
Course 7.5 credits • COSB45

Are you interested in social justice issues, civil society and mobilization, and Asia? Join us this summer and learn about how different societies across East and South-East Asia organize around a variety of issues, from human rights violations and state repression to social inequalities and contemporary lifestyle changes, and how these manifest into different types of mobilization such as pro-democracy demonstrations, youth movements, memory activism, issue focused advocacy, and even pop culture!

Study period: summer 2024
Type of studies: part time, 50 %, distance course
Study period: 2024-06-10 – 2024-08-11
Language of instruction: English
Application code: LU-S0540
Eligibility: General entry requirements and at least 30 higher education credits.
Oral and written language proficiency in English equivalent to English 6 from Swedish upper secondary school is a requirement.  International qualifications will be assessed in accordance with national guidelines. A general exemption from the requirement of proficiency in Swedish is applied.

Page Manager: malin.sjobergkansliht.luse | 2020-06-16