Course 7.5 credits • LIND03
The aim of the course is to provide in-depth knowledge on how speech is generated
and perceived. The muscles of the speech apparatus and their role in speech gestures
are studied, as well as the basics of aerodynamics. Speech gestures (speech motorics)
and their aerodynamic and acoustic consequences are studied, as are the motoric and
sensory neurophysiology of speech. Articulatory methods are dealt with. In addition
there is an over-view of current theories and key concepts in research into articulation
and speech perception.
Admission Requirements
Grundläggande samt Lingvistik: Talkommunikation - fonetikens grunder (LINB01) och Lingvistik: Rösten och talet (LINC01) eller motsvarande kunskaper.
Study period:
autumn semester 2024
Type of studies:
part time, 50 %,
Study period:
2024-09-02 – 2024-10-31
Language of instruction:
Application code:
Introductory meeting: Wednesday, 9 October at 14.15 – 15.00 in SOL:L303b
How to apply?
More about the subject, research, staff etc.