
Course 7.5 credits • SASH99

Where are we? What kind of place is Lund and Lund University? In this course you will learn more about Lund as regional city and place of higher education, about its history and its dependence on international relations and collaborations.

Study period: spring semester 2024
Type of studies: part time, 50 %, day
Study period: 2024-03-07 – 2024-05-30
Language of instruction: English

Application code: LU-71205
Eligibility: General requirements for university studies in Sweden

Application code: LU-E1007
Eligibility: General requirements for university studies in Sweden

Introductory meeting: Thursday, 7 March at 13.15 – 16.00 in LUX:B240

Teachers: David Bowling, John Hennessey, Cecilia Hildeman Sjölin, Jimmy Jönsson, Gabi Louisedotter, Björn Magnusson Staaf, Ludwig Qvarnström, Fredrik Tersmeden

Page Manager: malin.sjobergkansliht.luse | 2020-06-16