Have you experienced an incident or an accident?
If you have experienced an incident or an accident, it should be reported. From September 16, 2024, all reports should be made through the IA system, which is a web-based system for reporting incidents and accidents.
Incident = an unwanted event or situation that could have led to health problems, illness, or accident but ended well.
Accident = an occupational disease or commuting accident that has occurred in connection with studies. It can also involve study-related ill health or occupational disease, i.e., ill health or disease that has arisen due to both physical and psychological conditions in your work environment. If you injure yourself on the way to or from the university, this is considered an accident.
Why should I report incidents? Reporting incidents is part of preventive work environment management. When you report incidents, you help prevent someone else from getting hurt.
Why should I report accidents? Your responsible parties (usually the head of department) are obliged to investigate the cause of accidents related to studies. By filling out a report, you help highlight deficiencies in the work environment, thereby contributing to preventing more accidents from occurring.
How do I do it? The procedures are available at https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/current-students/if-something-happens. Reports are made via the IA system.