 2024
Human Right Studies
MRSM11 Human Rights in the History of Politics and Philosophy, 15 credits. (Advanced level)
MRSM12 Human Rights in the Global World: Agents, Indicators, and Institutions, 15 credits. (Advanced level)
HISA24 History: Level 1, 30 credits. (Swedish)
HISA27 History: Level 2, 30 credits. (Swedish)
Archaeology and Ancient History
ARKN11 Archaelogical Theory and Material Culture, 15 credits. (Advanced level)
ARKN12 Archaeology and Ancient History: Buildings as Archaelogy - the Analysis of Complex Built Environments, 15 credits. (Advanced level)
ARKN22 Archaeology and Ancient History: Bone Chemistry and Bioarcheological Analysis, 7.5 credits. (Advanced level)
Spring semester 2025
HISA24 Historia: Grundkurs, 30 högskolepoäng.
HISA27 Historia: Fortsättningskurs, 30 högskolepoäng.
Human Rights Studies
MRSM13 Human Rights Studies: Research Methods and Research Ethics, 15 credits. (Advanced level)
MRSN02 Human Rights Studies: Thematic Specialization Course I, 7.5 credits. (Advanced level)
MRSN03 Human Rights Studies: Thematic Specialization Course I, 7.5 credits. (Advanced level)
Archaeology and Ancient History
ARKN24 Archaeology and Ancient History: GIS and Spatial Analysis in Archaeology, 15 credits. (Advanced level)
ARKN25 Archaeology and Ancient History: Advanced 3D Recording, Processing and Visualization in Archaeology
English Language Studies
ENGC03 Written Proficiency and Academic Writing, 7.5 credits.
ENGC06 Poetry and Sustainability in English Teaching and Learning, 7.5 credits. (Distance course)
ENGC07 Reading and Writing in a Second Language: Connections, Theory and Practice, 7.5 credits. (Distance course)
ENGD01 English in Society, 15 credits.
ENGD02 English Literature, Film and Moving Images, 7.5 credits.
ENGE43 English: Elective Course, 7.5 credits.
ENGE44 English: Elective Course, 7.5 credits.
ENGE36 English Linguistics: Theory and Method, 7.5 credits.
Equivalent to ENGK01 (0702)
ENGE35 English Literature: Theory and Method, 7.5 credits.
Equivalent to ENGK01 (0701)
ENGE28 Elective Course, 7.5 credits.
ENGE27 English Grammar, 7.5 credits.
Equivalent to ENGA22 (1801)
ENGE26 English: Linguistic Analysis, 7.5 credits.
Equivalent to ENGA22 (1803)
ENGE25 Literary Analysis, 7.5 credits.
Equivalent to ENGA22 (1804)
ENGE24 English Literary History, 7.5 credits.
Equivalent to ENGA22 (1802)
ENGE17 Grammar, 7.5 credits.
Equivalent to ENGA04 (1801)
ENGE16 English: Vocabulary, 3 credits.
Equivalent to ENGA04 (1802)
ENGE15 Academic Writing, 5 credits.
Equivalent to ENGA04 (1805)
ENGE14 Phonetics and Pronunciation, 4.5 credits.
Equivalent to ENGA04 (1803)
ENGE13 English History and Culture, 2.5 credits.
Equivalent to ENGA04 (1804)
ENGE12 English Literature, 7.5 credits.
Equivalent to ENGA04 (1806)
ENGF01 English for the Natural Sciences, 7.5 credits.
ENGM12 English: Descriptive Grammar, 7.5 credits. (Advanced level)
ENGM22 The History of English, 7.5 credits. (Advanced level)
- Courses are taught in Danish
NODB04 Written Danish, 7.5 credits.
NODB09 History, Society and Culture in Denmark, 7.5 credits.
NODB11 An Introduction to Danish, 7.5 credits.
NODB16 Spoken Danish, 7.5 credits.
French Studies
- Courses are taught in French.
FRAB16 Characters in French Speaking Novels from the 20th and 21st Centuries, 7.5 credits.
FRAB15 How did it become like this? Written French through the Ages, 7.5 credits.
FRAB06 The European Union, 7.5 credits.
FRAM19 Contemporary Linguistic Theory Applied on French, 15 credits. (Advanced level)
German Studies
- Courses are taught in German or Swedish
TYSD01 German: Written proficiency, 7.5 credits.
TYSD02 Early German Literature, 7.5 credits.
TYSD04 German: Textual Study, including Literary and Cultural History, 7.5 credits.
TYSD06 German: Oral Proficiency, Including Textual Studies and Life and Institutions, 7.5 credits.
TYSB01 German: Beginner´s Course 1, 15 credits.
TYSD03 German: Translation, 4.5 credits.
TYSD05 German: Grammar, 4.5 credits.
Italian Studies
- Courses are taught in Italian.
ITAM13 Italian: The Synchrony and Diachrony of the Italian Language, 7.5 credits. (Advanced Level)
ITAM15 Acquisition of Italian in a Multilingualism Perspective, 7.5 credits. (Distance course)
ITAB14 Cantautori - Italian Singer-Songwriters, 7.5 credits. (Distance course)
Modern Greek Studies
GREM15 Greek Literary History from Ancient Times to Early Byzantine Times, 7.5 credits
NYGM11 History of the Greek Language with Focus on Late Byzantine to Modern Times, 7.5 credits. (Advanced level)
NYGM12 Greek Literary History from Byzantine Time to the Present, 7.5 credits. (Advanced level)
NYGM13 Specialization in Modern Greek Literature, 15 credits. (Advanced level)
NYGR15 Modern Greek: Language variation in Modern Greek, 15 credits. (Advanced level)
Russian Studies
RYSA28 Oral and Written Proficiency, 7.5 credits.
RYSA26 Russian: Russian Grammar and Translation into Russian 2, 7.5 credits.
Japanese Studies
JAPM21 Japanese: Advanced Course - Reading Comprehension and Oral Presentation, 7.5 credits. (Advanced level)
JAPS01 Japanese: Topics in Japanese Linguistics, 7.5 credits. (Advanced level)
Spanish Studies
- Courses are taught in Spanish.
SPAA23 Spanish: Academic Writing, 6 credits.
SPAB05 Thematic Course I, 7.5 credits.
SPAB06 Thematic Course II, 7.5 credits.
SPAM12 Spanish: Language Variation in Spanish, 7.5 credits
SPDA02 Spanish: Practical Spanish Didactics 2, 7.5 credits.
Yiddish and Hebrew studies
YIDC01 Yiddish: Modern Jewish Culture and the Narrative Art of Sholem Aleichem, 15 credits. (Distance course)
YIDD10 Yiddish: Beginner's Course I, 15 credits.
YIDD11 Yiddish: Language and Literature, Level 1 A, 15 credits.*
YIDC03 Jewish Cultural Responses to the Holocaust, 15 credits.*
YIDD21 Yiddish: Level 2A, 15 credits.*
HEBA10 Modern Hebrew: Elementary Course I, 15 credits.
NOIB01 An Introduction to Icelandic, 7.5 credits. (Swedish)
Polish and Ukrainain
POLB10 Polish: Beginners’ Course 1, 15 credits.
POLA15 Polish Literature and Culture From Middle Ages to Modernism, 7.5 credits. (Distance course)
UKRB01 Ukrainian: Beginners’ Course 1, 15 credits.
Danish Studies
NODB04 Written Danish, 7.5 credits. Language of instruction: Danish.
NODB07 Modern Danish literature, 7.5 credits. Language of instruction: Danish. Distance course.
NODB09 History, society and culture in Denmark, 7.5 credits. Language of instruction: Danish.
NODB11 An introduction to Danish, 7.5 credits. Language of instruction: Danish.
NODB16 Spoken Danish, 7.5 credits. Language of instruction: Danish.
English Studies
ENGC02 English: Grammar and Translation, 7.5 credits
ENGC03 English: Written Proficiency and Academic Writing, 7.5 credits. Distance course.
ENGC08 English: People, Places and Politics in British Romantic Poetry, 7.5 credits.
ENGC09 English: Drama in Practice: Shakespeare on Stage, 7.5 credits.
ENGC10 English: The Great American Novel, c. 1850-1987, 7.5 credits.
ENGC11 English: Linguistic Variation and Change, 7.5 credits.
ENGM16 English: Lexical Semantics, 7.5 credits.
ENGR15 English: Cognitive Linguistics, 7.5 credits.
ENGE12 English Literature, 7.5 credits.
ENGE13 English History and Culture, 2.5 credits.
ENGE14 English: Phonetics and Pronunciation, 4.5 credits.
ENGE15 English: Academic Writing, 5 credits.
ENGE16 English: Vocabulary, 3 credits.
ENGE17 English: Grammar, 7.5 credits.
ENGE24 Engelska: English Literary History, 7.5 credits.
ENGE25 English: Literary Analysis, 7.5 credits.
ENGE26 English: Linguistic Analysis, 7.5 credits.
ENGE27 English: English Grammar, 7.5 credits.
ENGE28 English: Elective Course, 7.5 credits.
ENGE35 English Literature: Theory and Method, 7.5 credits.
ENGE36 English Linguistics: Theory and Method, 7.5 credits.
ENGE43 English: Elective Course, 7.5 credits.
ENGE44 English: Elective Course, 7.5 credits.
French Studies
FRAB12 The French Africa, 7.5 credits. Distance course. Language of instruction: French.
FRAB13 Plurilingualism with Focus on French, 7.5 credits. Language of instruction: French.
FRAB14 Language Acquisition and Language Teaching in the School Context, 7.5 credits. Language of instruction: French.
FRAD01 From Text to Film - Francophone Adaptations of Francophone Narratives, 7.5 credits. Language of instruction: French. Distance course.
FRAB18 Spoken Proficiency and French Society, 7 credits. Language of instruction: French.
FRAB19 French: Written Proficiency, 7 credits Language of instruction: French.
FRAM14 Acquisition of French, 7.5 credits. Language of instruction: French. (Advanced level)
FRAM18 French: Introduction to Medieval French, 7.5 credits. Language of instruction: French. (Advanced level)
German Studies
TYSB11 Tyska: Nybörjarkurs, 30 högskolepoäng. Language of instruction: Swedish.
TYSD01 Tyska: Skriftlig språkfärdighet - översättning, 7.5 högskolepoäng. Language of instruction: Swedish.
TYSD02 Tyska: Äldre tyskspråkig litteratur - läskurs, 7.5 högskolepoäng. Language of instruction: Swedish.
TYSD03 Tyska: Översättning, 4.5 högskolepoäng. Language of instruction: Swedish.
TYSD04 Tyska: Textstudium med litteratur- och kulturhistoria, 7.5 högskolepoäng. Language of instruction: Swedish.
TYSD06 German: Oral Proficiency, Including Textual Studies and Life and Institutions, 7.5 credits.
Language of instruction: German.
TYSB01 Tyska: Nybörjarkurs 1, 15 högskolepoäng. Language of instruction: Swedish.
TYSB02 Tyska: Nybörjarkurs 2, 15 högskolepoäng. Language of instruction: Swedish.
Greek studies
NYGR15 Modern Greek: Language variation in Modern Greek, 15 credits.
Hebrew Studies
HEBA20 Modern Hebrew: Elementary Course II, 15 credits.
Italian Studies
ITAM12 Linguistic Variation in the Italian Language, 7.5 credits. Language of instruction: Italian. Distance course. (Advanced level)
ITAM14 Italian Literature, 7.5 credits. Language of instruction: Italian. Distance course. (Advanced level)
Japanese Studies
JAPM14 Japanese: Readings in Literature and Linguistics 2, 15 credits.
Chinese Studies
KINM12 Modern Chinese Literature, 15 credits.
Polish Studies
POLA16 Polish Literature and Culture from 1939 until Present, 7.5 credits. Distance course.
POLB20 Polish: Beginners' Course 2, 15 credits.
Spanish Studies
SPAA03 Spanish: Level 3, 30 credits. Language of instruction: Spanish
SPAA31 Spanska: Grundkurs, 30 högskolepoäng. Language of instruction: Swedish.
SPAB05 Spanish: Thematic Course I, 7.5 credits. Distance course.
SPAB06 Spanish: Thematic Course II, 7.5 credits. Language of instruction: Spanish. Distance course.
SPAM14 Spanish: Written Proficiency in Spanish, 7.5 credits. Language of instruction: Spanish. Distance course. (Advanced level)
SPDA01 Practical Spanish Didactics, 7.5 credits. Language of instruction: Spanish
SPAA23 Spanish: Academic Writing, 6 credits. Language of instruction: Spanish
Yiddish Studies
YIDB04 Yiddish: Jewish Faith and Tradition, 7.5 credits.
YIDC05 Testimony: Literature, Film and Oral History, 15 credits.
YIDC06 Yiddish: Jewish and Christian Bible Translations, 7.5 credits.
YIDC07 Yiddish Film and Television: Comedy, Horror and Drama, 15 credits. Distance course
YIDD12 Yiddish: Language and Literature, Level 1 B, 15 credits. Distance course.
YIDD10 Yiddish: Beginner's Course I, 15 credits. Distance course.
YIDD20 Yiddish: Beginner's Course II, 15 credits.
YIDD22 Yiddish: Level 2 B, 15 credits. Distance course.
Ukrainian Studies
UKRB02 Ukrainian: Beginners' Course II, 15 credits.
UKRA12 Ukrainian Grammar and Language Proficiency II, 7.5 credits. Distance course.
Special Area Studies – SAS courses
Lund University offers Special Area Studies (SAS) courses – specially designed courses available for exchange students across faculties that have few prerequisites. Take the opportunity to learn about a subject oustide of your major!
Keep in mind that not all SAS courses can be combined with each other and that there may also be schedule clashes between SAS courses and regular courses.
Swedish and Scandinavian Area studies
- Technology and Swedish Culture: Historical Perspectives (SASH83) | Autumn
- Introduction to Scandinavian Culture and Society (SASH55) | Autumn & spring
- Modern Design in Scandinavia (SASH56) | Autumn
- The Religious Impact of Migration in Sweden (SASH76) | Spring
- Survey of Swedish Literature (SASH16) | Spring
- Swedish Art in a Scandinavian Context (SASH74) | Spring
- Swedish Film (SASH03) | Autumn
- Swedish History from a Nordic Perspective (SASH64) | Autumn
- Swedish Music in Contemporary Culture (SASH80) | Autumn
- Swedish Politics – Past and Present (SASH63) | Spring
- Swedish Society and Everyday Life (SASH60) | Autumn
- Viking Age Scandinavia (SASH02) | Autumn
Scandinavia's Colonial Entanglements: Historical-Archaeological Perspectives | Spring
European Dimension and Other Cultural Regions
- Barbarians and Romans (SASH79) | Spring
- Communism in East and Central Europe: Present, Past, and Future Perspectives (SASH62) | Autumn
- European Integration at a Crossroads: History, Identities and Values (SASH91) – Autumn
- The Emergence of European Culture (SASH85) | Autumn
- Governance and Conflict in the Middle East (SASH38) | Spring
- History of the Holocaust (SASH65) | Spring
- Introduction to the Middle East (SASH23) | Autumn
- The Roman Empire (SASH39) | Autumn
Global Issues of Contemporary Interest
- Critical Animal Studies: Animals in Society, Culture and the Media (SASH68) | Spring
- Cultural Perspectives on Health, Lifestyle and Medicine (SASH61) | Spring
- Diversity of the World's Languages (SASH26) | Autumn & spring
- Food, Tradition and Innovation (SASH86) | Spring
- Gastronomy: Sustainable Eating (SASH59) | Autumn
- Health and Diet Through Human History (SASH73) | Spring
- Intercultural Communication (SASH82) | Autumn
- Inter-religious Relations: Conflict and Community in the Historical Past and the Lived Present (SASH89) | Spring
- Lund University in the Global World (SASH99) | Spring
- Media and Armed Conflicts – Past and Present (SASH67) | Autumn
- Media and the History of Political Rhetoric (SASH69) | Spring
- One World, One Language (SASH81) | Autumn – this course will not be offered in autumn 2023 as it has been temporarily moved to the spring 2024 semester instead. The course will, however, go back to its normal routine in autumn 2024.
- One World, One Morality (SASH66) | Spring
- Religion and Politics (SASH49) | Autumn
- Social AI through the Looking Glas (SASH92) | Autumn
SAS-courses at other faculties
- An Introduction to Information Security (SASC01) | Spring (not offered every year – next round will be in Spring 2025)
- Arabic Rhythms (SASL06) | Autumn
- Ensemble Music at Odeum – Orchestra playing or choir singing (SASL03) | Autumn
- Ensemble Music at Odeum – Orchestra playing or choir singing (SASL04) | Spring
- Swedish Folk music (SASL08) | Autumn
- Introduction to European Business Law (SASJ01) | Autumn
- Introduction to International Law (SASJ02) | Autumn
- The Scientific Method (SASF10) | Spring
- Gender, Citizenship and Migration (SASA25) | Autumn
- Gender, Social Change and Modernity in Sweden/Scandinavia (SASA16) | Autumn & spring
- Scandinavian Models of Equality (SASA27) | Autumn & spring
- Environmental Studies and Sustainability Science: Concepts, Challenges and Approaches in Sustainability Studies (SASI03) | Autumn
- Greening the Economy – Achieving the Global Goals (SASI06) | Autumn
- Swedish Economic Development (SASE10) | Spring
- Economic Change, Labour Market and the Population (SASE11) | Spring
- Introduction to e-health (digital) (SASE40) | Autumn
- Family and Work: Scandinavia in International Perspective (SASE12) | Spring
- International Economics (SASE31) | Autumn
- Population Aging and the Welfare State (SASE13) | Autumn
- Social Innovation – a Strategy for Sustainability (SASE21). Course plan (PDF, 243 kB, new tab) | Autumn
Study Swedish
If you want to develop your Swedish language skills while in Lund, Lund University offers a variety of courses. Regardless if you are interested in a short introduction to the Swedish language (SUSA course), or if you wish to deepen your knowledge or have studied as a major at your home university, you can find courses suitable for your level and information about studying Swedish in Lund here: Swedish for exchange students.
If you apply for a higher level you will be called to do a placement test to ensure you are in the course most suited to you.
Autumn semester 2024
SUSA11 Swedish: Introductory Course for Exchange Students 1
SUSA12 Swedish: Introductory Course for Exchange Students 2
SVEE11 Swedish for Exchange Students: Level 1, 7.5 credits.
SVEE12 Swedish for Exchange Students: Level 2, 7.5 credits.
SVEE13 Swedish for Exchange Students: Level 3, 7.5 credits.
SVEE14 Swedish for Exchange Students: Level 4, 7.5 credits.
SVEE15 Swedish for Exchange Students: Level 5, 7.5 credits.
SVEE16 Swedish for Exchange Students: Level 6, 7.5 credits.
SVEE17 Swedish for Exchange Students: Level 7, 7.5 credits.
SVEE18 Swedish for Exchange Students: Level 8, 7.5 credits.
SVEF22 Swedish for Students with a Foreign Background: Practical Swedish Grammar, 7.5 credits.
SVEF25 Swedish for Students with a Foreign Background: Vocabulary and Oral Proficiency, 7.5 credits.
SVEF27 Written Proficiency for International Professionals and Students, 7.5 credits. (Distance course)
SVEG12 Swedish: Swedish Grammar, 7.5 credits.
SVEG16 Swedish: Swedish Language in a Societal Perspective, 7.5 credits.
SVEM42 Swedish/Scandinavian Languages: The History of Scandinavian Languages, Level 4, 7.5 credits. (Advanced level)
SVEC31 Swedish as a Second Language: Vocabulary Learning and Lexical Development in Swedish as a Second Language, 7.5 credits.
SVAA21 Swedish as a Second Language: Level 2, 15 credits.
SVAA02 Swedish as a Second Language: First level, part 2, 15 credits,
SVAA01 Swedish as a Second Language: First level, part 1, 15 credits.
Spring semester 2025
- Courses are taught in Swedish.
SUSA11 Swedish: Introductory Course for Exchange Students 1
SUSA12 Swedish: Introductory Course for Exchange Students 2
SVEE11 Swedish for Exchange Students: Level 1, 7.5 credits.
SVEE12 Swedish for Exchange Students: Level 2, 7.5 credits.
SVEE13 Swedish for Exchange Students: Level 3, 7.5 credits.
SVEE14 Swedish for Exchange Students: Level 4, 7.5 credits.
SVEE15 Swedish for Exchange Students: Level 5, 7.5 credits.
SVEE16 Swedish for Exchange Students: Level 6, 7.5 credits.
SVEE17 Swedish for Exchange Students: Level 7, 7.5 credits.
SVEE18 Swedish for Exchange Students: Level 8, 7.5 credits.
SVAA01 Swedish as a Second Language: First level, Part I, 15 credits. Distance course.
SVAA02 Swedish as a Second Language: First level, part II, 15 credits. Distance course.
SVAA22 Swedish as a Second Language: Level 2, 15 credits. Distance course.
SVAM00 Grammar and Phonology in Swedish as a First and Second Language, 7.5 credits.
SVEA50 Swedish: Political Language, Persuasion and Manipulation, 7.5 credits.
SVEF22 Swedish for Students with a Foreign Background: Practical Swedish Grammar, 7.5 credits. Distance course.
SVEF27 Written Proficiency for International Professionals and Students, 7.5 credits. Distance course.
SVEG24 Swedish: Grammatical Description and Analysis, 5 credits.
SVEG26 Swedish: History of the Swedish Language, 5 credits.
SVEG48 Language Consultancy: Language Policy and Language Planning, 7.5 credits.
Courses and programmes taught in Swedish
The Faculties of Humanities and Theology offer a large number of freestanding courses and courses within programmes that are taught in Swedish. If you find a course taught in Swedish that you wish to study and you are unable to add it to your application, please send us an email on Please note that you need to have a sufficient level of Swedish language skills to be eligible and admitted to a course.