Careers and internships

Careers Services at the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology

Our goal is to improve career prospects and prepare you for a successful transition from education towards the labour market in Sweden and abroad. We organise career seminars, give feedback to job applications, CV: s and help you prepare for interviews. We welcome your questions and feedback.

Careers Service

The central Careers Service at Lund University helps you prepare the transition into working life by giving seminars on the Swedish labour market, information on what recruiters are looking for and so forth.

Contact Information

Contact the Careers Coordinator to make appointments for career guidance, CV-guidance and related questions. Of course, you can also ask questions by phone or email.

Careers Coordinator
Mattias Fall
Telephone: 046-222 88 90

Visiting Address: SOL, Helgonabacken 12,
SOL:A141 A, Lund

Mailing Address: Box 201,
221 00 Lund

Start your career at Career Hub

Create a personal profile and browse internships and graduate jobs.

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