
Course 15 credits • LIVR48

Literature-Culture-Media: Swedish and Danish Literary Canons in Historical and Theoretical Perspectives

Study period: autumn semester 2023
Type of studies: part time, 50 %, day
Study period: 2023-08-28 – 2024-01-14
Language of instruction: Swedish
Application code: LU-30654
Eligibility: Successful completion of 90 ECTS credits in Scandinavian Literature, LIVK10 Comparative Literature: Level 3 - Bachelor Course, 30 credits, or the equivalent, and proficiency in Swedish, Danish or Norwegian.

Introductory meeting: Monday, 11 September at 10.15 – 12.00 in SOL:H135a

Teachers: Anders Mortensen

Comparative Literature

More about the subject, research, staff etc.

Page Manager: malin.sjobergkansliht.luse | 2020-06-16