The Doctoral Student Union

Doctoral studies

Lund's Doctoral Student Union (LDK) conducts its work at the HT Faculties via the Humanistic and Theological Doctoral Student Council (HTDR). HTDR's main task is to monitor doctoral student issues at the faculties and work to promote the interests of doctoral students, particularly in terms of employment conditions and the quality of doctoral education.

The Humanistic and Theological Doctoral Student Council (HTDR)

HTDR has representatives in the faculty-wide bodies (e.g. the Faculty Board and the Board for Third-Cycle Studies) as well as at departmental level. In these bodies, the doctoral student representatives have voting rights.

HTDR has four meetings per semester, to which all doctoral students at HT Faculties are welcome.

Visit Lund's Doctoral Student Union's and HTDR's web pages for more information and contact details.

The Doctoral Student Ombudsman

The Doctoral Student Ombudsman (DOMB) is employed by LDK and tasked with helping doctoral students at Lund University when they encounter challenges in their doctoral studies. Regardless of how small or serious the problem is, you can get support from the DOMB, free of charge.

Read more about the Doctoral Student Ombudsman.

The PhD Wellbeing and Career Mentor

The PhD Wellbeing and Career Mentor is a new support service specifically for doctoral students that aims to actively support wellbeing and career development of doctoral students at Lund University. The Mentor, Laura Cox, offers for example:

  • Drop ins
  • 1-1 appointments
  • Resources
  • Digital Support

The service is confidential, free of charge, and is widely available to doctoral students across Lund University. There are various in-person and remote options available, so feel free to choose whatever you feel most comfortable with. The service is adaptable based on levels of interest and need – make sure to follow updates for any major changes.

Read more or book an appointment.

You can keep up to date with the services through the Wellbeing in Academia Canvas.

Wellbeing in Academia (Canvas page)



You get extension on your doctoral employment for the time you put in as a doctoral student representative in HTDR

Page Manager: malin.sjobergkansliht.luse | 2025-03-25